Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,681 to 1,700 of 2,003
Country: United Kingdom
  1. American Friends Service Committee: Refugee hostel papers

    This collection comprises copy material relating to refugee hostels founded by the American Friends Service Committee.

  2. Interviews with German generals - not dated

    This undated copy typescript account was apparently written by a German female stenographer working in Paris for the US Historical section. Her narrative describes visits to 'Le Petit Chesnay' and later Hennemont Castle where German generals (eg von Lüttwitz, Schramm, Bayerlein) were held captive. She describes the atmosphere and gives an account of Schramm's report.

  3. Various eyewitness statements

    A collection of eyewitness statements pertaining variously to war crimes in and experiences of Auschwitz; experiences  and condititons in Terezin; experience of a Christian anti-Nazi school teacher during the Third Reich

  4. Jews in Brazil: various papers

    Letters and reports which document the situation of Jews in Brazil in the 1930s.

  5. Ernst Kramer personal papers

    Personal papers and correspondence of Arnost and Eva Kramer

  6. Book of Mourning dedicated to Benny Michaelson

    Book of Mourning dedicated to Benny Michaelson who died 29 May 1919 

  7. Kurt Sabatsky: reports on leading Nazis and incidents of Jewish persecution

    This collection consists of typescript reports about individual Nazis and accounts of incidents of Jewish persecution. Many of the reports are written in the first person. In the last report (-/23), an account of the author's dealings with Erich Koch, formerly Gauleiter of Ostpreussen, the author reveals his identity - Kurt Sabatsky, formerly District Syndicus of the Centralverein Deutscher Staatsbürger Jüdischen Glaubens, who later worked for the Wiener Library. At -/13 is a report of a meeting between Hermann Göring, then head of the Gestapo, and Brodnitz and Alfred Wiener, representative...

  8. Anita Lasker-Wallfisch: Correspondence and papers

    Post-World War II papers and correspondence from Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, one of the last survivors of the women's orchestra of Auschwitz concentration camp.Includes correspondence and press cuttings relating to the Holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in 2000 (1661/1) as well as correspondence with Gisela Langensee regarding her biographical account entitled 'Teschuwa' (1661/2) and Lasker-Wallfisch's publication 'Ihr sollt die Wahrheit erben' (1661/3). Also includes a copy of a speech held before a concert at Wigmore Hall, London on 8 November [?] (1661/4). English German

  9. Isaac Levy collection

    Material includes reports and other documentation regarding the fate of Jewish displaced persons in Occupied Germany

  10. Mrs Inge Samson: Diaries

    These diaries are written in a manuscript gothic script. The first part covers life in Germany and the second life in Great Britain.

  11. Albert Steiner: Extracts from Terezin diary

    Excerpts of a diary kept by Albert Steiner during his time at Terezin (Theresienstadt) ghetto (1667/1) and family photograph (1667/2).

  12. Josef (Sepp) Dietrich and Michael Lippert: Copy Trial verdict

    Josef (Sepp) Dietrich and Michael Lippert: Copy trial verdict 

  13. Otto Gross collection

    Paperts re World War One experience

  14. Miscellaneous eyewitness testimonies

    This set of testimonies was discovered amongst the papers of the Wiener Library. Part of them (listed at 1619/21) are duplicates of testimonies already catalogued in Testaments to the Holocaust. The remainder (1619/1-20) were for some inexplicable reason left out of the original collection. Whilst they have been allocated reference numbers the catalogue frontispiece is absent and there is no evidence that the content has been authenticated.

  15. Gossels family: Copy correspondence

    Collection of correspondence between members of the Gossels family who emigrated to Holland during the Second World War and certificates of incarceration at Auschwitz concentration camp for the parents Sally and Malchen Gossels (1662/1).

  16. German Post World War Two Radio broadcast transcripts

    German Post World War Two Radio broadcast transcripts 

  17. Reichsminister des Innern: List of the addresses of Nazi officials

    List of addresses of the main Nazi government officials produced by the Reichsminister des Innern, marked ‘Secret' 

  18. Emigration to Palestine: leaflet re costs