Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,221 to 2,240 of 56,066
  1. Collection regarding the trials of Zoepf, Harster and Slottke in Munich during 1966-1968

    Collection regarding the trials of Zoepf, Harster and Slottke in Munich during 1966-1968 SS-Sturmbannführer Wilhelm Zoepf was head of the Referat IV B4 in The Hague in 1942. He administered the system of transports from Westerbork camp to the East, including the decisions regarding exemptions and deportations; Wilhelm Harster was commander of de Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (the German Security and Police forces); Fraulein Slottke gave orders to the Police in The Hague, in order to locate Jews and their property; Included in the collection: Documents regarding the death of...

  2. Documentation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1920-1941

    Documentation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1920-1941 Included in the collection: - Personal files of Jewish teachers, prepared by the teachers certification committee of the Jewish education branch of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia; - Correspondence with the office for Jewish education, and survey reports; - Budgetary documents of Jewish schools, and reports regarding the schools' budget and the budget for other Jewish education institutions; - Reports regarding the receipt of salaries by workers in the Jewish educational system in Latvia.

  3. Documentation of the Bezirksaemter (Regional offices) in Oberpfalz (Upper Palatinate)

    Documentation of the Bezirksaemter (Regional offices) in Oberpfalz (Upper Palatinate) - Bezirksamt Amberg JM/12679 (frames 319-448) - Bezirksamt Eschenbach JM/12679 (frames 449-615); JM/12680 (frames 2-474).

  4. Documentation of the local authority in the Mogilev Podolskiy district, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the local authority in the Mogilev Podolskiy district, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Documentation regarding the situation of the Kolkhozy in the district; - Correspondence with the Romanian authorities regarding the employment of Jewish skilled professionals; - Correspondence with the administration of the concentration camp for political prisoners in Bronnytsa and the Romanian authorities in the district, regarding the situation of the camp.

  5. Documentation of the municipal administration in Kolomiya, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the municipal administration in Kolomiya, 1941-1942 Included in the collection are lists of Jews sent to labor on railroad tracks, instructions by the district administration in Kolomea regarding the repopulation of the Jewish population in the district, and documentation regarding the payment of salaries to Jews.

  6. Documentation of the Buergerschaft (House of Representatives) in Hamburg, on subjects related to Jews

    Documentation of the Buergerschaft (House of Representatives) in Hamburg, on subjects related to Jews

  7. Documentation from the Archive of Stepan Shukhevych, 1930

    Documentation from the Archive of Stepan Shukhevych, 1930 Included in the collection is an article from the "Lwowski Kurier" newspaper, regarding the arrest of a group of Ukrainian pupils who participated in sabotage activities in the Tarnopol region, 29/08/1930.

  8. Documentation of municipal Jewish schools in Riga, 1922-1940

    Documentation of municipal Jewish schools in Riga, 1922-1940 Included in the collection: Classroom record books; lists of pupils; incoming and outgoing postal documents; bills; birth certificates of pupils; matriculation certificates; reports regarding matriculation examinations; examinations in the Latvian language that were given in various classes; correspondence regarding various subjects.

  9. Documentation of the Landesherrenschaften - Hauptregistratur (Land Authorities - Main Registry Office) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Landesherrenschaften - Hauptregistratur (Land Authorities - Main Registry Office) in Hamburg

  10. Documentation of the regional administration of work reserves in Mogilev, 1943-1945

    Documentation of the regional administration of work reserves in Mogilev, 1943-1945 Included in the collection are instructions regarding work and manpower, and lists of workers.

  11. M.52.DAHmO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Khmelnitskiy Region

    M.52.DAHmO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Khmelnitskiy Region History of the Archives: The Archives Authority was established in the Kamyanets Podilsk district in April 1922. Afterwards the Archives Authority became the Archives Authority of the Kamyanets Podilsk subdivision in 1925, and it became the local Archives Authority of Kamyanets Podilsk in 1932. The name of the Archives Authority was changed to the Regional State Historical Archives of Kamyanets Podilsk in March 1932. The Archive was subordinate to the Executive Committee of the Vinnitsa region. With the establishm...

  12. O. 64.2 - Theresienstadt Collection: Original documentation from the Theresienstadt Ghetto

    O. 64.2 - Theresienstadt Collection: Original documentation from the Theresienstadt Ghetto The Documentation Collection from the Theresienstadt Ghetto is comprised of three principle collections: A. The Zeev Sheck Collection, also known as the Dokumentační Akce-Praha (Prague Documentation Project) Collection [Files 1-110]; B. The Hermann Weisz Collection [Files 111-422]; C. The Miscellaneous Collection including documentation from the ghetto submitted to the Yad Vashem Archives by private bodies and others [Files 423-469]. A. The Zeev Sheck Collection Provenance of the Collection: Born in O...

  13. Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Hoehere Schulen (State and private high schools) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Hoehere Schulen (State and private high schools) in Hamburg The Collection is comprised of sub-record groups that deal with specific schools. Included in the material, among others, are lists of pupils and matriculation certificates of boys and girls who were pupils in certain schools.

  14. O.6 - Polish Collection

    O.6 - Polish Collection The Polish Collection is a record group composed of various materials dealing with Polish Jewry during the Holocaust. The numerous and varied materials arrived at the Yad Vashem Archives from many sources, mainly private people. The documentation reflects the multiple and varied aspects, both personal and public, of the lives of the Jews in Poland at the start of, during and after the German occupation. - Among the documents pertaining to personal fate there are memoirs and testimonies, journals written during the war and after the liberation, correspondence between ...

  15. Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: Activities of the Partisans, Pioneers, and Soldiers Organization(PCh"Ch)

    Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: Activities of the Partisans, Soldiers, Pioneers Organization(PCh"Ch) The Partisans, Pioneers, and Soldiers Organization (PCh"Ch) began its activityin liberated Poland in 1945, and continued its activities in Germany, Austria, Italy and Cyprus until the members of the organization made aliya to Eretz Israel. The organization archives were brought to Eretz Israel by Shalom Cholovsky, a headquarters member. The documentation includes material from the main headquarters of the organization in Germany arranged in 11 files. Much importance is assigned to the...

  16. Documentation of the area office for recruitment of laborers in Grodno, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the area office for recruitment of laborers in Grodno, 1942-1944 The Collection includes work summons for Jews in the Grodno Ghetto for work in various companies in the city; correspondence of various factories in Grodno with the local employment office (Arbeitsamt) regarding Jewish laborers from the Grodno Ghetto, procedures for payment of wages and requests for Jewish craftsmen, exit permits for Jewish laborers and fleeing Polish laborers.

  17. Documentation of the Reichsfinanzministerium (Reich Ministry of Finance), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsfinanzministerium (Reich Ministry of Finance), Germany, 1933-1945

  18. P.31 - Collection of Ottó (Natan) Komoly, Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség (Hungarian Zionist Organization), 1941-1944

    P.31 - Collection of Ottó (Natan) Komoly, Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség (Hungarian Zionist Organization), 1941-1944 Biography of Ottó Komoly: Ottó Komoly (Hebrew name: Natan-Zeev Kahan) was born in Budapest in 1892; by profession he was an engineer. In 1940 he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Magyar Cionista Szövetség, and in 1941, he was elected as its Chairman. In 1943, the Budapesti Mentőbizottság (Budapest Relief and Rescue Committee) was established in Budapest and Komoly served as its chairman. In this capacity, he was involved with relief activities and attempts to smug...

  19. תיקים של אוסף Schumacher מה-Berlin Dokument Center בארכיון Wuerzburg, בואריה

    The Schumacher Collection is a collection of documents from the period 1933 -1945 compiled by Mr Schumacher. Mr. Schumacher, former procurator of a paper shop, was employed after 1945 at the Berlin Document Center (BDC). The files were sent to the Bavarian state archives via the BDC. The part accessible at the Wuerzburg State Archives consists of documents from district offices, municipalities and gendarmerie offices in the district of Lower Franconia. The surviving substance is very different in quality and quantity. There are extensive records, e.g. from the districts of Bad Kissingen and...

  20. Documentation of the Committee for State Security (KGB) in Belorussia, 1945-1953

    Documentation of the Committee for State Security (KGB) in Belorussia, 1945-1953 Included in the collection: - Legal documentation and documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding war crimes of the Germans in Belorussia.