Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,161 to 15,180 of 55,889
  1. Moshe Sheps papers

    The Moshe Sheps papers consists of 52 photographs and a postcard relating to Moshe Sheps' family before and during World War II in Poland.

  2. Frank P. Herold photograph collection

    The collection consists of 21 photographs taken in Bergen-Belsen and Ohrdruf concentration camps immediately following liberation in April 1945.

  3. Dorothy Wilonsky photograph collection

    This collection consists of seven photographs of Robert Wilonsky who worked for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and his family in Munich, Germany after World War II. One photograph depicts Sam Moseson, Robert's brother, Dorothy and Robert Wilonsky, and their daughter, Mona, on the eve of their immigration to the United States in 1949.

  4. New Year card

    The New Year card bears an oval shaped portrait of Murray Weglinski on the right. The text reads: "L'shana Tovah Tikatevu" (New Years Greetings), printed in Hebrew letters in the ceter. There is also a Star of David with an image of the sun and palm trees on the left. The card was created while Murray Weglinski was in Eschwege, Germany.

  5. Halina Masri papers

    The papers consist of 103 photographs depicting Halina Wroncberg Masri's family before World War II in Poland, her experiences as a hidden child during the war, and her experiences immediately after the war, including her immigration to Israel. The collection also includes a business card for Mordka (Mordechai) Bleiwejs, Halina’s maternal grandfather.

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 93. Hausner questions the accused about the implementation of the Final Solution following the Wannsee Conference. Eichmann is asked whether, once orders had arrived from Reinhard Heydrich, the Final Solution could be carried out, dependent only upon the availability of places for the deported Jews at camps in the East and the number of trains needed to carry out deportations. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2138 (at 01:00:38) and Tape 2140 (at 00:03). The footage on Tape 2138 is less complete. Eichmann disputes Hausner's characterization...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 100 and 101 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    There are shots of the courtroom, Eichmann in the booth, and medium shots of people in the audience. All rise as the judges enter the courtroom (00:35:45). Judge Landau opens the one-hundred first session of the trial (00:36:06). Attorney General Gideon Hausner presents a document to the court as proof of Heinrich Himmler's appointment to the Ministry of the Interior (00:36:28) and proceeds with the cross examination (00:39:20) asking Eichmann if Theodor Dannecker carried out his orders in Italy. The accused states that he had nothing to do with Dannecker's actions in Italy. Hausner proceed...

  8. Medical kit

  9. DP Camp Neu Freimann

    DPs in the street at Neu Freimann, automobiles, bus, traffic, soldiers. Sign: "IRO Area Team 1055 / Neu-Freimann / Siedlung" Winter. Groups of men at gate of the camp.

  10. Knapsack

  11. Richard W. Peterson collection

    Contains one copy of a black and white photograph of the Third Platoon; one memoir entitled, "The Hilltops of Attendorn"; one speech presented by Richard W. Patterson at the Annual meeting Omaha-Council Bluffs Hadassah Lakeshore Country Club Council Bluffs, Iowa, entitled, "A Night of Watching: The Rescue of the Danish Jews"; one Memorial Day Address Remembrance Ceremony of American Legion Post #2; an outline of events of Richard W. Peterson's liberation activities; and a transcript of phone conversations with Clarence McGilberry of Dallas, TX, former Staff Sgt. and Platoon Guide of 3rd Pla...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 51 -- Diaries of Yekuel & Klepper; Hungary documents; testimony of Pinhas Freudiger

    Footage begins with a shot of the courtroom in the middle of Session 51. The judges are looking over a set of documents. Judge Landau notes that they have decided to admit into evidence selections from the diary of Advocate Yomtov Yekuel and an affidavit from Advocate Asher Rafael Moissis (00:02:00). State Attorney Yaacov Bar-Or addresses the court with excerpts from Yekuel's diary pertaining to the experience of the Jews in Salonika, Greece. Footage cuts out from 00:07:54 to 00:08:06, but nothing is missing from the proceedings. Shots of Eichmann in the booth looking at documents. Bar-Or s...

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 107 -- Eichmann explains his oath to the Party

    Session 107. Tape starts midsentence when Eichmann is asked what his opinion was concerning the Nazi outlook that the Jews must be removed from Germany. (Footage duplicated from Tape 2195.) Eichmann says that he never thought about it, which the Judge quickly disputes. The tape is interrupted by a slate at 00:03:32 and resumes with Eichmann explaining that he had to not make waves in his position in the Reich. 00:04:41 Tape is interrupted again by a slate and resumes with the same footage. Eichmann insists he worked as a low-ranking official in the head office of Reich Security and regrette...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Session 14 and 15 -- Testimonies of Z. & M. Grynszpan, B. Cohn, A. Lindenstrauss

    Sessions 14 and 15. Witness Zindel Shmuel Grynszpan is called to the stand. The story skips after a blip at 00:02:13. Witness Mordechai Eliezer Grynszpan, son of prior witness Zindel Grynszpan, is called to the stand. Assistant State Attorney Gabriel Bar-Or questions Mordechai about his brother, Herschel Grynszpan. After a blip, Mordechai explains his reservations for writing to Herschel in France as the Nazis occupied. Mordechai details his actions during the 1940s and describes his search for his brother after the war. The witness is dismissed. A blip at 00:06:33 backtracks to Hausner rea...

  15. Publication

    2 publications

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 42 -- Testimony of Heinrich Grueber, Charlotte Salzberger; affidavit of Bernard Loesener

    Under questioning from the judges, the German theologian Dr. Heinrich Grueber testifies about his role in the rescue of Jews. He says that he receives hate mail and threats for his rescue work and for agreeing to come to Jerusalem to testify. He refuses to publicly state the name of a fellow rescuer for this reason. He quotes Leo Baeck as he describes the difference between the reactions of working people versus scholars to the persecution of the Jews. (Duplicate footage also found on Tape 2052 at 01:00:02 and Tape 2051 at 00:31:04). Judge Halevi asks Grueber what happened to Dr. Bernard Lo...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 46 -- Testimonies of Salz and Arnon regarding Yugoslavia

    Session 46. Judges enter, and open the 46th session of the trial. The consolidation of Jews and Freemasons in Belgrade is recommended, and the deportation of them to an island on the Danube River is suggested, assuming that this is an easy task. The discussion of statistics, along with dealing with the Roma quarter, are brought up. 00:12:46 Tape jumps. Dr. Hinko Salz is testifying, saying that he wore an armband badge as a soldier, but it was often covered by his medical badges. 00:14:05 Tape jumps. Dr. Salz is still testifying, saying that his superior told them that he would give them vou...

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Cross examination of the Accused

    Camera fades in and zooms out on empty booth. People are heard talking in the background. Hausner is seen in the FG. Adolf Eichmann enters (00:01:35) carrying documents and sits placing headphones on the table and arranging the documents. MS, the prosecution desk (00:02:19) with Attorney General Gideon Hausner and Assistant State Attorneys Ya'akov Bar-Or, and Gabriel Bach seated examining documents. The camera zooms in on Eichmann. There is an overhead shot from the rear of the courtroom of the defense table with Servatius seated (00:04:24). All rise as the judges enter (00:06:42). Judge Mo...

  19. Poster

    Poster advertising performance in Displaced Persons camp.

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 54 -- Witnesses A. Gordon, T. Ferencz

    Session 54. Cuts into testimony of witness Avraham Gordon, Hungarian Jew. Describes labor he was forced to do - digging trenches in Eichmann's residence under direction of Slawik (possibly Eichmann's bodyguard). 00:04:48 Gordon looks at photographs - identifies Eichmann. Picture submitted to court [exhibit T/1152 or T/37(7)]. 00:06:52 Gordon describes Eichmann, villa, boy (Salomon) being punished for stealing cherries. 00:12:59 Gordon asked to draw sketch of villa. Describes sketch and what happened to Salomon [exhibit T/1153]. 00:23:36 Gordon describes Eichmann and Slawik taking Salomon in...