Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,661 to 1,680 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Sasha Kaufman letter

    Contains a letter, possibly a form letter, with envelope, signed by Sasha Kaufman in the Landsberg DP camp, addressed to UN Secretary General Trygve Lie. The letter appeals to the United Nations to help open Palestine to Jewish refugees who had suffered in Nazi concentration camps.

  2. Family activities before the Holocaust in Szeged, Hungary

    AGFA 8 logo. (color) Man walks through gate into his garden. Fade. Pető and Lengyel family members follow. Fade. Marika and János pose, flowers. He skips, Marika chases him. 01:38. Street scenes in Szeged, woman pushes carriage over cobbled sidewalk. 01:48 Pető walks towards the camera. He takes off his coat and sits on a white bench in Mora Park in Szeged. Man in uniform walks a dog. Pető smokes a cigarette. Boat in river. Smoke from factory across the river. Pető leans against wall, looking out over the river. 03:12 (black and white) CU, grass. Boy with father and farmer walk through crop...

  3. Francie Alpert papers

    The collection consists of documents and photographs regarding the Holocaust-era experiences of Francie Alpert (born Fernande Waligora), originally of Paris, France, who survived the war as a child refugee in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Documents include Francie’s clothing ration card, identification card, French passport, and resident alien’s border crossing identification card. Photographs include prints and copyprints of Francie as a child and teenager, her parents Szmul and Rose Waligora, Szmul’s father Szoel and his wife, Rose’s parents Abraham and Isza Kunigis, and Francie’s sister Janette.

  4. Gutmann family papers

    The papers consist of documents, correspondence, and photograph albums and are part of a collection documenting the experiences of Herbert Gutmann and the Gutmann family in Germany and their immigration to the United Kingdom and the United States before and during WWII.

  5. Lt. Colonel Harry E. Malcolm letter

    Consists of a handwritten eight-page draft letter by Lt. Colonel Harry E. Malcolm of the 12th Armored Division to Colonel Julien D. Saks in response to a March 1985 article in "Hellcat News." The letter concerns what Malcolm witnessed and experienced during the liberation of the Landsberg concentration camp in April 1945. Among other scenes, the letter describes Malcolm's discovery of 15-20 prisoners who had been killed by machine gun in the days prior to the liberation of the camp, an act he speculated was to silence potential witnesses to the crimes that had taken place there.

  6. Camhi and Hirtenstein families papers

    The collection consists of documents and photographs regarding the Holocaust-era experiences of Joseph and Veronika (née Hirtenstein) Camhi, along with his parents Avram and Vida Camhi, in Budapest, Hungary. The bulk of the collection consists of documents regarding Joseph, and includes diplomas, passports and other identification documents, birth and marriage certificates, and business records. There are also documents related to forced labor in Budapest and property stolen by the Gestapo in 1944. Other documents include false baptism certificates for Joseph, Veronika, and their son Janos ...

  7. List of Polish Jewish orphans

    Contains a list of Jewish orphans from Łańcut, Poland, who immigrated to Palestine with the "Tehran Children." Next to the names of the children appear names of relatives in Łańcut; names of places where they had been lodged (among them Givat Brenner, Beit Yehoshua and the religious youth village by Kfar Hassidim); and general comments. Includes a handwritten copy of a response from Rabbi Shmuel Mohilever about the rules of Mikve, which had been printed in the book "Khikre Halacha She'elot uTeshuvot" published in 1944.

  8. Schiffer family in Budapest

    János plays with a bucket of water in yard of vacation home in Viranyos in June 1932. Dressed in a suit, Ernö kicks the ball with his boy. (01:55) Nurse-maid coaxes János to walk toward the camera. (03:00) János walks up and down steps to the door of his house in Budapest, and continues water-play. (05:15) János and cousin Anni play in a trough of water. Freshly dressed, they greet a newborn baby in carriage, providing a pacifier. (08:13) At the city park, János plays ball with a small bucket and ball. (10:27) In January 1932, people in winter clothing gather in the park with babies in stro...

  9. Sgt. Thomas P. Carbone collection

    Contains ten photographs depicting scenes shortly after the liberation of the Mauthausen camp. The photographs were taken by Sgt. Thomas P. Carbone, medic with the 575th Antiaircraft Artillery, 11th Armored Division. Most photographs bear descriptions on the verso written by the photographer.

  10. Olga Shonberger collection

    The Olga Shonberger collection consists of the final letter written in Hungarian by Olga Shonberger to her brothers before she was deported from Satu Mare, Romania. Olga perished at Auschwitz concentration camp, but her two brothers survived the Holocaust. The collection also includes prewar photographs depicting Olga Shonberger and Desider Klarnann.

  11. Sidrer family papers

    Consists of photographs and documents pertaining to Liova and Zlata Sidrer, the parents of Ettie Zilber. The collection primarily documents Liova and Zlata's experiences as displaced persons living in Landsberg.

  12. Lewis Gutin photograph collection

    Collection of three black and white photographic prints with images depicting buildings being consumed by fire, behind barbed wire fence and closed gates with sign warning of typhus; two of the photos marked on verso with stamp by US Army Examiner, and handwritten caption of “Not for Publication / AEH” and “Gossezossen”; one image marked “Beyreuth” on recto across top. The photographs were taken by Staff Sgt Lewis Gutin (donor’s father) who served with the 9th Armored Engineer Battalion as Mess Sergeant. The images are unlabeled, but were possibly taken in Bergen-Belsen.

  13. Frances Potts papers

    The Frances Potts papers consists of a two page letter with an addressed envelope written by Frances G. Potts (later Frances M. Grubbs Etherington) of the American Red Cross. The letter is addressed to Captain and Mrs. O L. Grubbs, Jr. in Walla Walla, Washington and is written in English and dated May 3, 1945. The letter congratulates the couple on their pregnancy and describes her visits to the Ohrdruf concentration camp and the atrocities committed by the Nazis. The papers also includes a photograph of Frances Potts, a member of the American Red Cross, stationed in Europe in 1944 and 1945.