Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,901 to 2,920 of 56,066
  1. Television advertisement for the Jewish Chautauqua Society about Terezin

    Television promotion for the Jewish Chautauqua Society. Murals of children's art created at Terezin concentration camp. Narration of the Butterfly poem, images of butterflies. Cut to stills of Terezin camp, including Block A and barracks. "Stand not idly by plight and poverty and oppression, but love thy neighbor as thyself."

  2. Oral history interview with Hannah Marsh

  3. Food; bazaar; vendors; shop; market

    HAS, INTs, crowds at food bazaar, probably in summertime. CUs, vendors, food and clothing for sale. 01:04:35 Quick sequence of designer sketching seen earlier on this Film ID 3038. Close shots of Russians, appear uneasy in front of camera. Stacks of sardines and canned fish. INTs, women, cashiers, children. CUs, serving/weighing caviar for sale. HAS, cafe. INTs, activity in shop, patrons, register, sales. 01:06:23 Quick, EXT, market woman picking over vegetables for sale. Pan down, chandelier in shop, HAS, INTs shop. 01:06:52 EXT, market, women with babushkas, child drinking. INT, woman tri...

  4. Nazi losses in the Russian campaign

    Reel 10 maps the Russian encirclement of Nazis at Stalingrad. Marshal Nikolai Voronoff confers with his aides. The encircling Red armies meet in Dec. 1942. Flamethrowers, rockets, and artillery are used to force the surrender of remnants of 22 Nazi divisions. The final scene maps Russian gains and cites statistics on Nazi losses thus far in the campaign.

  5. Landsberg DP camp; UNRRA activities

    At Landsberg DP camp, men speaking at a table, passing out certificates to children, returning papers to UNRRA officer. CU, sign in Hebrew for religious school. Children exiting school with backpacks. Man speaking. CU, ORT diploma with name: "BLUM, SARA". Children with diplomas/certificates. Official speaking into a megaphone. Man toilet training a baby. Scouts pose next to sign in Hebrew. Quick view of banner "Wir ehren die Opfer des barbarischen Nationalsozialist." Brief, fuzzy sequence with children dressed in Hebrew scout uniforms and UNRRA or JDC official speaking to another, with Jewi...

  6. Italian fascists; Germans advance into Russia; POWs; bombing North Africa

    No. 634. Part 1, Italian Fascist symbols and flags as fascists celebrate Mussolini's 1922 march on Rome. Mussolini poses with Italian King Victor Emmanuel III, speaks from a balcony, and breaks ground for a new building. Scenes of highways, schools, Italians in Libya, and the Italian Army, Navy, and Air Force show Italy's progress under Mussolini. Gen. Badoglio poses. Part 2 maps the German front in N. Russia. German Gen. Keller decorates an officer, Gen. Krauss inspects troops, and Gen. Eicke plans a campaign. Part 3, German troops move up and attack Russian positions with the assistance o...

  7. American entry into Paris

    (INV 1481) Slate reading "Marthey - 3 Paris" 00:04 Back view of three soldiers wearing helmets watching Army vehicles drive. Cars driving in street with some civilians. 00:20 American soldier, officer, and French soldier leaning over to examine documents (map?). Some civilians attempt to look also. 00:32 Red Cross workers speak to soldier in jeep. Soldier smoking cigarette. Street with Army vehicle driving through. A man across the street stands under a "photo" store sign waves to soldiers driving by. A British flag on the upper left corner. Street scene. 00:50 Army vehicle with a soldier h...

  8. Victory parade; Hitler

    “Das ganze deutsche Volk dankt dem Führer für den glänzendsten Sieg der Geschichte. Die Fahrt von der Front zurück nach der Reichshauptstadt wurde zu einem wahren Triumphzug.” [The entire German people thank the Fuehrer for the most glorious victory in history. The journey from the front back to the capitol city became a true victory parade.] Pretty young woman hands Adolf Hitler a basket during a train stop. Hitler Youth boy does the same. Train passes. Marbach/Neckar sign. Passing through. Hitler’s train on the move. Crowds waving, flowers… Hiitler at train window. Shaking hands out the w...

  9. Compilation for Representations of the 'Other' at West Chester University

    Compilation of Nazi propaganda films in the SSFVA collection shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr at the Representations of the 'Other' conference at West Chester University in Pennsylvania in March 2007. Kaufmann nicht Haendler [Merchant, not Peddler], 1933/1936: Story #3294, Film ID #2504A. To 01:02:37 Juden, Laeuse, Wanzen [Jews, Lice, Bugs], 1941: Story #3295, Film ID #2504A. To 01:04:55 Kampf dem Fleckfieber [Fighting Typhus], 1942: Story #3297-3300, Film ID #2504A. To 01:06:32 Warsaw Ghetto, 1942: Film ID #2270. To 01:22:41

  10. Oral history interview with Eugene Messer

  11. 4 video programs about the Holocaust: war crimes trials

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #1 Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #2 Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Eichmann Trial Second floor (2.08) - Other Trials

  12. Vishniac family in the snow

    Luta Bagg Vishniac (first wife of Roman Vishniac, mother of Mara and Wolf Vishniac) wearing a thick winter coat in the snow, pulling a sled (the other women in the background and waving cannot be identified - possibly the children's nanny or Luta's sisters). Luta sledding down the hill, facing the camera. Roman Vishniac sledding down the hill, he tosses up his hat and playfully catches it, facing the camera.

  13. Illich family visits Bad Gastein, 1937

    Out of focus in the center of the frame for a few seconds. The boys sit on a wooden fence in the country surrounding an unknown teenager. CUs, Grandfather Fritz (Pucki) at an outdoor café, then Sascha. At the train station, the boys lean their heads out of the train window, waving to Pucki, Leithner, and Uncle Paul on the platform. Leithner follows the train as it departs. View of another station, the boys walk through it (filmed from a distance). Mountains, farms from the train window. A train pulls into the platform with Pucki, the boys greet him with hugs. The city of Bad Gastein, waterf...

  14. Hinzert camp in 1946; repatriation of victims' bodies to Luxembourg city

    Includes original French intertitles. Musical accompaniment and end titles added by Centre national de l'audiovisual Luxembourg in 2003. On March 9, 1946, the bodies of Luxembourgers who died at SS-Sonderlager Hinzert in 1942 were repatriated to Luxembourg city. Amateur filmmaker Alphonse Wirion accompanied the convoy to Hinzert and filmed the camp at length (what was left of it), including barracks, barbed wire fences, watchtowers, debris. Then he searched the woods around the camp, exhumed the bones and the bodies that were lined up in an empty shack. The filmmaker then follows the trucks...

  15. Oral history interview with Bertha Zuckerman

  16. Dohány Street Synagogue with Rabbi Jozsef Katona

    Mafirt Kronika 53. The façade of the synagogue on Dohány Street in Budapest, Hungary. Men process through an aisle between rows of men on either side. The faces of men in the synagogue. CU of two men. Rabbi Jozsef Katona performs a ceremony. Men sit and watch, some are in uniform. The rabbi addresses the temple-goers from a pulpit above. CU, the rabbi reveals a star of David on the part of the pulpit above him. The audience. The Parochet (curtain) is raised, revealing the doors of the Ark. The Ark doors are then opened, revealing the menorah and the Torah Scrolls inside. The menorah inside ...

  17. German advance toward Caucasus

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 16: Winter. German soldiers in village. Garmasch. Elderly Ukrainian peasant. Move to Latonovo, with patches of snow still lying. Destruction. Werchne Schiroky. In large town of Stalino...

  18. British family on holiday in Germany; SA marching band; Walchensee; Cologne

    KODAK. Title: Holiday in Germany August 1936. Title: Coblenz. Rhine Shipping Passing Through Bridge of Boats. Ships on the Rhine River. Lots of scratches on film. Title: Coblenz. German Outing Headed by Storm-Trooper Band. SA marching band and civilians march in a parade down a street in Coblenz, Germany. Title identifies Rothenburg as a picturesque medieval town. People walk, bike, and drive in the streets of Rothenburg. Swastika banners hang from several of the buildings. 02:29 Title: Exploring Dinkelsbuhl Marvelous Old Town Full of Color. Color street scenes, with swastika banners visibl...

  19. Illich family visits Salzburg

    The three Illich boys stand outside a car with their luggage. Boarding a Lufthansa bus. A Nazi plane ("TACA D-AJAT" and swastika) takes off from an airfield. On the river, large buildings, taking photographs at a bridge, swastika banners. City street scenes, INT of café. Salzburg train station. Shots of the countryside from a train. The twins walk through a field. Taking a boat tour of the lake, photographs, rowboat with all three boys. A large group of tourists walk through the village - swastika, Konditerei, small streets, marching band, boat. Shots from inside a cave. Mountains in the di...

  20. Refugees crossing bridge

    Refugees carrying their children and belongings across a bridge. Stevens, in shorts holding machine gun, firing gun into river. Caravan of soldiers and refugees, seven abreast, walking across bridge carrying belongings followed by women and other refugees. Sign in Russian, with date reads: "May 30, 1945." Underneath Russian sign there is a sign that reads: "Friendship Bridge constructed by 250 Engineer Combat BN 1146 Engineer Combat Gp, US Army."