Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,161 to 2,180 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Selected records of the City Aleksandrów Akta Miasta Aleksandrowa (Sygn. 2133) : Wybrane materialy

    Records of the City Aleksandrów, Poland. Consists of documents of the permanent population of the city of Aleksandrów, like as: lists of properties along with the ethnic division (1937-1939), statistics and reports on industry and commerce in the city, lists of companies in the city, including their Jewish owners; population books; passports and IDs (1926-1931), the census of 1931, files of issued ID cards (1929-1939), applications for the personal ID with photographs (1933-1939), registration books (1915-1932), documents regarding the Jewish community and execution of taxes, reports on rel...

  2. Kurt and Hennie Reiner papers

    The collection includes documents, correspondence, and photographs regarding the Holocaust experiences of Kurt and Hennie Reiner of Vienna, Austria including their emigration from Vienna in 1939 into Milan, Italy and Marseille, France; Kurt’s internment at Les Milles; and their immigration to the United States in 1940. Biographical material includes identification papers of Kurt and Hennie Reiner, Kurt’s grades at the technical school of Vienna, papers related to his employment in the United States, and a copy of the their marriage certificate. Also included is a small amount of paperwork r...

  3. Francis E. Kratz photograph collection

    Contains two photographs of the massacre at Gardelegen, Germany, taken shortly after the event on April 13, 1945. Both images depict victims who were murdered in a barn set on fire by Nazi guards. The photographs belonged to the donor’s father, Francis E. Kratz who was part of the US Army’s 3258th Signal Service Company and was stationed in Europe after December 17, 1944.

  4. Henry Eisenman collection

    The Henry Eisenman collection includes sheet music related to the work of composer and musician Henry Eisenman. The collection includes the score and parts for "Hebrew Rhapsody" (alternative title, "Jewish Rhapsody") by Eisenman, which was part of the repertoire of Henry Baigelman's jazz band, "The Happy Boys," while touring displaced persons camps after the Holocaust. The collection also includes sheet music and arrangements for "Balet [sic] Suite No. 1," “Bess You is My Woman” from Porgy and Bess, “The Canary’s Escape,” “Flameco [sic],” “Funeral March,” “I Apologize,” “Lolita (Spanish Ser...

  5. British Paramount Newsreel (Reuters) -- American Jewish Congress elections

    Posters for the American Jewish Congress Elections on June 25,26,27 - "Register in Defense of Jewish Rights!" "Vote for Justice and Equality to Jews". People queue outdoors and place ballots in boxes "Vote Here". INTs, synagogue, group of people reviewing ballots at a table, CUs. Crowds outdoors on a busy street, man delivers speech from vehicle, banner on automobile: "Stand Up to be Counted... Hitlerism". Elderly couples place ballots in box. INTs, women speaking German gather around radio, read newspapers. CU, Rabbi Stephen Wise, "American Jews are resolved, together with all other racial...

  6. Max Webb photograph collection

    The collection primariy consists of original photographs and copy-prints of the Münchberg displaced persons camp. The bulk of the photographs depict a funeral and re-interment ceremony in 1946 for women who perished between the Helmbrechts subcamp of Flossenbürg and Münchberg on the death march that originated from the Schlesiersee subcamp of Gross-Rosen in January 1945 and terminated in Volary (Volary, Czech Republic) in May 1945. They were initially buried by area farmers in or near Münchberg. The ceremony was attended by DP camp refugees, American military service members, and members of...

  7. Selected records of the Voivodship Office of Warsaw Urząd Wojewódzki Warszawski (Sygn. 500) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected records of various departments of the Voivodship Office of Warsaw: the Technical Department: records relating to the Treblinka camp measurements; the Department of War Compensation: registration of war damages, lists of losses, testimonies of witnesses; the Department of Reconstruction: materials related to war damage (lists, correspondence, graves and war cemeteries, exhumations, list of assets abandoned in Węgrów); the Social-Political Department: materials regarding the Jewish religious congregation and Jewish organizations from the Warsaw region.

  8. High Court of Justice Haute Cour de justice (3W)

    Consists of speeches, sentences, witness lists, reports, trial proceedings, telegrams, correspondence, interrogations, and a sentence ledger documenting the High Court of Justice, which was specifically created by decree of the French Ministry of Justice of the Provisional Government of the French Republic on November 18, 1944 to try persons who were a part of the government of Vichy from June 1940 to August 1944. Tried persons included the Chief of State, the Prime Minister and his cabinet ministers, Resident Generals in the protectorates, Governor Generals, and High Commissioners. The ori...

  9. LTC John V. Riche collection

    Contains photographs documenting the D-Day invasion of France by Allied forces; the liberation of a concentration camp; and the execution of a German spy. Includes an essay titled "Sixty-Five Years of Service: My Military Experience."

  10. Selected records of the Amtsgericht Mielau Sąd Obwodowy w Mławie (Sygn. 646) : Wybrane materialy

    A criminal case of Poles and Jews accused of illegal trade. They were sentenced to fines and prison.

  11. Margosis family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Isaac Margosis and his wife Schendel Brotman who fled Brussels, Belgium with their children Anna, Willy, and Michel in 1940. Included are letters to Isaac and Schendel, living as refugees in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, from Anna and Willy in Barcelona, Spain (1944) and Palestine (1944-1948); correspondence and writings regarding Isaac’s journalism career; identification papers including Schendel’s Persian (Iran) passport and refugee IDs from Caldas da Rainha; correspondence related to family history; and restitution paperwork.

  12. Oral history interview with Fred Heyman

  13. Obschatko family papers

    Photographs of the people gathered at the Monument of Remembrance for the Victims of the Shoa, Argentina.

  14. Ellen Kaufmann Boucher papers

    The Ellen Kaufmann Boucher papers include Holocaust-era and postwar correspondence addressed to Ellen in the United States from family and friends in Europe, the memoir Ellen drafted between 1988 and her death, prewar and wartime photographs of her family in Mainz, Germany, and a transcript of an interview she gave in 1995. Holocaust-era letters are addressed to Ellen primarily from her parents and sister Marianne in Mainz and relates family news and good wishes. A letter from a friend of Marianne’s in Montevideo describes an opportunity for Marianne to immigrate to Uruguay. A letter from a...

  15. Selected records of the Prison in Sieradz Więzienie w Sieradzu (Sygn.199) : Wybrane materialy

    A daily calendar from January 17, 1923 to November 7, 1928 with the names and surnames of prisoners admitted and released, a list of prisoners (prisoner category and penalties); personal files with information related to an admission order, a prisoner's description, a visit permit, an exemption order, petitions and complaints, reasons for conviction, like as: propagating communism, pedophilia, pimping, theft.

  16. Anti-Bolshevik propaganda poster

    Antisemitic poster; "Minden a miénk!" [Everything is ours!]; dated circa 1919-1920

  17. Kruger family collection

    Contains letters from Kolomyia, Vienna, and elsewhere, primarily dated 1938, including several addressed to Moritz Fahnin Brooklyn, NY.

  18. Ostwald family collection

    The Ostwald family collection consists of biographical materials, correspondence, diaries and memoirs, photographs, photo albums, and negatives related to the Ostwald family of Dortmund, Germany; the Strauss family; the Tendlau family; and the Weinberg family. The biographical materials series includes genealogy materials, family trees, and research files regarding various branches of the Ostwald family. The file on August Niemeyer (1887-1938), Martin Ostwald’s favorite Latin teacher, includes Niemeyer’s obituary and copy prints of the Dortmund school Martin attended. Materials relating to ...

  19. Archive of the City of Moravské Budějovice Archiv města Moravské Budějovice

    City administrative records, registers of employees, registers of livestock, death books, correspondence; included are decrees against Jews and records of the expropriation and aryanization of Jewish properties in Moravské Budějovice (German: Mährisch Budwitz).

  20. Albert Cohen letter

    The Albert Cohen letter was written by Albert Cohen, while he was serving in the United States Army in Europe during World War II. The letter and envelope are addressed to Cohen’s mother, Estelle Cohen, in Milwaukee, April 26, 1945. The letter describes Cohen’s experiences at the Buchenwald concentration camp shorty after it was liberated.