Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,121 to 2,140 of 56,066
  1. Documentation of the council and the Executive Committee of the Mogilev municipality, 1939-1940

    Documentation of the council and the Executive Committee of the Mogilev municipality, 1939-1940 Included in the collection: - List of Jewish residents and refugees from western Belorussia; - Personal files of Jews; - Survey report regarding the housing situation.

  2. Documentation regarding Jews, from the Lehrte Municipal Archives

    Documentation regarding Jews, from the Lehrte Municipal Archives

  3. Documentation of the regional Prosecutor's Office in Bialystok, 1947-1979

    Documentation of the regional Prosecutor's Office in Bialystok, 1947-1979 Included in the file are prosecution files against Polish collaborators and German policemen for their actions during the war period in the Bialystok region.

  4. Documentation related to the Jewish education administration of the Minorities education administration, 1920-1934

    Documentation related to the Jewish education administration of the Minorities education administration, 1920-1934 Regulations, instructions, circulars and correspondence of the Ministry of Education regarding the activities of Jewish schools; circulars regarding clerical matters, the notation of Jewish holidays and changes in the school program; protocols of meetings of various committees of the Jewish education administration; agreements with private Jewish schools and Jewish kindergartens; regulations of the central Latvian organization of communities; Jewish teachers organizations: HaMo...

  5. Documentation from the Landratsaemter (county district authorities) of Merzig, Saarlouis and St. Wendel in the Saar region, 1935-1947

    Documentation from the Landratsaemter of Merzig, Saarlouis and St. Wendel (district authorities) in the Saar region

  6. O.72- Menachem Kaufmann Collection: Documentation regarding Communities in Germany, mainly in Hessen

    O.72- Menachem Kaufmann Collection: Documentation regarding Communities in Germany, mainly in Hessen In the collection there are files submitted to Yad Vashem by Menachem Kaufmann, who gathered documentation regarding Jewish communities, mainly in the Hessen area. The files include information regarding the Jewish communities (including Jewish community-owned property) and the lives of the Jews.

  7. Documentation of German Army units from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1939-1945

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10625907
    • English, Hebrew
    • Administrative documentation Circular Diagram Diary Envelope Financial accounts Letter List of soldiers Lists Maps Newspaper Note Official documentation Photograph Postcard Statistical data Survey report Telegram

    Documentation of German Army units from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1939-1945 The documentation includes files from the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces-OKW), the Oberkommando des Heeres (Supreme High Command of the German Army-OKH) and a few files from the Oberkommando der Marine (Supreme High Command of the Navy-OKM) (Microfilm JM/29059) and of the Reichswehrministerium (German Defense Ministry) during the Weimar period (Microfilm JM/29060). The documentation deals with financial matters, administration, intelligence, military justice, personnel, supplies a...

  8. Documentation from the Kreisarchiv Rottweil, regarding Jews

    Documentation from the Kreisarchiv Rottweil, regarding Jews

  9. Documentation from the Amtsgericht Aalen

    Documentation from the Amtsgericht Aalen Included in the Collection are files regarding trials, the grand majority of them against non-Jewish forced laborers.

  10. M.41. ZGABob - Documentation from the Zonal State Archive in Bobruysk, Belorussia

    M.41. ZGABobr - Documentation from the Zonal State Archive in Bobruysk, Belorussia History of the Archive In December 1944 the Bobruysk Region State Archive was established; it was reorganized as the Bobruysk State Municipal Archive in 1954, when the Bobruysk Region was abolished; a branch of the Mogilev Region Regional State Archive in Bobruysk was established in 1963 on the foundation of the Bobruysk State Municipal Archive and the District Archives of the Bobruysk, Kirov, Osipovichi, Klichev, and Glusk Districts; this Archive has been working under a new name since March 1996: Zonalny Go...

  11. Documentation of the The I.L. Peretz Jewish Literary and Drama Society in Valga in Valga, 1920 - 1939

  12. Card file of the Jewish residents and refugees from Pinsk in alphabetical order, 1939-1941

    Card file of the Jewish residents and refugees from Pinsk in alphabetical order, 1939-1941

  13. Documentation of the municipal administration of Brest, 1941-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13234955
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Correspondence Declaration Instruction List of craftspeople List of forced laborers List of Jewish physicians Official documentation Survey report

    Documentation of the municipal administration of Brest, 1941-1944 Personal forms completed by Jews from Brest in order to receive identity cards, November 1941-October 1942; documentation regarding tax payments by the Jews, 1941-1942; orders and directives issued by the municipal administration commander regarding Jewish forced laborers, and prohibitions and limitations pertaining to Jews; correspondence between the Judenrat and the Brest municipal administration; lists of Jewish names and lists of Jewish family men from Brest; reports regarding the supply and allotment of food to Jews; lis...

  14. TR.17.OBUiADwGd - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Gdansk, Poland, 1946-1990

    TR.17.OBUiADwGd - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Gdansk, Poland, 1946-1990

  15. Documentation of the administration of the municipal branch of the state bank in Rovno, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the administration of the municipal branch of the state bank in Rovno, 1940-1941 Included in the collection are lists of Jews from Rovno and documentation of the finance department of the Jewish school in Rovno.

  16. Collection of newspaper clippings, posters and pamphlets produced by Ukrainian Nationalists and the German authorities in the Zhitomir region, 1941-1944

    Collection of newspaper clippings, posters and pamphlets produced by Ukrainian Nationalists and the German authorities in the Zhitomir region, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: - Newspaper clippings from the "Ukrainske Slovo", "Golos Volyni", "Nova Doba", "Boyevoy Put" and "Nabat" newspapers; - Appeals, posters, announcements and instructions of the German and Ukrainian local authorities; - Appeals and posters intended for Red Army soldiers, partisans and the Ukrainian population; - Appeals issued by Grigori, the governor of Zhitomir and Vinnitsa; - Instruction sent by Erich Koch, the R...

  17. M.26.1 - Search for relatives forms printed by the Relative Search Department of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Stockholm, 1944-1947

    M.26.1 - Search for relatives forms printed by the Relative Search Department of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Stockholm, 1944-1947 Alphabetized questionnaires completed by survivors in order to search for their relatives; the questionnaires contain details regarding the survivor requesting the search and his/her experiences during the war.

  18. List of occupants who resided in Sumy, arranged according to streets, 1941-1943

    List of occupants who resided in Sumy, arranged according to streets, 1941-1943