Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,461 to 12,480 of 55,890
  1. BDM: exercise; marching on roadside

    Entire clip intercut with titles, beginning with "Education in Germany today". BDM girls exercising in a circle, running, and practicing the javelin throw. Younger girls walk along a country road in Saxony, stake a flag, eat lunch, read, nap, and perform silly skits. According to a transcript of Bryan's film lecture on Nazi Germany in the U.S. in 1938, this is a country road from Nurnberg to Dresden in Saxony. This particular compilation of trims may have been compiled for screening at one of Bryan's public lectures.

  2. Catholic church service in central Poland

    Undercranked shots (action sped up) inside a Catholic church for services. The church is full with men, women and children. The priest performs the mass facing the altar and the sacristy with his back to the churchgoers. VS of communion, Overhead shot from the pulpit of the congregation.The priest speaks from the pulpit.

  3. Prelude to war and scenes of destruction inflicted by the invading German army in Warsaw

    Sequence of outtakes begins with German planes flying overhead in 1939 during the German invasion of Poland. The Germans surround Poland from the south and the north, eventually reaching Warsaw and destroying the city. CU at 01:18:19 that shows an eagle insignia, in the hands of a soldier, who is marching along the street, air attack over Warsaw, scenes of Warsaw and posters that were on the streets. They are all in Polish, they are propaganda posters featuring swastikas and soldiers. Warsaw burning [most likely stock news footage] at 01:18:32, followed by shots of Poles taking to the stree...

  4. Linz and Salzburg, Austria, 1948

    VS in Linz, Austria: trolley cars, street scenes, etc. MCU people look at the camera as they board a street car. Street cars, motorcycles, bicycles, traffic cops. CUs at 01:22:00:00 of posters advertising film screenings and other events. Date on poster is August 1948. The film being advertised is called "Spuk" it is a joint US-AUSTRIA production, more posters for Folk festivals, and other events in September 1948, and another for "Funk Film." 01:22:23:20 Location switches to Salzburg, Austria. LS of the United States Information Center from across the street from this building, then moves ...

  5. Street scenes in Danzig, circa 1937

    Danzig, street scenes: streetcars, buses, supply trucks, shops, civilians going about their daily routines. 01:04:12:00 LS of trolley traveling down tracks in the center of the street. Nazi insignia and flags are visible everywhere, in every window of every building, most buildings have multiple flags displayed; continues with more street scenes of the entire street full of Nazi flags and banners. CU of sign for Adolf Hitler Strasse. MS of Hitler Youth, three young boys pose for the camera and smile; more shots of all the Nazi banners, stormtroopers, etc; 01:06:17:24 MCU of sign that reads:...

  6. Events leading to WWII

    War film about the background of World War II (Orientation Film No. 1). Reel 1 shows the bombing of Pearl Harbor, London air raids, cavalry and tank battles in Russia, and Panzer and Luftwaffe operations in western Europe. Fascists in Italy and Nazis in Germany riot and parade. Titles appear at beginning of reel.

  7. Zinc refinery in operation in Katowice

    Scenes from the Giesche zinc mine and refinery in Katowice, circa 1936. VS, inside near the furnaces, men coming out for a break and getting water, women sorting the ore before it is smelted, the conveyor belt from the mine shaft, men drilling inside the mine. 01:14:55 Good shots of the digging in the mine, workers leaving the mine. Scene with the workers collecting their bicycles at the end of the day. Several good CUs of the faces of the workers, the raw zinc ore, machinery, etc. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  8. Nazi Germany trims: HJ, wreath laying

    Sign "Unser gruss ist 'Heil Hitler'". Peasant and cart. Marching band in city square. Nazi (Leipzig?). Man leaning against railing over river. Books in shop window. HJ motorbike. Spectators. Wreath laying. Parade, marching band. Goosestepping. Military review. Soldier guards memorial, CU boots.

  9. Friendship ring engraved GG made from silver spoons in the Riga ghetto

    Engraved silver ring made from a spoon for Gerda Gerstl, 12, in March 1943 in the Riga ghetto. Gerda and her friend Hanka Spiegel had rings made for Hanka’s 12th birthday by Issi Lurie, a silversmith who worked with Hanka’s father Karl in the Luftwaffe uniform deposit. Gerda and Hanka traded their rings in fall 1943 when they were separated. Hanka kept Gerda’s ring until her liberation in March 1945, wearing it upside down on her hand and hiding it in her mouth during selections. Gerda and Hanka met at the Viennese school in the ghetto. Hanka and her parents were sent to Riga from Theresien...

  10. Edward Smigly-Rydz becomes Field Marshall 1936

    At 01:14:04:02 LS, a large group of civilians walking around on a field, there are Polish military regiments lined up along the field as well-buildings are visible in the distance. All the regiments were rounding up on the field and then marching from the field through the town. MCU of the regiments in full dress marching through the streets, traveling shot, slightly out of focus. At 01:14:34:02 cut to MS of Field Marshall Edward Smigly-Rydz at the reviewing stand with other dignitaries, everyone is wearing top coats and top hats, or military dress gear. 01:14:50:13 The parade review stand,...

  11. Star of David pendant with a prisoner number made by a former concentration camp inmate

    Star of David pendant made postwar by Paul Rosenberg and given for safekeeping to Josef Fischman, a fellow former concentration camp survivor in 1947. It is engraved with Paul’s initials and his prisoner number, 194446, from Auschwitz. At an unknown date, Paul was sent to Auschwitz from Krakow, Poland, which was occupied by Germany in September 1939. He was transferred to Gross-Rosen concentration camp, where he met Josef Fischman, a Romanian born Jew from Sighet Maramures, then part of Hungary and invaded by Germany in March 1944. In May, Josef was deported to Auschwitz, and sent to Gross-...

  12. Invasion of Oesel and Moon Islands, Estonia.

    "Ufa" logo; "Nr. 57" appear on screen. The narrator says, "Die Inseln Oesel und Moon in deutscher Hand." [The islands of Oesel and Moon in German hands]. Map showing Oesel (Saaremaa) and Moon islands, located between Latvia and Estonia. Luftwaffe planes in the air over the islands. German ships in the ocean; mines detonating in the water. Soldiers on board ship receiving orders. Cannons firing from the ship at Soviet positions. Germans in small motorboats race toward the island while planes overhead cover them and fire at a lighthouse/watchtower on the island. Planes bomb the island. German...

  13. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    A Polish soldier confiscating the remains of the wreckage of a downed German plane. The plane has a large cross in the center of it, CU of the cross, CU of the soldier unscrewing something, camera moves in closer- but the shot is out of focus, as the shot comes into focus the viewer can see that the soldier has taken out the clock from the dashboard of the wrecked plane. He is removing this clock as a trophy. 01:00:58:05: Julien Bryan, along with a reporter and two Polish soldiers, examines the wreckage of this plane. More shots of the soldier standing by a portion of the wing of the plane....

  14. German soldiers meet

    INT, four Germans in uniform, in an office, map on wall in BG. One sits behind a desk with glasses reading a letter. They are speaking to one another.

  15. Street scenes in Warsaw, 1936

    Two biplanes fly overhead, quickly returns to a scene of a large plaza, people milling about. VS, Warsaw street scenes, an occasional peasant is visible in the crowd, but for the most part they are all well-dressed city folk. CU of tram stop at 01:13:03:15: "PRZYSTANEK TRAMWAJOW MIEJSKICH" Inside the street car, passengers look out window, read, etc. CU of traffic cop in busy intersection at 01:13:16:00. More buses, cars, street vendors, etc. selling religious articles. Rainy day scenes in Warsaw, the same traffic cop we saw earlier is now in rain gear, and still directing traffic.

  16. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939

    MS, Julien Bryan and nurses talking in the hospital. CU of one of the nurses as she explains the situation to Bryan. MCU of four men at the hospital, the one with glasses is a German prisoner, who is being cared for by the Poles. 01:10:05:25 A young priest is present as well. CU of the German soldier getting his hair cut, another German prisoner (with a Hitler-style mustache) is smoking and talking to a Polish officer as a doctor looks on. Some of the CUs of the Germans are quite out of focus, comes back into focus- the priest spends some time smoking and talking to the German soldiers foll...

  17. Berlin

    Pedestrians in city, dog.

  18. BDM girls

    Girls at school, on porch, gardening, bread, milking goat.

  19. Catholic hospital in Warsaw destroyed during the German siege, 1939

    The bombed out Catholic Hospital of the Transfiguration, one of Warsaw's largest hospitals. A nurse and doctor make their way through a destroyed ward full of empty beds. Catholic statuary in the hospital, CUs of beds filled with rubble, a Virgin Mary statue on a bed, a palm tree. MCU of Julien Bryan speaking with one of the nurses at the hospital. 01:06:05 Quick shot of the destruction at the American Consular office in Warsaw. Shots of another hospital with a makeshift maternity ward in the cellar hallway. VS of the new mothers and newborns. CU, a newborn's head is bandaged. More shots of...

  20. Building the International Exposition in Paris

    International Exposition in Paris: river, buildings and pavilions under construction for opening in May 1937 (date of this footage unknown, possibly 1935 as follows shots of Barbusse's death in Moscow in 1935). Sign: "Exposition Internationale de 1937 section de la -nce d'outremer" Sign: "Exposition Internationale de 1937 Pavillon des Stats du Levant enterprise generale Les charpentiers de Paris 24 Rue Larouste" Crowds in winter clothing. Pan of pavilions under construction, scaffolding, structures, statues, cranes. 01:10:38 CU, flag with hammer and sickle, workers building the Russian pavi...