Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,961 to 14,980 of 55,889
  1. Westerbork Deportation

    WS, train entering station. Rows of people with armbands "FK" [Fliegende Kolonne]. One of the women with the "FK" is Lenie Nijstad Cohen. Well-dressed Jews with Star of David on their coats on the platform, some getting bundles off the train. Soldiers checking documents. Guards with dogs. Another train (goods wagons) pulls into the station from which men wearing clogs get out, caps on their shaven heads. These are Jewish prisoners from Vught concentration camp being sent to Westerbork on punishment. LS, prisoners on platform. INTs, men with shaved heads (light on left), sharing bread. Men b...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 97 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins at an early point in Session 97. Hausner continues cross examination by asking Eichmann about his rank and command as an Obersturmbannfueher. The accused is also questioned about his meetings with Heinrich Müller, head of Section IV (Gestapo) within the Reich Main Security Office including how many times a week they met (00:03:15), how long the meetings ,were (00:04:34), and what was discussed (00:04:53). The beginning footage to this point is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2153 (from 00:45:50 to 00:50:57). The footage on Tape 2153 is more complete. Footage cuts (00:06:...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 39 and 40 -- Whether Musmanno can testify; other leaders implicate Eichmann

    Sessions 39 and 40. Attorney General Hausner, citing that a certain witness could not make it for that day, breaks the current narrative to call Justice Michael Musmanno, a judge at the Nuremberg trials who was responsible for interrogating Nazi leaders, as a witness. Dr. Servatius objects and argues that he has already made judgments and would only present hearsay evidence to the case. 00:08:51 Tape jumps. Hausner is arguing that the cases of Musmanno do not affect this case. He says that since none of Eichmann's superiors are around, nor anybody directly related to this case, he must obta...

  4. Lusia Berkowicz-Hammer photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph of Henoch Berkowicz, Abram’s father, taken in the Łódź ghetto, in Poland, circa 1940, and a photograph of Fajga, Abram’s sister, taken in Łódź, Poland,circa 1939.

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 50 and 51 -- Lidice; Witness B. Steiner; Hungary documents

    Footage begins early in the proceedings of Session 50 with State Attorney Gavriel Bach requesting the court to allow him to submit evidence of the murder of the children of Lidice. The inhabitants of Lidice were murdered in 1942 in retaliation for the assasination of Reinhard Heydrich. Footage resumes with testimony from witness Bedrich Steiner who gives approxmate statistics of the number of Jews deported from Slovakia in 1942, how many of them were children, the numbers that went to various camps, and the number killed by the Einstazgruppen. There are various shots of the judges and the t...

  6. German invasion of Poland

    This story consists of a montage of various shots of life in Poland depicting a prosperous, hard working Polish people engaged in everything from forging steel to threshing wheat. The tone shifts as the story shifts to the German invasion of Poland. Slate: "Why? Answering Humanity's Question." Produced and directed by A.E. Caraco. 1919, Polish Independence. Ruins. Mining, textile industry. Railways, city of Gdynia and its harbor. Polish navy. Submarine ORZEL. Nazi rise in city of Danzig. Danzig port (harbor). "JUDE" written on house walls. Danzig synagogue, voice over narration speaks of th...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 29 -- Noske document; Aviel testifies

    Session 29. The Court assesses the relevancy of Gustav Noske's testimony in Trial 9 in Nuremberg [T/307]. Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius expresses his desire to examine Noske, should Noske be alive. The Court continues to discuss the significance of Noske testimony, and the issue is put aside for further consideration. Attorney General Gideon Hausner calls witness Avraham Aviel, a Radun ghetto survivor to the stand. Aviel describes the conditions in the Radun ghetto in Poland. He discusses his experiences with Jewish deaths: "...this was the first time I had seen so much blood that h...

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 64 and 65 -- Testimonies of J. Reznik; Y. Friedman; D. Friedberg; Y. Biskowitz; M. Podchlebnik

    This tape contains a summary of Sessions 64 and 65. Session 64. Witness Joseph Reznik, Pole in Majdanek. 00:02:15 Describes people being killed, band playing to disguise gun shots. 00:04:06 Describes digging pits - opening mass graves. Rolfinger shouting at him. Removed bodies and burnt them. 00:09:03 Witness Ya'akov Friedman, in Majdanek. Talks about people being hung and flogged. 00:12:30 Identifies Eichmann, describes seeing him in camp. 00:15:10 Continues explaining how/when he was released - as a Christian in spring 1944. 00:16:57 Witness Dov Frieberg. Camp dogs. 00:18:37 Attorney Gene...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. The Court is in recess. The camera focuses on the glass booth, and pans to Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius as he walks to his desk. The Judges enter the courtroom and open the session. Attorney General Gideon Hausner continues his opening statement with Section IX - "The Camps." He asserts: " late as the beginning of 1945, on the threshold of the end of the war, Eichmann was still planning to wipe out all the Jews still alive at Theresienstadt in gas installations to be erected there..." Hausner describes the conditions in several concentration camps: Majdane...

  10. Records of the Gebietskommissar Kaunas (Fond R-616/1)

    Contains correspondence, name lists, orders, business auditing reports, requests, and various other documents relating to the work of the Gebietskommissar Kaunas in German occupied Lithuania from 1941 to 1944. Includes records of the military occupation administration unit relating to occupation duties, especially pertaining to the plunder of Jewish property.

  11. Morris and Lala Fishman papers

    The Morris and Lala Fishman papers consist of identification papers, photographs, and printed materials documenting Lala Fishman’s displaced persons status after the Holocaust, her life in the Hasenhecke and Möncheberg displaced persons camps, Morris Fishman’s work as JDC director of the displaced persons camps in the Kassel, Passau, and Regensburg regions, and their marriage. Identification papers consist of Lala Fishman’s D.P. Identification Card, War Department dependant wife identification card, temporary travel document in lieu of passport, and Israel Bureau of Immigration card, as wel...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 3 -- Attorney General's reply to preliminary introductions

    Session 3. Recording begins while the court is in recess. There are several camera shots of audience members, court officials, and Adolf Eichmann as he enters the courtroom. As the trial commences, Attorney General Hausner introduces precedents and protocols established by the United Nations and the International Military Tribunal regarding war crimes trials. He cites several documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the proceedings from such conferences as the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Hausner also refers ...

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 110 and 111 -- Hausner sums up for Prosecution

    Sessions 110 and 111. Judges enter the courtroom and open Session 110 of the trial (duplicate footage on Tape 2211). 00:02:07 Hausner begins summing up his case. He says that this is the trial of one of the ghoulish personalities which history will forever remember. He reminds everyone of the struggles of the witnesses, of Auschwitz, of religious leaders being degraded, of torturous activities, of murder. He says that man cannot create a nightmare so terrible, and yet it happened, created by Eichmann. He says that after hearing all this, Eichmann got his turn, and 16 years later he does not...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 25 and 26 -- Testimony of Z. Lubetkin, Y. Zuckerman, A. Berman, R. Kuper

    Sessions 25 and 26. Eichmann sitting in his booth. The Judges open Session 25 and present Decision 14. This decision notes the appeal of witness interrogation abroad as certain witnesses would be arrested under the Nazi Collaborators Punishment Law of 1950, should they appear in Israel. Presiding Judge, Moshe Landau refers to Decision 11, which states that foreign courts may acquire testimony from restricted witnesses for the purpose of the Eichmann trial. There is a blip at 00:07:08. Hausner questions Zivia Lubetkin Zuckerman, a resistance fighter in the Warsaw Ghetto about the conditions ...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 99 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins near the opening of Session 99. Hausner continues with cross examination asking the accused about meeting Heinrich Müller, head of Section IV (Gestapo) of the Reich Main Security Office, after witnessing the Einsatzgruppen units in action and telling him that their method was making them into sadists suggesting that another method for executions had to be found. When Eichmann replies that he is not familiar with the last phrase, Hausner notes that during his interrogation he was shown an excerpt from the LIFE article and did not comment on its contents (00:01:38). An excerpt ...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 79 -- Eichmann's testimony re: Wannsee Conference, sterilization, "Lidice Children", and evacuation

    The tape begins in the middle of Session 79. Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius questions Eichmann about his feelings of satisfaction at the end of the Wannsee Conference, as indicated by the Sassen document. Willem Sassen, a Dutch fascist, conducted an interview with Eichmann in Argentina in 1956. This interview was used heavily in Eichmann's trial. Servatius' next question is missing and the footage continues with Eichmann testifying about how a particular memo regarding the final solution came to be written and circulated. Eichmann maintains that the letter, written as a consequence o...

  17. Choir, church service, shoemakers, machinery at Camp Westerbork

    Slate: GEVAERT CINE-FILM. WS of outdoor wooden sign: INDUSTRIE, VERWALTUNG, HAUPTMAGAZIN, KLEIDER KAMMER. 03:12:15 WS choir, children and adults singing. Shots of conductor and piano player [VQ: washed out, unfocused]. 03:13:41 CU of two young girls singing in the choir with Star of David on one of girls' blouse. Christian religious service, wooden cross in front of minister dressed in black cloak with white collar. Two burning candles. Forced religious conversion? 03:14:25 Pan from minister and choir to room filled with people attending the choir performance. Minister reading from Bible? M...

  18. Peter Prosaw scrapbook Jewish D.P./In The UNRRA-Camp Team 1027/Berlin

    Scrapbook entitled “Jewish D.P./In The UNRRA-Camp Team 1027/Berlin” created by Peter Prosaw (born Pinkus Proszowski), a survivor of Auschwitz originally from Łódź, Poland. Peter, who also had training as a graphic designer, ran the orphanage in the Düppel Center displaced persons camp in Berlin-Schlachtensee. The annotated scrapbook includes depictions of staff members, residents, buildings, schools, programs, and cultural activities. Many of the pages incorporate photograph collages as well as original documents. A separated blue cardboard cover with adhesive tape on binding is also included.

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 105 -- Servatius re-examines the Accused

    Session 105. Tape begins midsentence from a question asked on Tape 2186. Eichmann is correcting a passage where he is quoted. 00:00:49 Eichmann is asked about the Declaration of War by Dr. Chaim Weizmann and if he believed that it was a propaganda lie. The answer is interrupted by a slate. 00:03:10 Eichmann is asked about the request of a Dr. Loewenhertz for the remains of Theodore Herzl. Eichmann enthusiastically denies that he is anti-Semitic. His statements in the Sassen Document backs that up. 00:13:05 Dr. Servatius is finished with the re-examination of Eichmann. He will now face quest...