Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 241 to 260 of 747
Country: Belgium
  1. Kluizen - Coffres-forts. Collection

    This collection consists of the bank vaults which were not claimed by their original owners post-war. The owners were both Jewish and non-Jewish war victims or refugees who did not return to Belgium. The vaults do not contain any valuables, but documents including securities and personal documents, family photos, and objects such as cutlery, photo cameras and tableware. This collection is not accessible to third parties. Relatives who might be entitled to the content of one of the vaults are requested to contact

  2. Josef Blitz. Collection

    This collection contains digitised copies of birth certificates, xerox of documents provided by the Auschwitz State Museum concerning Josef Blitz, certificates of repatriation (with pictures of Josef Blitz) and class pictures taken at Jesode Hatorah in Antwerp.

  3. Royaume de Belgique - Album photographique de Membres des services de Police allemands et de suspects de Crimes de Guerre. Collection

    This item contains lists and portraits, when available, of German staff members and Belgian collaborators working for the Sicherheitspolizei und Sicherheitsdienst (Sipo-SD) and the Geheime Feldpolizei (GFP) in Brussels. The lists consist of the name and place and/or date of birth of a suspect, and his or her position in the organisation.

  4. Karwasser-Higierowicz family. Collection.

    This collection contains Srul Karwasser and Chaja Higierowicz's membership cards of "Association des Anciens Detenus de Malines" (Association of former detainees of the Dossin barracks) ; two postwar ID cards with portraits of Srul Karwasser and his wife Chaja Higierowicz ; two pictures of an unidentified child, presumably their daughter Ida Zylvia Karwasser.

  5. Anysz family. Collection

    Picture of the Anysz family in Warsaw, Poland. Left to right : Joseph Anysz, unidentified grandparent, Isy (Isaac) Anysz, Jacob Anysz and his wife Sophia Lindner.

  6. Nat Neujean. Collection.

    Pictures of the artist Nat Neujean while sculpting ; some of Nat Neujean's early works of art (statues and bronze sculptures); pictures of family members and friends of Nat Neujean, some of whom were members of the armed resistance.

  7. Manelewitsh-Zarwanitzer family. Collection

    Marriage booklet ("Familienstammbuch") of Nuta Manelewitsh and Chana Zarwanitzer ; German passport ("Fremdenpass") of Chana Zarwanitzer ; three prisoner ID plaques, worn by the detainees at the Dossin barracks, for transport XXIIA and XXVII ; two certificates of release from the Dossin barracks for Nuta Manelewitsh and Chana Zarnawitzer, signed on 5 September 1944 ; postwar political prisoner beneficiary IDs for Nochem alias Norbert Manelewitsh and Chana Zarwanitzer ; postwar membership card of the Association of former prisoners of the Dossin barracks (L'Association des Anciens Détenus de ...

  8. Sephiha-Eskenazi family. Collection

    Testimony of Germaine Sephiha on the role played by the Turkish government and the Turkish consul regarding the persecution of the Jews in Belgium, and on the exchange of Turkish detainees at Ravensbrück for German prisoners of war ; two booklets containing wartime and postwar song lyrics and poems related to the Second World War and life in concentration camps ; two postwar Turkish passports of Esther Eskenazi ; the marriage booklet of Nessim David Sephiha and Esther Eskenazi, signed in Levallois-Perret in 1914 ; two postwar political prisoner IDs of Esther Eskenazi ; sheet music of the so...

  9. Alexandre Stein. Collection

    This collection contains correspondence between Alexandre Stein, the Anglo-Palestine Bank in Tel Aviv and the Barclays Bank in London regarding deposits and bank accounts ; three shares of the Erez Israel (Palestine) Foundation Fund ; a share in the Palestine Theater in Tel Aviv.

  10. Johannes Frank. Collection

    The collection contains pages from the Frank family photo album ; pictures of the Frank family showing family life before, during and after the war ; pictures of Johannes Frank, Dossin barracks camp commander, in SS uniform, in Belgium and France ; pictures of Johannes Frank as a policeman ; newspaper articles regarding the Holocaust commemoration work done by Achim Frank.

  11. Chemd-Baum family. Collection

    This collection contains six photos and two documents of Maurice Baum, of violonist Isaac Salomon Chamd and of the Chemd-Baum family.

  12. Sadowski-Brawerman family. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of Joseph Sadowski and Ida Brawerman, parents of the donor ; a postwar testimony from a fellow prisoner of Ida Brawerman regarding her last sighting in the Beendorf concentration camp ; an administrative document regarding German postwar payments to the Sadowski family ; a letter from Anna Sadowski to “Sinterklaas”, asking for specific gifts at the traditional children's feast on 6 December, written on paper with the letterhead of her parents’ company ; photocopies of documents regarding the deportation of Joseph Sadowski and Ida Brawerman, the originals sto...

  13. Testimony of Mathilda "Mami" Pfaff, Manoesj (Sinti). Collection

    Testimony of Manousj (Sinti) woman Mathilda Pfaff, published in magazine "Wereldwijd" in 1988 ; notes provided by her relative Hendrik Bohets (only available at the Kazerne Dossin documentation center).

  14. Nathan Goldman and Jenta Niechcicki. Collection

    Group picture of the children attending school at the catholic institute run by the Sisters of Mercy in Heverlee, where Nathan Goldman was hidden.

  15. Papierbuch-Oppenheimer family. Collection

    This collection contains photocopies of the following documents : marriage certificate of Nachman Papierbuch and Ruth Oppenheimer ; membership forms of the Jewish Association of Belgium (Association des Juifs en Belgique, AJB) ; receipts of financial donations to charity ; letter confirming Nachman Papierbuch’s membership of the Free Diamond trade ; postwar certificate confirming the hiding of Ruth Oppenheimer, her son José and other family members including Félicie Gruszow at Petit-Han ; certificate signed by moving company Arthur Pierre confirming the clearing out of the Papierbuch-Oppenh...

  16. In memoriam - Kurt Lowenstein. Collection

    The item in this collection is an In Memoriam dedicated to the memory of dr. Kurt Lowenstein (1885-1939), a German socialist politician and a founder of the Socialist Youth of Germany - Red Falcons (Rote Falke).

  17. Majlech Ingberg. Collection

    This collection contains : the document drafted by the Belgian state confirming the acknowledgement of Majlech Ingberg as a member of an underground organisation distributing clandestine press ; four photocopied documents regarding the medals received by Majlech Ingberg as a member of the resistance.

  18. Stoops-Cleymans family. Collection

    This collection contains a pre-war photograph of the kosher restaurant and delicacies shop "Ringer" in Brussels and photo of an unidentified (Jewish?) woman, a friend of the donor's mother.

  19. Geiger-Kohn family. Collection

    This collection contains photocopies of : the marriage certificate of Joseph Geiger and Juliana Kohn, the birth certificate of Juliana Kohn and her daughter Gerda Geiger, the music teacher diploma of Juliana Kohn, the prolongation for Juliana Kohn’s American visa and Polish statements confirming the good conduct of Juliana Kohn and Joseph Geiger.