Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,121 to 3,140 of 56,066
  1. Visiting France and returning by ship to New York City, 1936

    Boat on the ocean. People sitting on deck chairs, playing a game on the deck, children are playing on the deck and couples are strolling on the deck. (1:26) Sea plane lands on the water. A small boat goes out to meet the sea plane. The plane is lifted onto the boat, then the small boat is being lifted onto the large boat. (2:49) A man and a woman at a train station with a sign in the background says “Herbesthal”. Another sign says “Koln Herbesthal Liege Namur, Charlepol Paris”. Taking train from Herbesthal Train station, near German border, to Paris. Man and woman lean out of a train window...

  2. Queen Mary ship at NY harbor

    Agfa logo. EXT ES of Manhattan, panning right. Camera appears to be on a boat, possibly an ocean liner. EXT shot of the ship’s smokestacks, followed by a downward panning shot of an open hatch on the ship. EXT shot of the ship’s sun deck, followed by another EXT right panning shot of the city. The boat is docked on the west side of Manhattan (the Palisades and the Hudson can clearly be seen), as the shot travels past several other docked ships until stopping when it faces the city. VS EXT shot of the ship’s sun deck, only this time there are people approaching the camera; at least one of th...

  3. Dachau camp, postwar

    Munich and Dachau circa 1947. Title. Pan of several dozen dump carts- carts have two wagon type wheels and are numbered, made of wood planks. (0:57) Large sign: ‘WAR CRIMES ENCLOSURE DIRECTORY’ listing several areas including the West gate, War Crimes Court Area, Post Hospital, Officers Club and others. Directory for the Main Gate area which includes the Post Headquarters, Post Library, Crematory, Billeting Office and others. (1:03) EXT of Dachau camp showing the main gate, a wall with barbed wire, empty streets. (1:20) P.W. Discharge Center, a two story building with a watch tower. Sign po...

  4. Cemetery

    Large statue/fountain. Buildings with significant damage. Germans walk in the streets. School-age girls walk with adults. (0:43) Cemetery with an obelisk and crosses. People visit the gravesites, many of which have flowers. (1:46) CU of several grave markers, including Georgette Barbey and Familie Dorer. (2:01) Film ends.

  5. Oral history interview with Abraham Munk

  6. Shapell family photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs documenting German-occupied Oświęcim, Poland, circa 1940-circa 1941, and refugees living in the Münchberg, Germany, displaced persons camp, circa 1946. The photographs of Oświęcim include depictions of buildings, Jewish men forcibly having their beards and sidelocks (peyot) cut off, street scenes, and Jews clearing snow under the presence of a German soldier. Included are undated typed captions in Polish, and English translations of the captions produced in 2013. The bulk of the photographs of Münchberg document a funeral and re-interment ceremony in 1...

  7. Oral history interview with Goldina Lefkowitz

  8. Oral history interview with Rosalie Rosenbaum

  9. Oral history interview with George Schwarz

  10. Selected records from the State Archives of the Ternopil Region, Ukraine

    The main part of the collection consists of pre-war records (1919-1939) of various Polish state institutions related to the socio-economic and political history of the Jewish communities of the Ternopil region. This includes government permits to open Jewish businesses and Jewish social organizations, payment of taxes by Jewish shop and business owners, school records, court records, and police reports related to the surveillance of Jewish organizations, Jewish political parties, and individuals; demographic and statistical data, etc. The wartime documentation contains selected records from...

  11. Ivan Vamos memoir

    Consists of a memoir titled “My early years, the war years. The recollections of Ivan Vamos, from March 1938 to October 1947”, written by the donor, Ivan Vamos

  12. Loschner and Klein families collection

    Includes documents that illustrate the experiences of the Loschner and Klein families in Vienna and France during and after the war, including a German passport issued to Ruth Loschner (1924-1942), the donor's maternal aunt, who was deported Pithiviers and then sent to Auschwitz in 1942 where she perished. Also included are the written testimonies of Hedy Loschner Kelin, the donor's mother, from the 1990s, regarding her experiences in hiding in France, and a typewritten transcript of an interview with the donor's father, Emil Klein, for a school project.

  13. Deborah Bildner collection

    Envelope and letters received by Wolf Arbeit (donor’s maternal grandfather) bearing news of various family members in Poland.

  14. School Inspectorate in Kielce Inspektorat Szkolny w Kielcach (Sygn. 321)

    A survey on the state of legal and underground education during the occupation - schools by locality. Pupils' handwritten essays on occupation and their drawings on the same topic. In addition, information about the losses of libraries and other cultural institutions in the Kielce county during the war.

  15. Linen runner belonging to Mirka Hausman

    A linen table runner embroidered with the initials "M.H." that once belonged to the donor’s maternal grandmother, Mirka Hausman (nee Levine), who perished during the Holocaust. The runner was later acquired by the donor's mother, Cila Hausman Knaster (1908-2007), when she revisited her hometown of Jasionówka, Poland after immigrating to the U.S. in 1949.

  16. Marx family papers

    Comprised of documents, newspaper clippings, and correspondence that illustrate the experiences of Kurt Marx, the donor's father, who fled Frankfurt, Germany in 1938. Correspondence includes letters from Kurt's mother, Amalie, who was unable to leave and did not survive. Also included are documents and correspondence capturing Kurt's efforts to assist Amalie in emigration, but to no avail, in addition to a notebook labeled by Amalie [Marxsohn] and inscribed by Kurt.

  17. Ralph Altman papers

    Includes corespondence with translations, documents, photos, newspaper clippings, and Ralph C. Altman's family history

  18. Herbst family papers

    The Herbst family papers document the prewar, wartime, and postwar experiences of Manny Herbst, his siblings Bernard Herbst and Silvia Herbst, and his parents Adolf Herbst and Sara Herbst (née Weintraub), including the siblings’ immigration to the United States in 1940, Adolf’s attempt to get to Palestine, and subsequent deportation to Mauritius in 1940, and Sara’s deportation from Vienna to Izbica transit camp in 1942. Biographical material includes identification papers, immigration paperwork, and family genealogy materials. The bulk of the collection consists of letters sent from Adolf i...