Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,141 to 2,160 of 56,066
  1. Documentation from the Amtsgericht Lichterfelde

    Documentation from the Amtsgericht Lichterfelde Files from two Record Groups of the Landesarchiv Berlin: Files from the A Rep. 345 Record Group: in most part, files of estates and wills of Jews, from the years 1933-1939; Files from the B Rep. 045 Record Group: in most part, personal files of Jews, from the years 1946-1961, and lists of those who withdrew from the Evangelist Church.

  2. Documentation from the Württembergisches Innenministerium (Württemberg Ministry of the Interior)

    Documentation from the Württembergisches Innenministerium (Württemberg Ministry of the Interior)

  3. Card file of the Jewish community in the Lemberg Ghetto, 1941-1943

    Card file of the Jewish community in the Lemberg Ghetto, 1941-1943

  4. R.1 - German Foreign Office

    R.1 - Documantation of the German Foreign Office, 1870-1945 Research conducted from the year 2000 and following regarding Nazi Germany has demonstrated that as opposed to the image promoted after the war, the German Foreign Ministry workers were actively involved in the extermination of the Jews of Europe. Almost all of them were working towards strengthening Germany and implementation of its goals, including the Nazis who joined the Foreign Ministry following the Nazi rise to power and the veteran Foreign Ministry workers. Among the goals of the Foreign Ministry was the amplification of an...

  5. Documentation of the Bundeskanzleramt (Office of the Prime Minster) in Vienna

    Documentation of the Bundeskanzleramt (Office of the Prime Minster) in Vienna The collection contains files on various subjects, before and after the Anschluss (annexation of Austria to Germany): files regarding Nazi, anti-Nazi and Socialist propaganda in various places (based on reports from the Austrian Embassies), the Vaterländische Front (the Austrian Party in power until the Anschluss), surveys of the German press and what it has to say regarding Austria, and more. One of the files (Microfilm JM/29036, Scans 112-128) surveys the relatives of Adolf Hitler in Austria.

  6. Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Ulm

    Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Ulm: The legal basis for the work of the arbitrator for reparations in the American zone was Law No. 59 of the Military Government (American Control Area) of November 10, 1947. According to this, the confiscated property, firm, bank account or other property was to be returned or compensation for it was to be paid. For this, the injured party or his legal successor had to conduct contentious proceedings against the individual or institution liable for restitution, which had seized the property. In order to prevent every claim for reimbu...

  7. Official documentation of the German occupation authorities in Latvia, from the Westermann Collection in Riga

    Official documentation of the German occupation authorities in Latvia, from the Westermann Collection in Riga The Westermann Collection includes official documentation of the municipal administration of the Rigas Prefekturas (Riga Prefecture) Police; official documentation of Einsatzgruppe A active in Latvia in 1941; orders and instructions by the Sicherheitspolizei to the SD and SS in Latvia; instructions of the Generalkommissar and Giebitskommissar of Riga; Latvian antisemitic newspapers, from 1939-1940 and from the German occupation period; lists of Jews who were deported from Hamburg, D...

  8. Documentation of the district German Court of Law in Lemberg, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the district German Court of Law in Lemberg, 1942-1944

  9. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Afek

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Afek Testimonies/ interviews/ memoirs: 1. Booklet, "[Kibbutz] Members tell about the illegal immigration", Afek, July 1964; 2. Moshe Sharfstein - his experiences; 3. Shalom Perlovitz - testimony.

  10. Lists of voters from Kostopol, 1939-1940

    Lists of voters from Kostopol, 1939-1940

  11. Documentation of the Reichsverkehrsministerium (Reich Ministry of Transportation), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsverkehrsministerium (Reich Ministry of Transportation), Germany, 1933-1945

  12. M.30 - Kurt Grossmann Archives: Documentation regarding Kurt Grossman's activities as an advisor to the Jewish Agency and documentation regarding reparations

    M.30 - Kurt Grossmann Archives: Documentation regarding Kurt Grossman's activities as an advisor to the Jewish Agency and documentation regarding reparations Kurt Grossmann was born in Berlin, Germany. He served as the Executive Director of the League for Human Rights from 1926 to 1933. In February 1933, he left Germany and moved to Prague, Czechoslovakia where he founded the Democratic Refugee Relief Committee, an organization dedicated to providing relief to refugees. He also edited the news about Germany for a news service [news agency]. In 1939, he moved to the United States and worked ...

  13. Documentation of the rural administrations in the Kleck District, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the rural administrations in the Kleck District, 1941-1942 The Collection includes documentation of the Nagorna District administration; instructions of Wilhelm Kube regarding mixed marriages, identification of Jews, life in the occupied territories and selling of Jewish homes; instructions regarding the manner of confiscating Jewish property in the Baranowicze and Kleck areas; instructions by the area administrative Commander in Zaostrovichi regarding the confiscation of property from the Judenrat; list of Jewish residents living in Kletsk, from 02 February 1942; documenta...

  14. Maurice Frankenhuis Collection

    Maurice Frankenhuis Collection Publications and correspondence, newspaper clippings and pamphlets regarding the Nazi crimes and trials against Nazis; Included in the file: - "A Journey into Darkness" by Maurice Frankenhuis, regarding his life in the Netherlands during the German occupation, in Westerbork camp, and during his deportation to Theresienstadt; - Issue of "The Saturday Evening Post" newspaper, Oct. 22, 1966, including an article regarding the Eichmann Trial, "Historical Trial: Auschwitz", published by the "Hiroshima - Auschwitz Peace March" organization.

  15. Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in Courts of Law in Westphalia

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12421174
    • English, Hebrew
    • Birth certificate Legal documentation Marriage certificate Official documentation Personal documents Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors Survey report

    Decisions regarding the Todeserklaerungen (Declaration of Death) of Jewish victims, given in Courts of Law in Westphalia In the Collection are files including applications to Courts of Law in Westphalia for the recognition of death of local Jews who were deported to the East by the Nazis, and for whom no official Declaration of Death had been given. These applications (requests) were submitted in most part by the relatives of those who had perished, [and] who requested to receive claims for compensation from Germany. The files include the applications including details regarding those who p...

  16. Documentation of the Estonian Workers' Insurance Company in Tallinn, 1921 - 1940

  17. Documentation of the City Council Committe of the Communist Party in Vitebsk, 1939-1941

    Soviet documentation from before the occupation of Vitebsk, 1939-1941, and State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) documentation from 1944 In the Collection there is a list of the Communists in Vitebsk, 1940-1941; a report submitted by the head of the Party Committee in Polotsk to the director of the Belorussian History Museum regarding the extermination of the Jews in Polotsk; a report from the Notarization Committee of the Municipal Party Conference in Vitebsk; a list of factory and organization managers in Vitebsk, prepared in 1941; ...

  18. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Porechye, 1940

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Porechye, 1940 The Collection includes instructions for the establishment of the Porechye District in the Belostok Region; instructions and regulations of the Communist Party Regional Committee; protocols from the District Committee meetings; reports of the District Committee [that were sent] to the Regional Committee on various subjects; appeal of workers to the committee; statistical reports regarding kholkhozes and sovkhozes (communal and Soviet farms); lists of workers in the District Committee ; documentation regarding election...

  19. Westermann Collection: Documentation of the Jewish organizations from the period before the German occupation

    Westermann Collection: Documentation of the Yiddish organizations from the period before the German occupation Annual reports regarding activities of the Linat Zedek Hospital and the Gemilut Chasadim Association, 1924-1926; documentation of the HaGymnasia HaIvrit (Hebrew High School) in Riga, Latvia and documentation regarding its closing during the Soviet occupation in 1940.