Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,701 to 1,720 of 2,003
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Correspondence re Der Stürmer

  2. Copy papers re Paul Dickopf

    This collection consists of copy papers which document the life and career of Paul Dickopf, formerly SS Unterscharfführer, and later head of Interpol. The papers consist of copy records of Dickopf's war-time career including items such as his cv, written in his own hand, and evidence on wanted lists of the Reichskriminalpolizeiamt that he was sought by the Nazi authorities.

  3. Conditions in Germany: Reports

    The reports provide an insight into the general conditions which obtained in Germany in the early 1940s.

  4. Papers re Nazi survivors

    This microfilm collection of papers consists mainly of lists of names of Nazis who survived the war, many of whom were still alive at the time of deposit, c1975. Included is correspondence between the depositor/ creator and various institutions re further information on former Nazis

  5. Notice re exhibition of healing methods of nature, Dresden

    Mimeographed notice re exhibition on the healing methods of nature at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Dresden 

  6. Magdeburg Synagogue: concert programma

  7. Report re situation of Jews in Germany

    Report of the situation of Jews in Germany and a prognosis of their fate, predicting that worse is to come, and that there will be no warEnglish Annotated on the front ‘Private and Confidential and on the back ‘Laski' 

  8. Fernbach family documents

    A short play written to celebrate the marriage of Eugen and Ida Fernbach forms the beginning of this history of the family which Eugen Fernbach continued to write until shortly before his death in 1936. A few additional entries by Hans Rainer Fernbach, his grandson, cover some events in later years. At the end of the chronicle there is the life story of his son, Wolfgang, a few newspaper cuttings and an itinerary of all voyages undertaken by Eugen and Ida Fernbach. A few family documents complete the collection. The chronicle is a quite detailed description of a well-to-do, though not rel...

  9. Harry Ralton collection

    The archive contains the personal and business papers of Harry Ralton. The latter concern Harry’s firm the Arcadia Music Publishing Co. There is also an extensive collection of his sheet music published in interwar Germany and in the UK in the 1940s and 1950s. In addition there are two folders of letters addressing Harry’s attempts to help his mother escape Germany, Harry's life and career in the UK, post-war conditions and the fates of friends under the Nazis. Prominent correspondents include Herbert Sandberg, Harry’s cousin and conductor of the Royal Swedish Opera, and the journalist and...

  10. Reichskommisar fuer die Besetzten Niederlaendischen Gebiete: Letter re paintings

    Copy letter from the Reichskommissar für die besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete to Dr Lammers concerning acquisition of paintings at a low price in HollandGerman 

  11. Bernhard Baer: A biographical account

    Biographical notes on Bernhard Baer. The notes provide details of his life, born into a German Jewish family in Berlin in 1905, and trace his experiences through the First World War and its aftermath, his escape from Nazi persecution to England in 1938 and his subsequent career as an expert in colour printing and a publisher of artists' graphic work.English Typescript 24 pagesThe account was written in note form shortly after the subject's death in 1983. It is divided into two parts: the first covering the years 1905-1948; and the second 1949-1983.

  12. Dr Walter Manfred Bergmann: Family papers

    This collection of papers consists of correspondence from the Reichsärztekammer and government regulations relating to the aryanisation of the medical profession in Nazi Germany. In addition the collection contains identity cards for Walter Bergmann, his wife and two young children which carry the distinctive 'J' designating their Jewish ethnicity.

  13. Reichsminister Lammers: Letter re the events of 20 July 1944

    Confidential circular letter to the leading government officials from Dr Lammers, Reichsminister and Chef der Reichskanzlei, regarding the Nazi government’s public treatment of the bomb plot of 20 July 1944  

  14. George Donath collection