Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,681 to 3,700 of 56,066
  1. Selected records of the Polish Care Committee in Busko Polski Komitet Opiekuńczy w Busku (Sygn. 2170)

    Reports of the Polski Komitet Opiekuńczy w Busku (Polish Welfare Committee in Busko) related to the situation of Busko city's population, 1940-1944 and situation in Pińczów after the fire in September 1939 . Includes posters, announcements, and two issues of the German propaganda magazine “Służba światowa” ("World Service", subtitle "International Information Agency for the Study of the Jewish Question"), July-October 1943. The articles in the newspaper were intended to discredit the Jewish community around the world. The following articles appeared in the October issue: "The leading positi...

  2. Komendant Policji Porządkowej Dystryktu Radomskiego Der Kommandeur der Ordnungspolizei im Distrikt Radom (GK 648)

    Personal files of Polish police officers in the District of Radom during occupation of Poland. Consists of correspondence, reports, certificates and a list of employed engineers and technicians in the ammunition factory in Skarżysko Kamienna. Includes personal files of the following police officers (Volksdeutsche): Franz Bartkowiak, Bruno Bilau, Zdzisław Ciecierski, Adolf Felscher, Georg Hessler, Gustav Kapler, Ernst Lachmann, August Mittelstädt, Sigismund Radtke/Radke, Reinhold Weiss, Adolf Zelcher.

  3. Criminal Police of the Protectorate Protektorátní kriminální policie

    Records of the Criminal Police of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, featuring alphabetically arranged registration cards of prisoners; alphabetically arranged cases of prisoners accused of so-called economic crimes; reports of suicide attempts and injuries; cases of so-called protective custody (Schutzhaft); daily reports; reports of deaths; lists of persons deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp; transport lists from the Kounicova dormitories in Brno-Žabovřesky which were used as a prison and execution site.

  4. Russian TASS New Agency- a collection of news Radziecka Agencja Informacyjna TASS-zbiór komunikatów (Sygn. 1424)

    News from the Russian news agency TASS regarding: the Anders Army in the USSR and the East; the situation on the fronts of World War II and the Red Army; conferences in Yalta, San Francisco and Potsdam, and the results of Mikołajczyk's visit in Moscow; Soviet opinions about the Catholic church; The Krajowa Rada Narodowa (National Council) and the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego, PKWN (Polish National Liberation Committee); the situation of Polish people in the USSR and in the West; situation of Poland during the occupation; Polish territories occupied by the Red Army in 1944; post-war ...

  5. Department for the Investigation of Enemy War Crimes by the French Judiciary Police Service de recherche de crimes de guerre ennemis de la police judiciaire (SRCGE)

    Investigations conducted by the Department for Investigation of Enemy War Crimes (SRCGE) into war crimes committed either on the French mainland or involving French citizens in camps outside of France. The investigations were conducted by judiciary police starting in late 1944. They are organized alphabetically by département or by the country where they are presumed to have occurred (Germany, Austria, Poland), and also by subject matter. Investigated activities include arrest, arson, denaturalization denunciation, deportation, execution, expropriation, forced labor, homicide, internment, k...

  6. Selected records of the District Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Gdańsk Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Gdańsku (GK 172)

    Contains records on war crimes committed on Poles and other nationalities by Germans during War World Second in Gdańsk region, Poland. Includes testimonies of Albert Forster's (Gauleiter der Reichsgau Danzig-Westpreußen activities, lists of Poles who died in concentration camps or during forced labor in the Third Reich, materials on the gas chamber and mass grave in the Nowy Port in Gdańsk, documents on germanization of Polish children and the “educational camp” in Snopki near Pisz.

  7. Oral history interview with Sergei Ackerman

  8. Selected records of the "Neptun" Iron Casting Factory Fabryka Odlewów Żeliwnych „Neptun” (Sygn. 616)

    Consists of "Neptun" factory records relating to employment and dismissals from work. Includes also factory correspondence and financial records. The German authorities confiscated the “Neptun” factory during the WWII.

  9. Association of former Participants of the Fight for Freedom of Spain (Dąbrowszczaków Association) Związek byłych Uczestników Walk o Wolność Hiszpanii (Związek Dąbrowszczaków) (Sygn. 1485)

    Records of the Związek Dąbrowszczaków (Association "Dąbrowszczaków" related to participation of Polish people in the civil war in Spain, 1936-1939. Includes reports, statutes, correspondence, minutes, financial books, and poems, list of members and their families, personal files of participants of the civil war in Spain, photographs, ID cards and other documents. Many of the fighters were Polish citizens of Jewish origin.

  10. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Żyrardów Sąd Grodzki w Żyrardowie (Sygn. 1747) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected files of the records of the Sąd Grodzki w Żyrardowie. Contains so-called “Zg" records, cases of establishing someone as deceased, issuing birth, death and marriage certificates. or applying for inheritance rights, Includes also a list of seized properties. Records of "Zg" relate to declaring someone dead or issuing a death certificate. This includes persons who perished during the Soviet or, mainly, Nazi occupation: either including persons arrested by Soviets or Germans, deported to the USSR or the Third Reich, sent to concentration camps, murdered in ghettos or in other places of...

  11. Selected records of the Grodzki Court in Przedbórz Sąd Grodzki w Przedborzu (Sygn. 1152)

    Court files of civil cases related to Jews from Przedbórz region.

  12. Służba Specjalna Batalion Zastępczy w Lublinie SS- und Polizeigericht VI. Zweiggericht Lublin (GK 698)

    Files of criminal investigation against German, Ukrainian and Polish policemen from the Lublin District: Hans Walter, Herbert Christensen, Heinrich Hass, Emil Jess, Karl Kothe, Franz Letzel, Werner Lippert, Michael Marczuk, Franz Pantil, Rudolf Pfau, Alois Repp, Paul Rau, August Reichert, Heinrich Reinwarth, Alfred Ritter, Wilhelm Schuttler, Jacobus von der Speck, Hans Siem, Anton Tyssen, Rudolf Seer, Kurt Zimmermann, Josef Rodz, Wilhelm Rotarmel, Joahnn Jurkiw, Willi Ortmann, Jurij Huzelo, Stefan Schmigel, Vincent Pawlowski, Waclaw Petrol, Jan Opacki, Bolesław Dobrzyński, Mieczysław Cyrank...

  13. Prewar Vienna; President Miklas

    Garden path in Vienna. HAS, city street with Hotel Bristol. Streetcar, crowds. (:45) The Opera House Bustling city life, traffic, people walking around. Tracking shots along busy street, shop signs, pedestrians on sidewalks. "Wiener Werk-statte" "Kartner Kino" "Jakob Rothberger" "Phillip Kornitzer" Naschmarkt. Statue. (4:52) “Phillipp Hof” building on Albertinaplatz (building destroyed on March 12, 1945). Crowds of people walking down the street. "Mercedes Benz" "Nord Deutscher Lloyd Bremen" and other advertising signs affixed to the street lamps. Closer views of pedestrians on a bustling s...

  14. Sailing on the Queen Mary to Europe

    American family prepares to visit Europe. Small dog, boy and father walk around a suburban neighborhood. The boy pretends to shoot the person holding the camera with a gun. He tries to catch a bug. Mother exits and enters the home. The top of a building with a sign in English that says: “For all Europe. French Line.” Harbor. Ship with a group of people standing on the bow. “Queen Mary” on the side of a ship. People play shuffleboard and badminton on the boat. Waves crash alongside the ship. INTs of the ship, people look out the windows. A destroyer ship goes by. D78 is on the hull, possibly...

  15. Selected records of the Communal Council in Wodzisław Gminna Rada Narodowa w Wodzisławiu (1670)

    Protocols, registers and correspondence related to abandoned Jewish properties, martyrdom and war damage. Includes reports regarding the restoration of property ownership.

  16. District Police Headquarters in Opoczno Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Opocznie (Sygn. 1187)

    Reports on communist activities of Jewish groups, on political organization the National Party (Stronnictwo Narodowe), and on occurrences against Jews, daily diaries of civil crimes committed by Jews (1932-1933), registers of photographs of criminals with information about committed crimes (1932), and daily notes of police duties (1935)

  17. Kielce County II Starostwo Powiatowe Kieleckie II (Sygn. 308) : Wybrane materialy

    Files on national minorities, statistics and registers of population in Kielce region. Includes lists of cemeteries and industrial plants for nationalization

  18. "Cabinet of the Jewish Culture of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences" from the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (Fond 190)

    Consists of archive of the Jewish folk culture collected by the Cabinet of the Jewish Culture of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The collection includes Jewish folk songs, proverbs, aphorisms, fairy tales, musical scores and other folk materials collected by the Cabinet of Jewish Culture and its predecessors institutions (e.g. Institute of Jewish Proletarian Culture). Includes also correspondence of Moisey Beregovsky, head of the folklore section and his staff members, with collectors and performers of Jewish folklore, notes from the ethnographic expeditions to collect Jewish folklore un...

  19. Documentary about the propaganda war during World War II

    Canadian documentary film made by the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) as part of the wartime The World in Action series. "The War for Men's Minds" describes the impact of propaganda from the Axis powers in 1943 during World War II. Includes anti-Jewish graffiti and posters (10:59); Allied monitors listening to and transcribing foreign radio broadcasts; the German Propaganda Kompanie - an artist (drawing a battle), and cameramen (film and photo); scenes from radio broadcasts and a film studio; and a Fascist riot in Paris on February 6, 1934.