Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,101 to 3,120 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Oral history interview with Oscar Cukierman

  2. Odessa tombstone

    Odessa tombstone of Elis Danilovici, who died on October 4, 1929. The tombstone belongs to a group of funerary stones brought to Romania during World War II by the Romanian occupation authorities of Transnistria. The Federation of Romanian Jewish Communities (FCER) found them on a train and brought them to the Giurgiucui Jewish Cemetery.

  3. Russian campaign; entertainers

    Russian campaign. Luftwaffe airplanes. Heavy bombs. Flowers and congratulations after combat mission. Scenes in the Cockpit. Tanks. Zaporizhia. Troop entertainment for US forces

  4. Deutsche Wochenschau 1945

    Moscow strikes back. Soviet propaganda recordings

  5. Resort in mountains; Family poses

    Pan of a spa town in the mountains, cafes. Views of the mountains and a stream. The village is likely Bad Gastein in Austria. 02:17 Views of a busy street. More views of the mountains and the town. A group of well-dressed people pose for the camera outside a building, one smokes a cigar. 03:36 An assembly of people in the street, likely Budapest, Gellért tér (square) 4:00 Two men sit at a table smoking on board a ship, a man in uniform (perhaps the captain) climbs the stairs and waves to the camera.) Views of the deck of the ship, people walk towards the camera. 4:46 Three young girls exit ...

  6. Henryk Chęciński photograph collection

    The collection contains 45 photographs taken by amateur photographer Henryk Chęciński in Nazi-occupied Warsaw, Poland, circa 1939-1940. Subjects include bombed buildings, makeshift graves, German soldiers, Polish soldiers, German soldiers marching groups of Jewish men in the street, three hanging men in front of a crowd, and people in the street.

  7. Erich Manfred Hassberg collection

    Contains a "Deutsches Reich Reisepass" issued to Erich Manfred Hassberg (donor's father) on September 17, 1938 in Vienna, Austria; black and white photo of bearer affixed on page 2, red ink "J" stamped on first page; slip of paper regarding baggage inserted between pages 22-23. Also contains a document confirming that Erich Hassberg completed a bookkeeping course in Vienna, Austria, dated May 11, 1938; and a typewritten letter, in English, addressed to Gertrud Hassberg (donor's grandmother), from "Fred" in Prague, dated August 5, 1945.

  8. UNRRA selected records AG-018-028 : Switzerland Mission

    Selected files of the Switzerland Mission (S-1405), 1944-1949: Records include statistics, correspondence, files of displaced persons, lists of children, offers of temporary asylum for children, movement of children to Switzerland, Red Cross actions and personal inquires requesting tracing of individuals, as well as reports on activities of the UN relating to refugees and displaced persons.

  9. Handbook

    Home health care manual given and inscribed to Marianne Schüler by Martin Gerson, a pioneer in the Hachshara movement, who knew her when she was in Gut Winkel, a Zionist youth camp in Germany. Martin Gerson did not survive the war. Marianne emigrated to the Dominican Republic in 1940.

  10. German army, Winter 1941

    Agfa 8. Winter of 1941. Wehrmacht, probably in Russia. Bunker, sawing wood, sleigh

  11. Laying of the cornerstone at the De Rijp condensed milk factory owned by Dutch Jews

    Slow pan of a city on a waterway; tree-lined banks and steepled buildings; extended views of the flatlands across the water from town, including a windmill and people working in the fields; 01:01:17 detailed views of the edifices of various buildings in the town of De Rijp, and of a canal, taken from an upstairs window; 01:02:56 Slow pan of a smokestack and chimney emanating steam; surrounding houses and industrial buildings; the sign on one building reads "De Beemster" at Tuingracht 32; 01:05:09 A man drives a horse-drawn cart carrying metal milk canisters; the interior workings of the mil...

  12. Dina Wizmur photograph collection

    Contains a photograph of Maria Firestein Insler and Edward (Meitek) Insler.

  13. Samuel Chalupovitsch diary

    The collection consists of a diary kept by Samuel Chalupovitsch while he was in the Finnish Army fighting the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front during the Continuation War. The diary covers 1942-1943 and is written in Swedish. Topics include daily life in the military, universal human values, the progress of the war, and his observance of mitzvot. Collection includes English translation.

  14. Dr. Samuel Lipsett photograph collection

    Collection of photographs documenting victims in the Ohrdruf concentration camp shortly after liberation; brought home from WWII by Dr. Samuel Lipsett (donor's father) who was a Captain in the US Army.

  15. Harry Lee photograph collection

    Contains photographs depicting post-liberation Dachau concentration camp in Germany. The images belonged to Private Harry Lee, US Army 7th Armored Division (donor's step-grandfather). Images depict open train cars containing victims, and others wearing concentration camp uniforms moving the deceased; labled on verso in English.

  16. Mandel family papers

    The Mandel family papers include biographical material, restitution files, photographs, and family documents relating to Yehuda Mandel and his family’s experiences pre-war in Latvia and Hungary, their flight from Budapest, immigration to the United States, and their post-war life in America. A large portion of the collection includes materials relating to Yehuda’s Cantorial career including music, education records, programs, newspaper clippings, awards, speeches, and documents relating to various conventions and organizations.

  17. Josef and Ruth Rosenberg papers

    The collection primarily documents the post-war experiences of Josef and Ruth Rosenberg, both of whom were from Poland, interned in the Łódź ghetto, and liberated from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp where they met and later married. The collection includes identification papers, immigration documents, restitution claims paperwork, and photographs taken at Bergen-Belsen from 1945-1947 along with some pre-war family photographs. The biographical materials include identification papers and immigration documents that both reflect their status as stateless refugees. The restitution claims ...

  18. Hitlertag in Munich; groundbreaking of the House of German Arts

    KODAK. “Hitlertag in Muenchen Juli 1932.” Soldiers march through Munich, spectators, some doing the Nazi salute. Another view. The soldiers raise their arms in salute. Hitler stands on platform, his arm outstretched in salute, beside Ernest Rohm. 10:01:35 Heinrich Himmler, the SS Reichsfuehrer. “Kesselbergrennen 1932” 10:02:14 “Grunsteinlegung zum ‘Haus der Deustchen Kunst' 15 Oktober 1933” [Groundbreaking for the House of the German Arts in Munich] Huge crowds of spectators watch from stands. At the center of the square, soldiers stand in formation. Nazi flags. 10:03:09 Nazi official speak...

  19. US Buy War Bonds poster depicting the Statue of Liberty

    American war bond poster printed in 1945, featuring a clenched fist holding war bonds superimposed in front of the Statue of Liberty’s arm and torch. The symbolism of the image implies that purchasing war bonds was a way the public could support and protect American liberty, represented by the Statue of Liberty’s torch, which is also the lone light in the night sky. The United States Government offered the public the opportunity to purchase war bonds, and return them for reimbursement at a later date. Purchasing bonds was considered patriotic and an investment in victory. U.S. posters tende...

  20. Ajlkichen and Fleichaker families papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of the Ajlkichen family of Brussels, Belgium, including the efforts of Kiwa Ajlkichen and his wife, Tcharna Fleichaker, to hide their children Roza and François, and the deportation of their daughter, Dora, in 1942 and her murder at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Documents include identification papers, a Polish passport, correspondence, a family book, a personal narrative describing Roza’s experiences, and material related to the family’s effort to learn the fate of Dora. Photographs include prewar family photographs of the Ajlkiche...