Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,521 to 1,540 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Peter Kossowsky family papers

    Photographs, documents, German passport, letter, wedding ketubah, invitation, scrapbook, mourning book and report cards documenting the experience of Peter Kossowsky and his family.

  2. Authority for Folklore, Church and Art 363-5 Behörde für Volkstum, Kirche und Kunst

    Selected records of the Behörde für Volkstum, Kirche und Kunst (Office for Administration of Folklore, Church and Art). Records relate to admission of non-Aryans to the Adult Education Center (1934-1936), concerning Olga Cronheim and Oskar Lion; exchange of librarians by the Academic Exchange Service and dismissal of Julia Curjel from the service of the Public Bookshop (1935-1939).

  3. Tunisian Jews removing star badges

    Contains a black-and-white press photograph of Jews removing the yellow Star of David badge from their lapels, overseen by Allied soldiers, in Tunisia; "MG 97C47" [or 97647] in lower left corner of image. The verso includes a newspaper clipping adhered with caption "In a Tunisian village, Allied soldiers watch little Jewish boys taking off the yellow stars they'd been made to wear as if they were lepers.' Handwritten inscriptions in pencil on verso correct caption "Note: Jews but NOT PALESTINE or ISRAEL" as well as subjects; stamped "USED / MAR 24 1944" and multiple stickers adhered with ba...

  4. Paris sights and the Folies Bergere

    Paris street with crowds of pedestrians moving on the sidewalk. Cars drive along the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. Pans left on the crowded sidewalk. One woman speaks to two men in the street. An American soldier enters and exits a public restroom, smiling at the camera. WS of the Arc de Triomphe. 01:01:13 Julius Blatt walks towards the Arc de Triomphe as the camera pans left, tilts up, pans left and tilts back down to focus on Julius again. Julius walks across the busy street, looking at the camera as bikers and cars go past. Julius lights a cigarette with the Eiffel Tower in the background. ...

  5. "Sunday's Child"

    Contains a manuscript entitled "Sunday's Child," by Lili R. Andrieux.

  6. Creney-près-Troyes execution photograph

    Photographic print: black and white depicting members of the resistance who were executed by the Gestapo; captioned on verso “fusillés de Creney (49) / le 23 aout 1944”

  7. Oral history interview with Peter Pollak

  8. Norman R. Stupp collection

    Photograph of Dachau at liberation, from the donor's father, Norman R. Stupp, PFC, 82nd Airborne Division. The photograph depicts a pile of corpses of camp prisoners.

  9. Nazi propaganda poster

    Nazi propaganda poster entitled, "Ein fauler Trick," issued by the "Parole der Woche," a wall newspaper (Wandzeitung) published by the National Socialist Party propaganda office in Munich.

  10. Short film about Eva and György; Jewish wedding in Szeged

    Hungarian titles throughout. Stylized title for filmmaker: Pető György. “1940 - ben Kezdődött…” MS of two women (the one on the left is Eva) and a man sitting on a concrete slab smoking, and György on left, with the old Belvárosi bridge being seen in the BG. He greets the three before turning to look at the camera. A couple walks up a set of stairs next to the riverbank in Szeged (repeat). MCU of woman in dark patterned dress, smiling and talking to somebody off camera. The four reach the top of the stairs, where the car is parked, with the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas being seen in the ...

  11. Propagandaamt Lettland photograph collection

    Consists of approximately 45 photographs of atrocities at Nemmersdorf, Katyn, Fellin (Viljandi), Birzai, and elsewhere. Original German and Latvian inscriptions are included on the versos of select images. One of the images includes two stamps, "Propagandaamt Lettland, Bildstellle, Riga, Palaststr. 10" and "Foto Ernst Weber, Riga." The photographs where acquired by Eldred Erdman while serving as a medic in the European theater.

  12. Court appointed receivership matters 214-1 Gerichtsvollzieherwesen

    Selected records relating to confiscated property of Jewish deportees and emigrants and property of Roma, Polish people, and prisoners. Contains statistics and registers.

  13. Collection of documents

    Contains an identity card ("Kennkarte"), a yellow card marked on front with "J," issued to Chana Bajla Filozof, born in Łódź, Poland, on January 15, 1922; photograph of bearer affixed. Includes an "Arbeitsausweis" (worker identification card), an employment certificate of "Organisation Todt," dated circa 1944, issued to Carlo Michelutti, born 23 May 1888. Also includes an official letter printed on the stationery of "Der Oberste Kommissar in der Operationszone 'Adriatisches Küstenland'" (the commissioner of the operation zone of the Adriatic Coast), Trieste, dated April 28, 1945, regarding ...

  14. Oral history interview with Morris Pelta

  15. Oral history interview with Harry Schaire