Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 381 to 400 of 1,615
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Documentation of various institutions in Mogilev, 1939-1945

    Documentation of various institutions in Mogilev, 1939-1945 Varied documentation, including among others: correspondence with various government organizations in the city of Mogilev, protocols of meetings regarding a pension for bereaved families, requests by residents to receive heating wood, lists of workers, and announcements regarding the payment of salaries.

  2. Files of Jewish businesses, from the Devisenstelle (Foreign Currency Department) of the Oberfinanzdirektion Nürnberg

    Files of Jewish businesses, from the Devisenstelle (Foreign Currency Department) of the Oberfinanzdirektion Nürnberg

  3. M.37 - Documentation from the Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine, 1941-1977

    M.37 - Documentation from the Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine, 1941-1977 There are files in the collection which were selected from among the 60 records groups in the Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine. Previously, the Central Archive was known as the Party Archive of the Institute for the History of the Communist Party in Ukraine (the Institute was a branch of the Tsentralny Komitet Komunisticheskoy Partiy Ukrainy [Ukrainian Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Communist Party]). Until 1989, foreign researchers were not given access to the A...

  4. Heinz Prossnitz Collection

    Heinz Prossnitz Collection Heinz Prossnitz was born in Czechoslovakia in 1926. Following the German occupation of Czechia and Moravia in March 1939, Heinz joined the Maccabi Hatzair movement in Prague. His "Forbearance" group numbered ten members and it was led by Fredy Hirsch, who was much admired among the Jewish youth in the Protectorate. During the 1940/1941 school year Heinz studied in the Jugend-Aliya [Youth Aliyah] school, which prepared pupils for aliya to Eretz Israel and was therefore permitted by the German authorities. The school was closed in summer 1941 and the situation of th...

  5. Documentation regarding students and lecturers at the Belorussian State College of Education in Mogilev, 1939-1941

    Documentation regarding students and lecturers at the Belorussian State College of Education in Mogilev, 1939-1941 Included in the collection is documentation regarding the acceptance and dismissal of workers at the college, personal files of the lecturers and students, and lists of workers and students.

  6. Documentation of the Kinderlandverschickung (Children's Land Evacuation) campaign of Hamburg

    Documentation of the Kinderlandverschickung (Children's Land Evacuation) campaign of Hamburg

  7. Service Européen de Recherches (SER– European Search Service) card catalogue from France, for searching for relatives, 1940-1946

    Service Européen de Recherches (SER– European Search Service) card catalogue from France, for searching for relatives, 1940-1946 The following details appear in the card catalogue: The name being searched; place and date of birth; nationality; parents' names; profession; date of residence in France and last address; as well as date of arrest or deportation and deportation destination.

  8. O.41.1 - Names of victims on memorial tablets and ritual objects in synagogues and study halls in Israel

    O.41.1 - Names of victims on memorial tablets and ritual objects in synagogues and study halls in Israel

  9. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Gesher

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Gesher Material from the personal file of Holocaust survivor Dorit Peles (photocopy): 1. Her story regarding the uprising activity in Brzezinka [Birkenau] camp in Auschwitz; 2. "Escape from the Auschwitz railroad station"; 3. "Kol Nidrei": Letter written as a story to Rucheleh, by Yot.-Bet (Y. T. B.) [Yona Tussia Bouchan]; 4. Letters from Sweden and Cyprus (Hungarian, Hebrew and Yiddish); Booklet: "Yaakov Mandel: His experiences", Kibbutz Ge...

  10. O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany

    O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany The Collection includes reports regarding the Stimmungsberichte (atmosphere; mood) among the members of SD units, the Gestapo, the Nazi Party and local authorities throughout Germany. The reports in which there is information regarding the Jews served as the basis for the book, "Die Juden in den geheimen NS-Stimmungsberichten 1933-1945" (The Jews in the Secret Nazi Atmosphere Reports, 1933-1945), Kulka, Otto Dov and Jäckel, Eberhard, eds., Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2004. Professor Dov Otto Kulka submitted cop...

  11. M.40 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Central Archives in Moscow, 1939-1945

    M.40 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Central Archives in Moscow, 1939-1945 Official documentation from the Archives in Moscow, not including documentation from the State Archive of the Russian Federation which is located in a separate Records Group: Yad Vashem Archives M.46. Records Group M.40 is divided into subsections according to the archive of origin from which the documentation was selected. There are three subsections in the Collection: - M.40MAP - Documentation from the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense; - M.40.RCM - Documentation from the Russian S...

  12. M.52.NMIUuDSV - Documentation of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War in Kyiv

    M.52.NMIUuDSV - Documentation from the National Museum of the History of Ukraine during World War II in Kyiv History of the Archives: The idea regarding the establishment of a Museum of the History of World War II was born already in 1943 but its construction was delayed until the 1970s. An important stage on the way to the establishment of the museum was an exhibition held in April 1946, called "The Ukrainian Partisans' Struggle against the Nazi Occupiers". In early 1950 the documentation from the exhibition was transferred to the State Historical Museum, and in 1970 a team for the establi...

  13. Documentation of the Jewish community in Cernauti, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Jewish community in Cernauti, 1941-1944 Included in the collection is documentation of the Centrala Evreilor din Romania (Jewish Center in Romania) in Cernauti, including: - List of names of Jews; - Request by the Jewish community to cancel the transfer of Jews to forced labor and to receive work permits; - Information regarding sending help to the Transnistria area; - Lists with names of senders and receivers of banking securities from cities in the region of Balta and Mogilev Podolski; - Request to receive help by the Jew, Alfred Sigal, referred to the administration ...

  14. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Sokolka, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Sokolka, 1939-1941 The Collection includes protocols from District Committee meetings; reports of the District Committee to the Communist Party Regional Committee; documentation of the General Assembly; information, lists and statistical reports regarding workers and various institutions and factories in the District; list of candidates for Mayor of Sokolka; reports of the NKVD and the Police regarding the political situation among the local population; unusual events and other topics.

  15. Newspaper clippings, documents and photographs from the Belorussian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War History in Minsk, Belorussia, 1943-1944

    Newspaper clippings, documents and photographs from the Belorussian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War History in Minsk, Belorussia, 1943-1944 Included are the "Mstitel", "Krasny Partizan", "Put Partizana" and "Smert Fashizmu" publications, and newspapers written by hand by partisans from the Chkalov, Chapayev, Ponomarenko, Kutuzov and Voronenskiy partisans detachments active in the Baranovichi, Mogilev, Minsk and Gomel regions, 1943-1944; propaganda material, cartoons, partisans songs and poetry, and a book written in honor of the partisans who were members of the VLKSM ("Lenin Youth ...

  16. Documentation of the University of Hamburg

    Documentation of the University of Hamburg

  17. Collection of Dr. Hans Max Hirschfeld, secretary of the Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture departments in the Netherlands, 1940-1941

    Collection of Dr. Hans Max Hirschfeld, secretary of the Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture departments in the Netherlands, 1940-1941 Collection that documents the administration of the Dutch economy by the Germans and the attitude toward the Jews in that context in 1940-1941; Included in the collection: Circulars, correspondence and protocols of meetings of the Departement van Binnenlandsche Zaken in The Hague, regarding the dismissal of Jews from public positions, examination of the Aryan origin of clerks, and reports regarding the status of the Jews in the Dutch economy and in t...

  18. Devisenreferat Collection: Foreign Exchange Department of the Hauptabteilung Wirtschaft (Economics Department) in The Hague, 1940-1942

    Devisenreferat Collection: Foreign Exchange Department of the Hauptabteilung Wirtschaft (Economics Department) in The Hague, 1940-1942 In the collection: Documents of the Deviseninstitut (Foreign Exchange Institute), in The Hague, from 1941, under the direction of Bauditz, regarding the assets of Jews who emigrated or are asking to emigrate from the Netherlands; letters written by Wimmer, Rauter, Calmeyer, Seyss Inquart and others, regarding the legal status of Dutch Jews during the German occupation, 1942-1944; correspondence regarding the Aryanization of Jewish companies in the Netherland...

  19. Documentation of the Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk, Abteilung Fluechtlingshilfe (Swiss Workers' Social-Welfare Organization, Department for Refugees Relief), regarding refugees and emigrants from Germany

    Documentation of the Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk, Abteilung Fluechtlingshilfe (Swiss Workers' Social-Welfare Organization, Department for Refugees Relief), regarding refugees and emigrants from Germany Reports from the regional relief organizations and the directors of camps and residences of the Schweizerisches Arbeiter-Hilfswerk, Abteilung Fluechtlingshilfe (Swiss workers' social-welfare organization, Department for refugees relief), regarding the refugees' recreational activities including detailed reports from several refugee camps and residences concerning lectures and cultural ...