Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,941 to 19,960 of 55,889
  1. Estonian Youths Recruited for German Army

    Estonian youths receive physical exams, peasants surrender their horses to German army and estonian youths get close order drill instruction. 2:22:49 CU Dr. Mie? National Director of Estonia. Men read posted recruitment notice. CU Men coming through door; pan down to man checking papers against list. Men at table entering names. 2:23:05 Doctor with stethescope checks barechested man. Man pointing to figures on an eye chart. Profile of man holding hand over one eye. Group of volunteers stand together talking. 2:23:14 MLS Cluster of peasants or farmers with their horses in the snow. CU of var...

  2. Leszek Grzywaczewski photographs

    The collection consists of photographs depicting the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943 including burning buildings, Polish firefighters, German SS officers, and captured Jews being marched down Nowolipie Street prior to deportation. Also included is one post-war photograph depicting Hungarian troops preparing to execute Lajos Remenyi-Schneller, who was tried and convicted in 1946 of collaborating with the Nazis. All the Warsaw photographs were taken by Leszek Grzywaczewski, a Polish firefighter whose unit was called to the fire, but not allowed to intervene with buildings inside the ghetto.

  3. Town Archives of Banyuls papers

    The papers consist of a photocopy of Vincent Azema's election signed by the Municipal Council dated 1935 and a photocopy of a letter written by Vincent Azema dated on July 17, 1940, concerning the allotment of a pension to an elderly person.

  4. Hanukkah lamp found in rubble of Chancellery used by Hitler

    Virginia Link and her husband Lt. Colonal Willard C. Link were in Berlin, Germany from June to August 1947. During that time they visited the rubble of the German Chancellery with their friends Major William Ryan and his wife Matilda Ryan. Virginia walking through the rubble somehow noticed what appeared to be a brass object partially covered with debris. She recovered the item, returned home, cleaned it and kept it as a keepsake.

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees in Caldas da Rainha

    Shot of Caldas da Rainha (30 miles from Lisbon), residence for all refugees living in Portugal, many of whom were Jewish. VS of cattle fair. 02:45:32 Refugee works garden, woman spreads wash. EXT of Cafe Boccage, then packed INT [cafe is meant to replicate artists' cafe in Montparnasse, "La Rotonde"]. INT of Hotel Lisbonse where refugees meet to talk, play cards, sit on sofas, and chat. At 02:46:14 is a side view of Isaac Margosis at the extreme right in the glasses talking to the people playing cards. VS. Quick EXT shot of Jews leaving improvised synagogue as young boy looks at doorway.

  6. Albert Speer at arms factory

    Group of German soldiers approaches factory workers eating at bench. Worker talking to group of soldiers as heavy object moves by on chain in FG and then out of furnace, officers watch. Good MSs of production process as molton hot object is molded. Soldier passes out cigarettes to workers standing next to him. Albert Speer in suit and overcoat, bareheaded, speaking to workers by whom he is surrounded. Speer facing camera. Workers standing and perched on deck above ground level, listen, CUs of various workers. Good long shot of men standing on ground level and those leaning over balcony of s...

  7. Pavelic and Croatian Troops

    Ante Pavelic (Nazi Croatian leader) strides toward camera at head of procession; children give him flowers; MCU smiling women on sidelines look on. MS Pavelic salutes uniformed men at attention as he walks down line shaking hands; officers follow behind. Croat flag is carried by marching, "Heil"-saluting male civilians (recruits to the Black Legion). Pavelic shakes hands with some within the smiling crowd.

  8. German invasion of Poland

    Reel 2: Footage of Polish military parade and maneuvers. Burning villages "Polish outrages." Danzig: fighting in street, tank through streets, burning buildings. Professor Burkhart. Swastikas hanging from buildings in Danzig. German troops enter city. Graphic of "Polish attack" and German counter attack. German motorized troops mass. Tanks, then cavalry along road. Long line of troops march past trucks. More motorized troops mass. CUS of armored vehicles on the move. Tilt up to long line of tanks along road. MSs of tanks. Cavalry across field. Pov motorcycle along road. Side view - motorcyc...

  9. Berestowitz, Poland

    Intertitles appear in Yiddish and English. "The Old Mill" Pan, children in front of mill, lake, farm, field. "The Market, Not so busy" Town street with few people. Pan, including courtyard, horses, wagons, boys, houses. "A Catholic Church" Views of church and surrounding area. "A Bearded Blacksmith" Man (back to camera) next to horse-drawn cart, talking with other men. "A Picturesque Peasant" CU, man. "Polish Peasant Types" CU, women, children pose in BG. Another woman, staring blankly at the camera. Pan of houses in village. "A lucky find for an American dowry" Family poses at door of hous...

  10. Post World War One relief film

    Polish refugees with ox-driven carts along road with people and all their possessions. Peasants who have lost everything sitting on ground. CU, children and crying woman. Photographic stills of destroyed Polish villages with quick intertitles - German villagers escaping from Russian army and desolate Polish countryside. Three people flee on a sled. Group of women and children in front of snow dugout/hut.

  11. Yiddish King Lear; Habima Players

    There are burn-in time codes on the intermediate Betacam SP (Protection) video. There is no way to order a clean copy. Prominent actor, Solomon Mikhoels, of the Moscow State Yiddish Theater, in dressing room, applying makeup. Starkly lit closeup of Mikhoels as King Lear. Another prominent Jewish theater group in the Soviet Union, the Habima Players, perform an ancient Hebrew dance.

  12. Coupon

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn5922
    • English
    • a: Height: 4.000 inches (10.16 cm) | Width: 4.880 inches (12.395 cm) b: Height: 4.120 inches (10.465 cm) | Width: 4.500 inches (11.43 cm) c: Height: 4.120 inches (10.465 cm) | Width: 5.750 inches (14.605 cm)
  13. Destruction of Warsaw, Poland

    Examines the destruction of Warsaw by the Nazis during September 1939 and the efforts of the Polish underground to rebel. Includes scenes of Warsaw before and after the German invasion, including views of the Jewish ghetto. Under siege in 1939 cityscape smoke rising. Germans shelling. People running through scarred city street. VS of destruction. German troops and vehicles advance along road. Smoke rising from city square. Dead horses on their sides, men cutting meat off of horses, horse skeletons in street. Polish and German officers at surrender ceremony in bus. Occupation and ruins. Vari...

  14. Belgian Fascist Degrelle with SS

    Leon Degrelle, Commander of 15th Brigade of Volunteers-SS (also a Belgian fascist), meets with SS officers to get Cross of Valor. 1:06:09 LS in midst of forest, tent/bunker in BG. Group of SS officers coming toward camera. Among them is Degrelle who was or is to be decorated by Hitler. CU as they go up steps into building.

  15. Waffen SS red fez acquired by a US soldier following the liberation of Dachau concentration camp

    Red fez with a swastika and Death's head given to Lt. Colonel Lee Israel by a German camp guard immediately after the liberation of the camp by US troops on April 29, 1945. Lt. Col. Israel gave it to Richard Price n the circa 1950s. The red fez was part of the dress uniform of a Waffen-SS military detachment composed of Muslims from Bosnia, Croatia, and Herzegovina in occupied Yugoslavia, with one division from Albania. There was a green/field gray fez for the combat uniform. The creation of this unit was authorized by Hitler in 1943. The original purpose was to combat Tito’s partisans. Thr...

  16. Dance club scenes; dancing (staged)

    Interiors of dinner-dance club, with musicians. Nicely-dressed couples dance. See Adam Czerniakow's diary, 20-21-22 May 1942.

  17. The Liberators: The Liberation by the Criminal Army! Poster issued by the Gestapo to discredit executed French resistance members

    Political poster of the French resistance group Manouchian network. In February 1944, this poster appeared all over France. The Gestapo executed these men. Their leader was an Armenian gentleman named Missak Manouchian. The poster was meant to make an example of these ten partisans whose faces appear on this fiche. According to the book "Jewish Resistance in France" by Amy Latour, not long after the appearance of the poster, people began to deface the fiche by writing across the face "THEY DIED FOR FRANCE."

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Kindertransport: German Jewish Kids in England

    First boatload of 200 German Jewish children arriving from Holland coming down gangplank each wearing tag around neck which is checked. Good CUs as first girls then boys come down. Photographers and journalists take pictures. Shot of ship "Prague." Children board buses for Dovercourt holiday camp. 01:03:34 Arrival at camp, kids carry in their luggage. INT, kids playing ping pong. Children eating in dining hall. Good CUs.

  19. Street demonstration with posters of Stalin

    Brief SEQ: People marching in parade, holding placards and flags.

  20. FDR Arsenal of democracy

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 12, No. 941. Release date, 12/29/1940. "Roosevelt Warns of Danger to US if Nazis Win War" FDR speaking to camera, CU & VCU, seated at microphone. "If Great Britain goes down, the Axis powers will control the continents of Europe and Asia and Africa and Australasia, and the high seas. And they will be in a position to bring enormous military and naval resources against this hemisphere. It is no exaggeration to say that all of us in the Americas would be living at the point of a gun. Analyze for yourselves the future of two other places, even nearer to Germany, if...