Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,461 to 1,480 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Ruth Leipziger photograph

    Photographic print: black and white image of large group of men, women and children, the majority of whom are in costume (perhaps for Purim); inscription on verso written by Ruth Leipziger; dated New York March 23, 1939.

  2. Centro Recordatorio del Holocausto Selected records from the Holocaust Remembrance Center, Uruguay

    Testimonies of survivors in Uruguay, publications, correspondence, lists, photographs, minutes of meetings, including meetings of the General Assembly, members registers, visitor books, and financial files.

  3. Wedding canopy (chuppah) made by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

    Blue cloth with embroidered Star of David in its center with the Hebrew word "Zion" in the center and around it in Hebrew "The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride." [Jeremiah 33:11]. In the lower left, embroidered in gold is "Joint A.J.D.C. made in Palestine" in Hebrew. metal loop attached to each corner in order to spread the canopy on poles.

  4. Jewish children in Budapest; Skiing road trip; City Park

    Éva (János’s sister) plays with a shovel in City Park in summer. Excursion to the country, on a hillside. János carries the camera bag. (01:15) János, Andris Berkes, and Gyuri Quittner race each other on the park pathway and play-wrestle. Along with fathers Sandor Berkes and Emi Quittner in knickerbockers, they hike in the hills and play tag in the grass. (03:52) János, Éva, mother Erzsébet, and the nurse-maid walk along the street in Budapest. János rides a pony at the zoo. (04:30) HAS mountains and countryside. The Schiffers and relatives sit outside overlooking the mountains. (05:06) Ski...

  5. Simon Wiesenthal letter

    Consists of a letter, with envelope, addressed to James Bogle, then a professor at the University of South Carolina School of Law, by Simon Wiesenthal. The 2 December 1977 letter, on the letterhead of the Documentation Centre of the Association of Jewish Victims of the Nazi Regime (Dokumentationszentrum des Bundes Jüdischer Verfolgter des Naziregimes) includes Wiesenthal's reflections on Martin Bormann's death in 1945 and the observation that many governments were reluctant to prosecute Nazi criminals.

  6. Danon family photograph

    Photograph documenting Heskija Danon, and his brothers Major Danon and Leon Danon, Zagreb, Croatia, May 01, 1940.

  7. Landherrenschaften-Main Registry 416-1/5 Landherrenschaften-Hauptregistratu

    Selected records of the administration of the Landherrenschaften-Hauptregistratu. Records relate to general information on officials, personnel relations of the Landherrenschaft and the Amts Ritzebüttel, regulations for care services (concerning caring for Jews), the Winterhilfswerk (der NS Volkswohlfahrt), the Reichstag election and referendum on November 12, 1933, reports on staff members who did not attend the election sessions, instructions for propaganda for schoolchildren (lyrics, advertisements, headlines), referendum on the Head of State of the German Reich on 19 August 1934, politi...

  8. Photograph of a mass grave at Gardelegen

    The collection consists of a photograph depicting a mass grave of prisoners executed by being burned alive in a barn near Gardelegen, Germany. The bodies were exhumed by German civilians and reburied. The verso includes an original inscription by Harold Earl Rossiter, Sr. (1915-1984), reflecting on the sights he witnessed and the forced confrontation of local Germans tasked to inter the bodies of victims.

  9. Oral history interview with Bruno Frister

  10. Jewish Children DP Center in Kloster Indersdorf, Bavaria

    Between August 1946 and September 1948, this center served as a home for young refugees from Poland, Hungary, and Romania. Men set up a light or camera. INT, man stands, speaking, a man with glasses seated next to him. EXT of Indersdorf building. CU of sign in English and Hebrew reads “JEWISH CHILDREN DP CENTER UNRRA TEAM 182.” Children seated on grass with a female teacher, copying her hand motions. CU of the teacher leading a song with children in the BG, AJDC patch on her shoulder visible. CU of the children singing. CU of teacher singing. Children working in a garden. Girls pick beans. ...

  11. Pamphlets printed for Berlin Jewish community

    Contains two pamphlets prepared for distribution in the Berlin Jewish community in the mid-1930s. Includes one pamphlet titled "Unterstützungen und Geldgeschenke Aus dem Auslande" [receipt of support and funds from abroad], printed by Berthold Levy in 1937 on behalf of Palästina Treuhand-stelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden [PALTREU Palestine trustees for advising German Jews]. Also includes a promotional leaflet published circa 1935 for the "Palästina Nachrichten" [Palestine News], a periodical published by Ernst Köstenbaum in Berlin.

  12. Baby János in Budapest

    CUs of baby János with mother Erzsébet in patterned dress in June 1931 (7 months old) in Budapest. Baby in stroller, picked up by mother, placed on table, nurse-maid Tete hands him a toy. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  13. Robert Feinsod photographs

    The collection includes a photograph and copyprint of Robert Feinsod and Marc Shapiro, a Soviet soldier, in military uniforms.