Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,521 to 3,540 of 56,066
  1. Huey M. Barber collection

    Photographic prints: black and white images taken in the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation. Depicted are the remains of victims, the crematoria ovens, the monument erected in the camp, groups of survivors, a child survivor with adults, American soldiers, a German officer in custody, and general camp scenes. On verso: all photos incorrectly dated as “1944” & captions inscribed in English by SFC Huey M. Barber (donor’s maternal uncle) who served as a medic with the US Army during WWII, retiring from active military service in 1962. Envelope of souvenir photos: set of 24 black...

  2. Geoffrey and Hansi Lynfield collection

    Consists of manuscripts, drafts, original documents and photographs, correspondence, and research material related to the writing of "The Four Sisters," and "In Search of Gustav." The manuscripts were written by Geoffrey Lynfield, ca. 2005-2006. "The Four Sisters' documents the experiences of his wife, Hansi Sternberg Lynfield, and her three sisters, all of whom were deported from their hometown of Munkacs (now Mukacheve), survived Auschwitz and Tannenberg concentration camps, and worked for the Red Cross or UNRRA after the war. "In Search of Gustav" traces the family history of the Lilienf...

  3. Hanukkah lamp

    Hanukkah lamp which belonged to the Altman family in Germany. It was given to Theodore Levite, whose mother was Marie Altman Levite and later to the donor who was a relative by marriage.

  4. Seymour and Ethel Reiss papers

    Consists of a 10 page letter written by Seymour Reiss to Ethel Waxman, his later wife, in June 1945 relaying his experience touring Dachau in the wake of the liberation of the camp.The collection also includes a photograph of the couple at Coney Island and photographs and documents relating to Seymour's military service in the European Theater.

  5. Kurt Dreyer papers

    The collection consists of two letters written by Kurt Dreyer, a member of the Essen Reserve Police Battalion 67, to his wife and son Hans-Jürgen in Essen regarding his actions in Krasnobród, Poland. In the first letter, dated 15 November 1942, he discusses his participation in a killing operation in Krasnobród on 13 November 1942 where accused partisans were placed in a barn and burned alive. He writes that he also shot at those who tried to escape, and that they later burned down the farmer’s house and executed the family as accomplices. He then discusses the capture and execution of 3 Je...

  6. Josef Helfgott papers

    Consists of photographs, restitution-related claims, a business card, newspaper clippings, and photocopies pertaining to the experiences of Josef Helfgott, a Holocaust survivor from Tomaszow Mazowiecki. Among other items, the collection includes a photograph of Josef's wife, Dwora, that he kept with him throughout his internment at various concentration camps, including Auscwhitz. Dwora, and the couple's daughter, Chana, were deported from Tomaszow to Treblinka in 1942 where they were killed. Other documents in the collection concern Josef's extended family as several siblings had immigrate...

  7. William Rowe collection

    Collection of documents, photographs, Nazi-propaganda journal (newspaper/magazine/leaflet); correspondence between Hans and his son Kurt Seibold dating early 1940s, while Kurt is deployed with the German military under Nazi regime and Hans, also a soldier and WWI veteran, is home in Nuremberg, Germany. Letters from Hans discuss the military events occurring such as Operation Barbarossa, his vague references to current military work, and his affiliation and meetings with Nazi party members. Newspapers, magazines and leaflets included were printed under Nazi-occupied Germany.

  8. SS Presentation plate

    SS presentation plate made in the Allach porcelain factory. The plate was brought home from WWII by Dr. George Tilden Novinger, who worked in the Dachau concentration camp after liberation, and served in the US Army from February 1944 – March 1946. The Allach porcelain factory was one of the SS's first industrial enterprises, under the direct control of Heinrich Himmler. The factories were sub-camps of Dachau concentration camp, with camp inmates supplying the forced labor.

  9. Brukner and Grinberg families papers

    Consists of documents, photographs, and restitution papers related to Ester Grinberg née Brukner, her husband, Max Grinberg, her sister Irena Dlugosz née Brukner, and their families.

  10. Gestapo office Würzburg (State Archive Würzburg, Germany) Gestapostelle Würzburg (Staatsarchiv Würzburg)

    Contains 24,780 arrest files, including photos of suspects (mug shots), private photos (for the most part ID photos), and a Gestapo photo album. 3,071 of the arrest files refer to Jews. The majority of the collection consist of the personal files; organized alphabetically by the name of the respective suspects (family name; first name; birth date; birth place; profession). The letters A to G; and V are missing. The cards give a short content description of the respective file. There is only a small percentage of thematic or administrative files; concerning the pogrom 1938, the deportation o...

  11. Selected records of the Citizens' Militia Headquarters in Łódź Komenda Milicji Obywatelskiej w Łodzi (Sygn. 236)

    Reports, orders, ordinances and claims of the Milicja Obywatelska (Citizens' Militia) relating to civilians in Łódź, including Jews, in the first period of German occupation of Poland. Documents relate mainly to the robbery of Jewish enterprises, breaking into Jewish flats and theft of their property, street incidents and arrests, lists of premises, shops, workshops, enterprises, horses, motor vehicles and others, as well as lists of militia officers.

  12. 1945 news roundup

    News documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade of the Year 1945" "Now it can be seen! British Battleship Bombed!" "Nazi U-Boat scores direct hit on HMS Barham" "Hitler’s V-2 bomb exposed by Allies" "Millions mourn the death of President Roosevelt, Truman succeeds as President" "Soviets last offensive in the heart of Berlin" "Prime Minister Churchill reviews British and Canadian troops" "American flag raised on Iwo Jima" "Atomic bomb destroys Nagasaki" "Millions of GI’s come home on ships" "Carrier Saratoga steams into San F...

  13. Gardelegen liberation photograph

    Contains a black and white photograph of three corpses of prisoners shot by the SS laying in the doorway of a barn just outside of Gardelegen; caption on verso: "March 1945 / Gardalagen [sic] / 20 miles east of Hanover Germany."

  14. Selected records of the Commune Suchedniów Akta Gminy Suchedniów (Sygn. 141) : Wybrane materialy

    Population books and registers of the Suchedniów commune, Suchedniów village, and other villages in Kielce region, Poland. Includes information related personal data about residents, payment of taxes, security and public order.

  15. Selected records of the Presidium of the Municipal Council in Szczekociny Prezydium Miejskiej Rady Narodowej w Szczekocinach (Sygn. 1808)

    Registers, correspondence, notary files, protocols related to Jewish abandoned real estate

  16. Selected records of the County Office of Iłża in Starachowice-Wierzbnik Starostwo Powiatowe Iłżeckie w Starachowicach-Wierzbniku (Sygn. 2680)

    Monthly and quarterly situational reports, correspondence, circulars and lists of abandoned Jewish properties. Includes reports related to activities of the Komunistyczna Partia Polski (Polish Communist Party) and Jewish organizations in Iłża region, and registers of Jewish properties.

  17. Family; US soldiers on leave in Italy (color)

    Family footage, possibly around 1931 in the United States. House with a long driveway, a woman leans over the front porch railing to look at a car leaving the driveway. A well manicured lawn, with lots of flowers and stones. Couple walks into the garden. They talk. An older man sits on the porch. Another woman joins the couple in the garden. (2:36) A woman laughing and smiling presents a bouquet of flowers to the person behind the camera. (3:15) Woman stands and poses for the camera. (3:39) In color, four men in US Army uniforms and one in a suit walk out of a gate. They smile and pose for ...

  18. Selected records of the commune Boszczynek Akta Gminy Boszczynek (Sygn. 2222)

    Consists of selected files of Commune Boszczynek. Includes lists of local stores, lists of voters to the Sejm (Polish Parliament), 1935-1938, the population book of villages Boszczynek and Bełzów, and general files related to ownership of houses, farms, and other lands.

  19. American professors in Hamburg, 1939

    The harbor in Hamburg, many people walking around, probably in late Fall 1939. Professor Wm. Schaeffer (the man in a bowtie and trench coat) walks out of a store and down the street. (0.43) Boats sail on the water. (1:32) A family of three walks down the street, and greets Schaeffer. (2:24) People get onto “Hamburg-Amerika Linie” ship. Crew members lean outside a service hatch to watch. (3.14) The back of the boat says: “Robert Ley- hamburg.” Robert Ley was a cruise ship for the Nazi Party, first commssioned in March 1939. (3:50) Schaeffer walks towards town center, then back towards the ca...

  20. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Grodzisk Mazowiecki Sąd Grodzki w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (Sygn. 1647) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected files of court civil and criminal cases related to repayment of debt, beatings, insulting public officials, embezzlement, theft and other matters. The cases relate to Jews who were inhabitants of Grodzisk Mazowiecki. The files contain personal data about participants of lawsuits.