Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,621 to 1,640 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. George Salamon collection

    Contains three copy print photographs; one portrait of David Rotenberg (donor’s maternal grandfather), who was killed on a death march; one portrait of the donor’s parents Laszlo and Etelka Schonfeld; and a portrait of the donor and his mother in Budapest, c. 1947. George Salamon and his mother survived together in a safe house of the Swiss Embassy in Budapest, while Laszlo Schonfeld was killed while part of a forced labor battalion in Ukraine.

  2. Stephen Bass document

    Liberation document issued for Istvan [Stephen] Bass, who was born in Koszeg, Hungary in 1923 and was deported to concentration camps, and liberated in Gusen concentration camp, a subcamp of Mauthausen in Austria. Document dated June 8, 1945; entitled "Provisional identification card for civilian internee of Mauthausen," and "Ausweis - Certification."

  3. American soldiers in Paris; Louvre Palace

    From left to right: Hymie Green, his older sister Zelda Blatt (wife of Julius Blatt) and their mother Ada Green. Zelda wearing a fur coat speaks. Large ship with steam rising from its two funnels. Pans right along the dock. Hill with various buildings. Views of the sea from a boat. 01:20:33 Julius and friend talking and laughing along the edge of the boat. Julius lifts a cigar to his mouth. Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel in front of the Louvre Palace. A young girl in winter clothing leans on a stroller. A bearded man sits on a bench in the garden feeding the birds food from his pocket. Anothe...

  4. Association of Jewish engineers in Wilno, Poland (Vilnius, Lithuania) (Fond 326)

    This collection contains minutes of the meetings of the Association of Jewish Engineers in Wilno ( Vilnius), Poland and its board, lists of members and engineers according to their professional qualifications, applications for the membership and copies of their professional diplomas (1932-1939), statistical data, annual reports about association activities, correspondence with other Jewish organizations (ORT, OSE) and branches of the Association in Poland ( Kraków, Lwów), bylaws, financial documentation, and questionnaires of unemployed members of the Assosiation (1940).

  5. Oral history interview with Juliana Weiss

  6. Jewish children prepare to embark on the SS Mouzinho, 1941

    Jewish refugee children, many from internment camps in unoccupied France, gather in Portugal to embark on the SS Mouzinho for the United States. The voyage, including hundreds of Jewish refugees, was arranged by the JDC, with assistance from the United States Committee for the Care of European Children (USCOM), HICEM, OSE, and the American Friends Service Committee. 01:00:03 At a children’s colony in São Pedro do Estoril, Portugal, LS of a road before the “Colónia Balnear Infantil Do Seculo” building. Beach. Men and women direct a large group of young refugees (children and teenagers) to li...

  7. Comunidad Israelita Húngara del Uruguay Records of the Hungarian Jewish Community of Uruguay

    The Statut of the community, minutes of the Board of Directors, registration of donations, accounting books, registration of letters, alphabetical index of partners, cemetery registers, real estate, and dead persons index.

  8. Etta Teich collection

    Contains a Hebrew School report card issued to Etta Teich while a student in the Eschwege displaced persons camp.

  9. Office of Welfare Institutions I 351-12 I Amt für Wohlfahrtsanstalten I

    Selected records of the Amt für Wohlfahrtsanstalten (Office of Welfare Institutions), mostly files related to Jewish inmates, 1901-1940. Consists of correspondence, files and registers of Jewish inmates.

  10. Jürgen Stroop statement

    The Jürgen Stroop statement consists of a 14-page handwritten statement prepared by Jürgen Stroop, an SS-Gruppenführer who led the effort to repress the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in 1943. The statement, dated 26 April 1946 in Wiesbaden, Germany, includes details about the preparation and military action to suppress the uprising.

  11. Oral history interview with Judith Beker Meisel

  12. Oral history interview with Salvator Moshe

  13. Irving Fink photograph collection

    The collection includes three photographs of the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation and a photograph of US soldiers in Domazlice, Czechoslovakia. Irving Fink, who served in the United States Army, brought the photographs home with him after the war.

  14. Schiffer family life before the Holocaust

    Scenes may include Laci Czukor, Gyuri Brody (friend of Erzsébet’s with two daughters) and Sanyi Berkes and his son Andris (cousin of Ernö’s). Éva Schiffer holds her crib and walks around in her room. (01:33) János sits in his bed. (02:36) János learns how to ice skate, and skates with his father. The skating rink in City Park crowded with people, spectators from the bridge. (05:01) János and Erzsébet enter the gate to 33 Pasareti ut. (possibly the home of a great-aunt after grandfather died). CUs, women in courtyard, looking at photographs/letter with János. (06:15) János and his mother pic...

  15. Alexander Bachur law office 621-1/82 Alexander Bachur

    Office records of the Jewish lawyer, Dr. Alexander Bachur. Contains only client files.