Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,421 to 3,440 of 56,066
  1. Oral history interview with Sara Dawidowicz

  2. Brassói Lapok [Newspapers]

    Hungarian language cultural journal began publication on Jan. 1, 1895 in Brassó, Hungary (now Romania), still in publication. The selected issues of the Brassói Lapok journal relate to the period before WWII and focus on the Transylvanian Hungarian attitude toward the anti-Jewish measures adopted by the Romanian Government during the 1930s.

  3. Collection of archival materials of the German occupation authorities and German police deployed on the territory of Slovenia during WWII Zbirka arhivskega gradiva organov nemške redarstvene policije na zasedenem slovenskem ozemlju (SI AS 2175)

    Selected records of the German occupation authorities and police units deployed on the territory of Slovenia during WWII. It includes correspondence, orders, directives, circular letters, official instructions, reports, war diaries, a roster of policemen duties, payroll, list of serving policemen, report boos, personal documentation, and other records. Among the police units and formations represented in this collection are Police Directorate and Protection Police (Schupo) in Maribor, Gorenjsko, Bled, and Celje; 72nd Reserve Police Battalion, South-East Police Task Force, and others.

  4. "Transylvanian Youth" Erdélyi Fiatalok [Newspapers]

    A "Erdélyi Fiatalok" [Transylvanian Youth] was a journal of the new Hungarian generation in Romania, It contains liberal reviews on political views of young national-liberal Transylvanian politicians during the interwar period. 1930-1940

  5. Yiddish Intermediate School in Skuodas Skuodo žydų vidurinė mokykla (Fond 796)

    Records of the Jewish Intermediate School in Skuodas. The collection contains minutes of meetings of the teachers’ council, records of the entrance examinations; requests from parents to admit their children to school; graduation certificates that include photos of students, class journals, etc.

  6. Records of the Comité Central Israelita del Uruguay (CCIU)

    Records of the Central Jewish Committee of Uruguay. Including are minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors, correspondence, Committee regulations and publications, newspaper clippings and copies of a bulletin "Mensaje", as well as records of the Association for the Defense against Anti-Semitism.

  7. Oral history interview with Joseph Oppenheimer

  8. Prywatna Koedukacyjna Szkoła Powszechna Towarzystwa Popierania Szkolnictwa Żydowskiego i Kultury Żydowskiej „Szuł-Kult“ z żydowskim językiem nauczania w Wilnie Shul-Kult School in Wilno, Poland Žydų mokyklų ir kultūros rėmimo draugijos „Šul-Kult“ privati mišri pradžios mokykla jidiš dėstomąja kalba Vilniuje (Fond 294)

    School’s bylaws, administrative records, minutes and resolutions of the teachers' council meetings, curricula, schedule of lessons, personnel files, planning materials and activities reports, statistical data, and correspondence. It also includes a list of teachers and students, requests from parents for the admission of their children to school, graduation certificates, class registration journals and other records.

  9. Magyar Lapok [Newspapers]

    Selected issues of the antisemitic newspaper Magyar Lapok published in Oradea,Transylvania, 1936-1940. It was a successor of Erdélyi Lapok.

  10. Oral history interview with Joseph Kanarek

  11. Selected records from the General State Archives in Volos (GAK Magnesia)

    The collection includes selected archival materials from four record groups: 1. Judical Archives: Special Court for Criminal Cases of Local Collaborators in the Volos area (Thessaly region) who committed crimes against the civilian population in the former Italian and German zones of occupation during the Second World. This collection contains court proceedings and verdicts against local collaborators; Court of First Instance in Volos (Political department). It contains court minutes and judicial records related to compensation payments to victims of Nazi persecution during World War II, in...

  12. Journal of Csík (Ciuc) Csíki Lapok [Newspapers]

    Antisemitic newspaper published in the Szekler Region in the eastern Transylvania. It includes political, social, economic and fiction articles.

  13. Zbirka arhivskega gradiva nemških okupacijskih oblasti in oboroženih enot na zasedenem slovenskem ozemlju Collection of archival records of the German occupation authorities and German military formations on the occupied territory of Slovenia during WWII ( SI AS 1751)

    The collection contains records of various German civilian authorithies and military formations located on the territory of Slovenia during WWII. It includes collection of records of SS Unterfuererschule in Ljubljana (Laibach), SA Gruppe Donau Organization TODT, OT (Oberbauleitung), LjubljanaLabor Office (Arbeitsamt): civil administration for the regions and municipalities of Lower Styria (Spodnja Štajerska), Gorenjsko (Upper Carniola), Koroška (Slovenian Carinthia), Kranjska Gora, Laško, Trbovlje, Celje, Maribor and other municipalities and regions of Austria and German-occupied Slovenia. ...

  14. Oral history interview with Jack Silven

  15. Oral history interview with Edit Lipkovits

  16. Records of the German Police units deployed on the territory of Slovenia during WWII. Nemške policijske enote na zasedenem slovenskem ozemlju (SI AS 2008)

    Selected records of German police regiments deployed for security operations and anti-partisan warfare duties on the territory of Slovenia (and other European countries, e.g. Poland, France) during WWII. Includes correspondence, official instructions, circular letters, orders and directives, operational and personal reports, requests for supplies, name lists of police servicemen, invoices, receipts for payments to police officers, service contracts, translation of the captured partisan documents, and other types of documentation.

  17. Prywatne Hebrajskie Koedukacyjne Seminarium Nauczycielskie „Tarbut“ w Wilnie Private Hebrew Teachers Seminary “Tarbut” in Wilno, Poland Privati mišri žydų mokytojų seminarija „Tarbut“ Vilniuje (Fond 222)

    Records of the Private Hebrew Teachers Seminary “Tarbut” in Wilno, Poland. The collection contains minutes of the meetings, examination records, correspondence, personal files of students, applications for admission to the seminary, seminary graduation certificates, some include photos of students, course journals, etc.

  18. Oral history interview with Sherman Ray

  19. Világ [Newspapers]

    Independent liberal daily published immediately after the war. The publication includes many articles related the fate of the Hungarian Jewry and postwar war crimes investigations and trials of war criminals.