Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,841 to 19,860 of 55,890
  1. Tray

    Used by Max and Elizabeth Wallerstein during their internment at Ferramonti Di Tarsia, Italy in 1943-1944 and brought over to the United States on August 3, 1944.

  2. Scenes in cafe and theater

    Scenes in cafe. People drinking, talking. Woman sings. Theater Azazel scenes. Women in long dresses perform on stage. CUs and pans of well dressed and poor people in contrast (propagandistic). See Adam Czerniakow's diary, 1 June 1942.

  3. Germans in Occupied Ukraine

    Footage shot by a German cameraman during Germany's occupation of Ukraine in World War II. Footage with German photographers traveling through the Ukraine photographing cities, villages, and collective farms. The most extensive footage is taken with a female photographer from her trip to Ukraine in the summer of 1943. She traveled by plane and car from southern Ukraine (the Melitopol region) just north of Crimea, then along the Dnepr River northward over Dnepropetrovsk to Kiev and then due west to Rovno and then the border of General Government. Reel 5: 05:47:35 Ostriches and photographer. ...

  4. Liberation of Buchenwald

    US Army and Lowell Thomas at Buchenwald camp just after liberation, torture devices simulated, corpses stacked in truck, pile of ashes, captured German POWs. Filmed by Dick Ham. Landing at Eschwege airfield, two oxen-pulling carts as Red Cross jeep passes on the road. CU of "Berlin" and "Dresden" road marker. MS civilians at city street corner, American jeep goes by. Column of German townspeople walking along road on way to view Buchenwald. Main camp gate. GIs clustered around as civilians enter. Various torture devices demonstrated. Thomas observes and is surrounded by many camp inmates. I...

  5. Five Cities

    Yiddish titles. English title, "A Day in Warsaw" Pan, overview of city of Warsaw, street scenes, pedestrians, important modern multistoried buildings, cars, city square with pedestrians. Contrasted with old market square, narrow streets, Jewish quarter, including Zamenhof Street and the commercial Nalewki Steet where 400,000 Jews lived before WWII, and Jewish institutions, such as the community council, hospitals, schools and synagogues. Scenes of the modern parts of the city with large buildings, autos, and trucks meet with horse-drawn carriages, crowds, pushcarts, and porters in the bustl...

  6. Replacement ID tag created in an airplane factory

    ID tag made by Harold Eisenberg in an airplane factory to replace the identification number which was torn from his uniform. He added the letter "P" in hopes that it would spare his life.

  7. Hitler speech to Hitler Youth at Nuremberg Rally

    Reel 6: Torchlight procession, fireworks display, and Hitler visiting youth camps and speaking. Night rally in Nuremberg. SA units. Fireworks. Youth day: Hitler Youth (HJ) boys drumming, playing other instruments, CUs crowds of boys. Hitler enters stadium, boys look on and cheer. More shots of band playing, Nazi officials (including Hitler, Goebbels) look on. Hitler salutes boys. Baldur von Schirach makes statement re: youth and loyalty to Hitler. Cutaways to CUs of boys, Hitler, cheering crowds. Hitler makes speech re: youth as future of Reich. Cutaways to CUs of boys, crowds.

  8. Oral history interview with Elizabeth Laufer

  9. Street vendors; housing; children in ghetto

    HA street vendors. EXT of poor housing, people at windows, while group of children listen to horn player. Pan of EXT of poor house.

  10. Jews in Warsaw, Poland

    Street scene, pedestrians with armbands. CU sign: "Rogatschew" (seen before).

  11. Goebbels visiting Krupp works

    "Goebbels visiting the Krupp Works" Automobile with Goebbels. CUs, Goebbels. Crowd.

  12. Jewish officials, DPs at Bensheim

    (Munich No. 375) Jewish Officials at Bensheim, Bensheim, Germany, April 8, 1946. Jacob Blaustein, I.L. Kenen and Chaplain Friedman visit Bensheim Jewish DP center. MS, CU, displaced adults and children. Children marching through the camp street. Blaustein and Chaplain Friedman with group of DPs. More of young boys and girls marching energetically. Officials arrive at Victory Club, where they were to stay. Greeted by Judge Phillip Forman, Joint Distribution Committee, and Dr. Nahum Goldmann of the Jewish Agency for Palestine.

  13. Home for the Jewish Aged; cemetery in Warsaw

    Intertitles appear in Yiddish and English. "The Home for the Jewish Aged in Warsaw. Many of the inmates were wealthy before the Great War brought devastation to Poland." EXT, men talk in FG, women on bench in BG. "Main Roadway to the Jewish cemetery" Slow pan, people walking on narrow tree-lined road, away from the camera, tombstones not seen. Different SEQ: Men and boys walk along road in the cemetery, towards the camera. MCU faces of people. Tombstones. "The Grave of...Jewish millionaire..." View of large, elaborate, and decorated tombstones. Pan, more gravestones (less decorated). Man (b...

  14. Five Cities

    Yiddish titles. English title: "Jewish Life in Krakow" Pan of city of Krakow, buildings, tram, street scenes, statues, city square with pigeons. Streetcars share tree-lined streets with horse-drawn carriages. People conduct business under umbrella-covered markets and arcaded market halls. Jewish children, impoverished housing in Jewish quarter. Scenes of the famous Remu Synagogue and the Alte Shul, an orphanage, a hospital, and the Jewish Community Council. Street scenes with Jews showing the vitality of the community. Several schools. Parks and schoolyards host sports, games and animated d...

  15. German Army in Poland and Silesia

    Map of Poland and Silesia region. VS on snowy streets, Polish civilian refugees on horsecart and truck are led from city. MCU Polish soldiers and Russian prisoners marching through town street. Volkssturm build barricades. VS refugees board train. VS People are given ID papers and fed meals prepared by German Red Cross. CU Men with fur caps and "Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht" armbands being issued equipment and weapons and march off. MCU Artillery shells & guns are unloaded from truck and then moved off in donkey carts. Column of German tanks and then trucks move forward. MCU Sign: "Ka...

  16. Protest at Zeilsheim

    (Paris 351) DP Zionist Demonstration, Frankfurt, Germany, November 16, 1945. Demonstration at and near Zeilsheim DP camp during the visit of the Anglo American Commision. Protesters carring banners and signs: "There can be no real freedom without Jewish freedom," "President Truman demands mass immigration to Palestine-God Bless America," "Open the gates to Palestine." CUs, demonstrators, signs, banners, parade. Massing of demonstrators at camp, speakers address crowds.

  17. Jewish Extremists in Haifa; deported to Cyprus

    LS Haifa harbor. British soldiers guard court building. Extremists accused of blowing up railroad brought to trial; out of truck, handcuffed, men and women. Illegal immigrants arrive in Haifa on the "Henrietta Szold" ship. Ship into dock. Women and children helped off boat. Barbed wire enclosure. Man kisses ground, put on ship to Cyprus.

  18. Jewish Infantry Brigade of the British 8th Army

    Jewish Infantry Brigade of the British 8th Army, Faenza Area, Italy, 27-29 March 1945. Slate reads: "CM Tischler, Jewish Infantry Brigade, 3/28/45, R2." 02:00:29 CU of door of back of truck labeled COMD 81, MS of door and steps up to it and two members of brigade standing next to table looking at papers as door opens and two officers come out each with board in hand. All go to table and look over the boards. 02:01:14 Low angle reverse looking up at British Brigadier General Ernest Benjamin as he smokes and looks at board. Camera pans left so he is center frame. CU of General Benjamin on who...

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jews, refugee relief, England

    A refugee couple being interviewed in German at Woburn House (staged). In BG can see others being assisted. They present passport documents. MCU of couple as husband speaks, CU of him as he speaks. Woman shyly stares down at table. Both speak German? CU profile of agent providing assistance. Two women processing documents concerning boarding and lodging of refugees.

  20. Prayer book

    Prayer book for the first and second say of Sukkoth from the library of Isaac Ossowski, a prominent member of the Jewish community in Berlin, Germany, who emigrated in 1938 to avoid the increasing persecution of Jews by the government of Nazi Germany. It is a narrative of the culture, history, and traditions of the Hasidic movement. Rabbi Ossowski was head shochet [ritual slaughterer], mohel [practitioner of ritual circumcision], sofer [scribe], and hazan [cantor, musical prayer leader] at the Alte Shul [Old Synagogue]. After Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933, increasingly severe sanc...