Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,601 to 2,620 of 56,066
  1. Destruction/demolition of the Dresden synagogue

    Compilation film with German intertitles. Still photographs of synagogue in Dresden, before it was demolished by the Nazis in November 1938. 01:01:14 "Beseitigung der Brandruine der Dresdener Synagoge unter Mitwirkung der Techn. Nothilfe OG Dresden X" Aerial pan, destruction of Dresden synagogue. Shoveling debris onto truck. Pan up, demolished synagogue. Soldiers standing in FG. Pile of white stones from demolished building. 01:02:09 Remaining synagogue wall blasted. VAR CUs, detonation of synagogue. 01:02:35 Color contemporary footage of memorial statue for Dresden synagogue, with flowers ...

  2. Germans construct bridge; coastal defenses

    German workers construct a bridge over the Rhine. Buildings, including a children's hospital, in Hamburg demolished by Allied bombing. Italian Alpine troops advance through the snow against French positions on Mont Blanc. German troops occupy either Jersey or Guernsey. Coastal defenses. Stuka and Heinkel bombers take off, fly over ships in the Channel, and dive upon Dover.

  3. German invasion of Crete

    This is an excerpt from the six reel film about the German invasion of Crete from 21-27 May 1941, the first mainly airborne invasion in history. This clip is from reel 2 of 6. German soldiers in battle. Sound of bombing and shooting, Stukas drop bombs, sinking ship. British POWs raising their hands, marching past a harbor. Pile of seized weapons. Cheerful music over POWs sitting in a group. The narrator alludes to the British and their traitorous helpers. POWs in a gated compound. A pair of hands pages through a folder marked “Secret.” POWs receive rations out of the back of a truck while t...

  4. Parade in DC; Eleanor Roosevelt; Taking of Aachen

    Part 1, Navy Day parade in Washington, D.C., and the battleship Iowa joining a Pacific fleet. Part 2, Eleanor Roosevelt views an exhibition of paintings by service men in New York city. Part 3, Boys in Maryland grade schools attend sewing and cooking classes. Part 4, Battle shots of Marines in the Pacific. Part 5, German troops flee through the streets of Antwerp. The Belgian underground sabotages German vehicles. U.S. troops enter the city. Artillery and aerial bombardment precedes the 1st Army as U.S. troops occupy Aachen.

  5. Oral history interview with Paul Reutlinger

  6. Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto special exhibition monitors

    AV monitors produced by Wentworth Films exhibited as part of "Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from November 21, 1997 to October 3, 1999.

  7. Skiing; Americans visit Vienna; Austrian military

    Storefronts with German writing, shuttered shops (winter?). Steep snowy hill, people climb stairs to top of ski jump. At another ski hill, many figures mill about and ski. Title card: “Ringstrasse, Oper, Hotel Bristol Kaerntnerstrasse.” Visiting the city of Vienna. Vienna State Opera House, with buses driving by on the street. Street scenes. The Hotel Bristol. Title card: “Goethe Denkmal, Burg Tor, Museums, Maria Theresia Denkmal, Neue Hofburg.” Statue of Goethe. The Burg Tor, an old castle gate. Statue of Maria Theresa. Trolleys go by on the street. The Hofburg Palace. A decorated horse an...

  8. Riding ferry to Russian harbor

    People aboard ferry, VAR shots, sailors, signs in Russian, pan. Shots of city at riverside seen from the boat as it travels.

  9. Oral history interview with Leah Laskowski

  10. William Perl papers a statistical analysis of Soviet atrocity charges

    Report by the Soviet State Extraordinary Commission for Ascertaining and Investigating the Crimes Committed by the German-fascist Invaders and Their Accomplices. The 4 July 1944 report includes information about executions of Russian citizens in rural areas, executions of Russian Jews, and Jewish populations statistics for several Russian cities.

  11. The poetry of Yehuda Amichai

    Adapted from Yehuda Amichai's "Poems" published in English by Harper and Row Publishers, Inc. This film is a mood film set to the poetry of Yehuda Amichai that shows scenes of contemporary life in Israel. Views of ruined cemetery in Jerusalem. Man walking among graves, walking along seashore. Waves washing over still pictures of the Holocaust. Ruins of Caesarea. Children playing, wife bidding farewell to her soldier husband. Stills of wounded soldier, soldiers resting on ground during exercise, then on the move. Mother bathing baby. Still of children and young couples. People bathing in riv...

  12. Trims of Russian scenes: theatre; peasants; tourists visit palace

    TRIMS depicting a variety of activities in daily life throughout Russia. In city, women look at schedule in theatre window. 01:07:33 Peasants - women with kerchiefs, one smiling at camera. 01:07:43 INT, ornate room. MS, tourists visit other rooms in this palace.

  13. Buchenwald; Dachau

    "Buchenwald Concentration Camp" General views of the camp at Buchenwald. Red EXT of camp. HSs of the area. "Jedem Das Sein" gate closes. Red Cross trucks from Switzerland enter the camp grounds. Male survivors leave the camp. Among the survivors are 1000 boys under 14. Evidence of crimes: CUs of dead with numbers tattooed on stomachs; emaciated survivors; stacks of bodies outside and inside the crematorium; the experimental building where various toxins were tried; truckloads of the dead; CU weapon of torture; INT, crematorium ovens showing skeletons inside and piles of bone ash. 1200 Germa...

  14. Bergen-Belsen memorial planning information

    Consists of planning notes, memoranda, and other materials relating to the establishment of the Bergen-Belsen memorial and cemetery. Included is information about inscriptions for the memorial, translation of inscriptions, the dedication ceremony for the memorial, and the maintenance of the memorial site.

  15. UJA officials in Israel

    Private footage taken on a trip to Israel by Julian Venezky. Venezky worked with Henry Montor and others on fundraising activities for the United Jewish Appeal. Together with Samuel Rothberg, Venezky also raised substantial funds for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A man sits on a lawn with a young girl on his knee and she kisses him on the cheek. He gets up and waves as he walks away. Panning shots of ocean, beach and boardwalk. Underexposed shots of a woman walking out of a restaurant and a sign reading "Hotel Gat-Rimmon." Middle-aged men stand by a car and talk. Julian Venezky walks ...

  16. Buchenwald; effigy of Hitler; Nazi training camp

    Buchenwald concentration camp. Piles of corpses, gallows, a hanging effigy of Hitler. A obelisk inscribed “H.L.B.” Rows of barracks. Barbed wire fences. An aerial view of Bayreuth Nazi training camp.

  17. Fishing boats; African woman

    Pan of land along canal, young children and men fishing- all are dressed in white with scarves/head wraps. Locals on fishing boats and at dock/shipyard. Palm trees are visible. MCU of a North African woman, scantily clad and wearing heavy face makeup and large earrings. She is seated by herself on a chair, near a doorway and speaking to the person behind the camera. Possibly a prostitute.

  18. Building the WWII defensive line; German aircraft

    Reel 1, Siegfried Line elevators, rooms, tunnels, showers, toilets, telephone switchboards, electric power generators, antitank guns in its arsenals, munitions dumps, artillery. antiaircraft guns, and searchlights. Troops with listening devices. Messerschmidt planes take off from an airfield.

  19. Oral history interview with Hedda Evans

  20. Dachau at liberation; delousing; identifying German captors; religious ceremony

    Courtyard with series of buildings, Dachau concentration camp. One building has SS sign on it (possibly SS barracks). VS of camp at Dachau, including inmates sitting by fires cooking. Steam in FG. Shot of liberated inmates pans to bodies, stacked like cork wood. A sequence of shots of corpses. Inmates in striped uniforms unloading bread from truck. Cleaning out large cabin. Carrying corpse. VS of liberated inmates being deloused. Considerable coverage of this activity. Two young inmates in striped suits strolling through camp. Inmates pulling food truck. Shot of crematorium, flame is visibl...