Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,041 to 15,060 of 55,889
  1. Nechama Shneorson papers

    The Nechama Shneorson papers consist of certificates and identification cards, theatrical and choral programs, and photographs documenting a Lithuanian Holocaust survivor’s life at the Landsberg displaced persons camp after the war. Certificates and identification cards include a document from the American Joint Distribution Committee certifying that Nechama Shneorson had been held at the Stutthof concentration camp, her identification card from the Former Political Prisoners Committee at Landsberg, and her Jewish Agency for Palestine certificate of registration. The clipping and programs d...

  2. Rachela Rottenberg papers

    The Rachela Rottenberg papers consist of identification papers and certificates documenting the life of a Polish woman living under a false identity in Warsaw during the war, antisemitism in Radom at the end of the war, and her stay at the displaced persons camp in Stuttgart, work for UNRRA, and immigration to the United States after the war.

  3. Bracha Scheinman photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs depicting Jakob (Jack) Scheinman and other refugees at the displaced persons camp in Wetzlar, Germany, after World War II. Several of the photographs depict members of a Jewish scout troop at Wetzlar.

  4. New Year card

    The Rosh Hashana card depicts Dora and Israel Iwler holding their young daughter, Jeanne, between them; an image of a flower is in the upper right corner; Hebrew text reads: "L,Shana Tova Tikatevum" ("Happy New Year"); was created in Rome, Italy.

  5. Anna Lewis papers

    The papers consist of an identification card issued to Geza Ottai in Cinecittà, Italy, dated November 1948; a photograph of Anna M. Ottai, Geza’s daughter; a registration certificate issued to Geza Ottai by the International Refugee Organization Italian Mission in Rome, Italy, dated May 1949; and a Stewart Times newsletter, dated January 1, 1952.

  6. Ida and Murray Turner papers

    The Ida and Murray Turner papers consist of identification papers, certificates, and a photograph documenting Ida and Murray Turner’s experiences at the small Jewish displaced persons camps at Bad Gastein and Ebelsberg and their immigration to the United States with the help of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) in 1949.

  7. Morris Gastfreund papers

    The Morris Gastfreund papers consist of a certificate issued by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) in the displaced persons camp in Landsberg am Lech, Germany, identifying Moszek Gastfreund (Morris) as a Polish Jew; a photograph of a protest rally in Landsberg am Lech, 1947; a photograph of Abram Gastfreund and co-workers in the Community Office of the Landsberg am Lech displaced persons camp (DC camp), 1948; and a photograph of Abram Gastfreund, his wife, Sally, and his son, Irving, in Landsberg am Lech DP camp in 1948.

  8. David Eilenberg papers

    The David Eilenberg papers consist of biographical materials and photographs documenting David Eilenberg’s time at the Landsberg DP Camp, his marriage to Hala Kowalska, their family members in Łódź and Malmö, and their political activities in support of the creation of the State of Israel and in assisting the emigration of European Jews to Palestine. Biographical materials include travel passes and a Landsberg residence card for David Eilenberg, the Eilenbergs’ ketubah and marriage certificate, and a newspaper clipping containing congratulations to the couple on their marriage. Photographs ...

  9. Bracha Plotnik photograph collection

    The collection consists of pre-war photographs of Bracha Plotnik with family and friends in Bedzin, Poland, several wartime photographs, and postwar photographs from various displaced persons camps including the Weiden and Beyruth DP camps.

  10. Inge Berner papers

    The papers consist of post-war photographs of Inge Gerson Berner and her husband, Wolf Berner, during their time as refugees at the Wittenau displaced persons camp in Berlin, Germany as well as three certificates relating to Wolf’s employment in the DP camp.

  11. Bella and Hermann Zucker papers

    The Bella and Hermann Zucker papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, a Piaski property file, and restitution files documenting the lives of a Polish couple from Serock and Piaski, Bella Zucker’s experiences hiding under a false identity in Germany, and the couple’s experiences as displaced persons in Germany after the war, abandoned plans to open a bakery in Israel, and unsuccessful attempts to receive restitution. Biographical materials include identification and registration papers for Bella and Hermann Zucker, including the papers Bella Zucker used under her false ident...

  12. Dorit Mandelbaum papers

    The papers consist of 44 photographs and six documents relating to Dorit Mandelbaum's parents, Jakub and Anka Mandelbaum, before and during World War II in Kozienice, Poland, and their stay in the displaced persons camp in Landsberg am Lech, Germany, after the war.

  13. Henry Flatow papers

    The papers consist of an envelope censored in France sent by Henry Flatow's father Hans Flatow in Italy in March 1945 and two airgraphs (one with envelope) sent to and from Hans and Henry Flatow in Italy and England in May and June 1945.

  14. Identification certificate

    The identification certificate was issued to Eugen Fiscman [donor's brother] in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, stating his intent to immigrate with his brother, Michal [donor], to Uruguay from the "U.S. Zone of Germany."

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 23 and 24 -- Testimony of L. Wells, H. Ross, and J. Buzminsky

    Session 23. Adolf Eichmann stands as the Presiding Judge enters and then sits down. WS of the courtroom. The Presiding Judge takes notes and declares the twenty-third Session of the trial open. He then confirms that applications submitted by Dr. Servatius will be discussed later on. Servatius states that the evidence given by the witness, Dr. Wells, is irrelevant and repetitive and thus should not be submitted. Attorney General Hausner responds by saying that Eichmann was appointed by Reinhard Heydrich, who was in charge of exterminating the Jews, and offers several other examples as well. ...

  16. Irene Horn papers

    The papers document the experiences of Irene Horn (born Irena Szachter), originally of Bodzentyn, Poland, and her family immediately following WWII. The collection includes a composition book used by "Szachter Ira" containing notes on dentistry, a membership card issued by the Society of Jewish Sport Organisations and Center for Phisical Education of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Occupied Zone of Germany for Abram Hirshenhorn, Irene's husband, in 1946, and twenty-nine family photographs

  17. Rena Berliner papers

    The Rena Berliner papers consist of photographs, programs, and school records documenting Rena Berliner’s time at the Neu Freimann displaced persons camp, musical performances at displaced persons camps, and attendance at the Händel-Konservatorium in Munich. Photographs depict Berliner performing at the Föhrenwald displaced persons camp and a group of ORT UNRRA vocation school students in front of their classroom at Neu Freimann. Programs document Berliner’s performances at displaced persons camps. School records include an identification card, membership card, report card, certificate, and...

  18. Photograph of Friedl Dicker Brandeis

    The formal studio portrait is of Friedl Dicker Brandeis and was taken in Vienna, Austria, in the 1930s.

  19. Fred Loeb papers

    Two Cuban entry permits issued by Manuel Benitez Gonzales, Director of Cuban Immigration, for members of the Loeb family and members of the Lehmann/Herz family.

  20. Roza Ayzenberg photograph collection

    The collection consists of two photographs of Roza Aizenberg in Kiev, Ukraine, one taken before World War II and one after.