Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 721 to 740 of 55,889
  1. Personal documents of workers at the district office for commerce and food of the Belorussian Railroad Line in Mogilev, 1940-1941

    Personal documents of workers at the district office for commerce and food of the Belorussian Railroad Line in Mogilev, 1940-1941

  2. Documentation from the Finanzamt Witzenhausen

    Documentation from the Finanzamt Witzenhausen

  3. O.26: Documentation regarding the North African Jewish communities, mainly during the World War II period

    O.26: Documentation regarding the North African Jewish communities, mainly during the World War II period In the Collection there is official documentation and personal documentation, as well as newspaper clippings. In the Collection there is also documentation regarding North Africa from Yad Vashem Record Groups O. 9 (France Collection) and M. 42 (Archives in France).

  4. תיעוד מה-Landesarchiv Berlin (חטיבה של Der Generalbauinspekteur fuer die Reichshauptstadt)

    The General Building Inspector for the capital of the Reich Berlin. The authority was created by decree of January 30, 1937 and had the central responsibility for the planned conversion of Berlin to the "imperial capital Germania". It was headed by Albert Speer and was directly subordinate to the chancellor of the Reich Adolf Hitler. Since October 1943, the authority was also charged with the preparation of the rebuilding of destroyed cities.

  5. Documentation of the General Commissioner in Reval [Tallinn], 1941 - 1944

  6. Documentation of the Ukrainian authorities in the Rivne region, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the Ukrainian authorities in the Rivne region, 1941-1942 Included in the collection: - Documentation regarding the Radziwillow area, including statistical data regarding the area's residents, names of Jews in the area, and the location of the ghettos in the area, 1941-1942; - Statistical data regarding the population in the villages in the Klevan district; - List of Jewish residents from Tuchin.

  7. Collection of legal material from the Deutsche Bundesrepublik, Germany, 1960-1971

    Collection of legal material from the Deutsche Bundesrepublik, Germany, 1960-1971 Collection of copies of materials from German Courts of Law in the Deutsche Bundesrepublik, Germany, regarding verdicts against Nazi war criminals, 1960-1971; Included in the collection: Copies of verdicts of the Schwurgericht bei dem Landgericht (Circuit Court at the District Court) in various cities in Germany, 1960-1971.

  8. Collection of the Staatscommissie Bezettingsrecht committee for legislation in the Netherlands after the war, 1946-1955

    Collection of the Staatscommissie Bezettingsrecht committee for legislation in the Netherlands after the war, 1946-1955 Establishment of the Staatscommissie Bezettingsrecht as a government committee in the Netherlands in 1946; the aim of the committee was to advise the Netherlands government regarding the revocation of the Nazi occupation legislation, and regarding legislation for the transition period in order to return the Dutch legal system to order; Included in the collection: Survey by the Staatscommissie Bezettingsrecht, regarding subjects related to the anti-Jewish legislation in the...

  9. Collection of M. H. Bregstein in the Netherlands, 1940-1956

    Collection of M. H. Bregstein in the Netherlands, 1940-1956 Bregstein was born in 1900. He was a lecturer in Law at the Hogeschool van Rotterdam during 1934-1939. He was appointed Attorney General of the Netherlands in 1940. He was dismissed from this position in the same year, due to his Jewish origin. After the war, he was accepted to the Council for the Restitution of Justice and Law in the banking securities registration department and was an advisor to the Netherlands Ministry of the Treasury in the matter of the property which had been confiscated by the Nazis.

  10. Card file of the German Ministry of Justice, regarding revocation of citizenship

    Card file of the German Ministry of Justice, regarding revocation of citizenship The card file includes names and basic details of emigrants from Germany, whose citizenship was revoked following their emigration due to their being considered Enemies of Germany. During the first stage, this applied in most part to members of the Left, but later on the Jews constituted the majority of the people in this group; The card file is arranged in alphabetical order, according to the last names.

  11. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Sde Nehemia

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Sde Nehemia Testimonies: 1. Liza Gidron (1986); 2. "Mijn vlucht uit Westerbork" ("My escape from Westerbork"), by Herman Italiaander; Articles: 1. Yaakov Naeh, "With the children on the train to Auschwitz", "Davar" (18/03/1993), pp. 3-4 [regarding Aharon Mancher]; 2. Dan Amtel, "From Czechoslovakia to Israel - in four years ..." [regarding the aliya of Yehuda "Boki" Boksbaum]; 3. "The great escape", "Sofshavua" ("Weekend"), ["Ma'ariv"], Apri...

  12. Collection of Hauptabteilung soziale Verwaltung (HSV), the Labor and Welfare department of the Generalkommissariat zur besonderen Verwendung in the Netherlands, 1942-1944

    Collection of Hauptabteilung soziale Verwaltung (HSV), the Labor and Welfare department of the Generalkommissariat zur besonderen Verwendung in the Netherlands, 1942-1944 The department was established in order to draft Dutch laborers to factories in Germany and Eastern Europe, the Arbeitseinsatz; Included in the collection: Documents from the Hauptabteilung soziale Verwaltung (HSV), regarding the draft of Dutchmen to labor in the East, and their labor conditions, 1942; Documents from the HSV, regarding the regulations for the draft of Dutchmen to the Arbeitseinsatz, 1942; Letter to the Rue...

  13. Documentation of the Executive Committee of the Molotovskiy neighborhood, in Belostok, 1941

    Documentation of the Executive Committee of the Molotovskiy neighborhood, in Belostok, 1941 The Collection includes lists of delegates of the City Council in Bialystok; list of residents in the city; documentation regarding employment in the city and other matters.

  14. Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, August-September 1941

    Census of the Jewish population of Latvia, August-September 1941 Lists of residents compiled as part of the census conducted in Latvia, August-September 1941, including the names of Jews.

  15. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh Testimonies: "Testimonies: Stories of members of Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh during the Holocaust period", 5750 (1990) (two copies): Gita Alexandroni; Dov Amitai (1990); Rosa Amitai (1984); Eva Efrat (1983); Shmuel Becher (1983); Tamar Blau (1984); Yehudit Haze (1983); Raya Yaakobi (1990); Saraleh Kochavi (1979); Willi Moher (1990); Zeev Mandel (1990); Zipora Mandel (1983); Marta Nimrod (1983); Daniella Nathan (1990); Reuven Peleg (198...

  16. Documentation of the Stanislawow branch of the emigration syndicate, 1930-1939

    Documentation of the Stanislawow branch of the emigration syndicate, 1930-1939 Included in the collection are applications for emigration outside the country.

  17. Documentation of the Rivne municipality, 1941-1943

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12833699
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1943
    • Application Certification Correspondence Instruction List of clerks List of craftspeople List of healthcare workers List of homeowners List of Jews List of residents List of teachers Official documentation Statistical report Survey report הודעה

    Documentation of the Rivne municipality, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Instructions by the mayor of Rivne and the Reichskommissar (Reich commissioner) of Ukraine; - Instructions given by the Gebietskommissar (district commissioner) in Rivne to the heads of the districts, regarding arrangements by the local authorities and their activities including regulations regarding the transmission of documents to Jews; - Statistical data arranged according to nationality and race, prepared by the Rivne municipality, regarding the local population in Rivne during 1939-1942; - Documentation of...

  18. Documentation from the Amtsgericht Spandau

    Documentation from the Amtsgericht Spandau Files that relate to Jews as individuals, in most part regarding wills and estates.

  19. M.56 - Central British Fund

    M.56 - Documantation of the Central British Fund The Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief (CBF) known variously in the 1930's as the CBF for German Jewry (1933), the Council for German Jewry (1936), and the Central Council for Jewish Refugees (1939), was founded in Britain in early 1933 by a group of Anglo-Jewish communal leaders who represented the breadth of the liturgical spectrum and widely diverse political loyalties of the community. CBF action was a direct response to the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany on 30 January1933 on a political platform of anti-Se...