Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,801 to 14,820 of 55,889
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 63 -- Submission of documents; testimony of Y. Gutman

    Session 63. Attorney General talks about correspondence between Hajj Amin (Mufti of Jerusalem) and Bulgarian Foreign Ministry and Minister of Romania [T/1264] in relation to Oliver Stanley allowing Palestinian immigration permits for 4000 Jewish children. He is against their immigration to Palestine - they could side with the enemy, go into other Middle Eastern countries, threaten Arab persons. Wants them to go somewhere else under "strict guard", i.e. Poland. 00:07:30 [T/1266] Letter from Hajj Amin and Rashid 'Ali Kilani to Ribbentrop asking for union of Germany with Arab nations, and to d...

  2. Sutin family footage

    DP walking in street of DP camp Neu-Freimann. Piles of logs. VAR scenes with the Sutin family. CUs of Rochelle Sutin and daughter Cecilia. On Lulligerstr., Jack Sutin and his father Julius smoking pipes. Rochelle inside house, cooking. More shots of the Sutin family and friends.

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Session 101 -- Cross-examination of the Accused: Liechtenstein, concentration camp authority, Eichmann's autonomy

    Session 101. Eichmann answers questions about the Bondi case involving Jews whom Eichmann refused to grant passage to Sweden. Attorney General Hausner, along with the Judges, question Eichmann. The freedoms for Jews in Liechtenstein is discussed. When asked how this applies to him, he says that his office was in charge of all things dealing with property. 00:12:42 Hausner asks why Eichmann was the one choosing who was in command of a certain concentration camp. He says that he does not know, considering that it was 20 years ago. He says that the SD was inexperienced in his region, and so he...

  4. German invasion of Poland

    Warsaw under bombardment, burning. AV of devastated landscape. Polish surrender. German troops entering Warsaw, past wrecked trams. German soldier taking eagle sign from a building. Paderewski speaks in Paris. Polish Navy submarine "OZEL".

  5. Leaflet

  6. Medical kit

  7. Pre-war Poland

    Wilno: pre-war views. Architectural landmarks. VS of narrow, curved streets. Cemetery on the outskirts of town where Marshal Pilsudski's heart is buried. Arabian horses in Janow. Narrated by Eva Curie.

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 113. Attorney General Hausner names all of the people who would have to be lying in order for Eichmann to be telling the truth. He provides numerous examples of how this would have to be true. 00:06:59 Hausner says that Eichmann has shown his intelligence and stature through all of the cross-examinations, and has given evasive excuses as answers to all questions. He insists that Eichmann knew of the anti-Semitic policies of National Socialism, and that his claims of writing in the heat of the moment are bunk. 00:16:35 He says that Eichmann would not have stopped within the Third Rei...

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 105 -- Servatius re-examines the Accused

    Session 105. People are standing a chatting in the courtroom. The Judges enter, and the 105th session of the Eichmann Trial is begun. 00:06:26 Eichmann is to be re-examined by his Counsel following the cross-examination by the Judges. Dr. Servatius is questioning Eichmann, first asking whether or not some of the documents presented in cross-examination were forgeries. Eichmann answers that he doesn't know them as forgeries, but they are quite strange to him. 00:11:57 Eichmann is asked about the efforts to publish his memoir. He is presented with a translated article from a French magazine c...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 95 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 95 with the continuation of cross examination of the accused by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Eichmann is asked to indicate when he learned about Rolf Günther's involvement with gassing operations. Günther was head of a subsection of department IVB4, headed by Eichmann, and was involved in procuring and delivering Zyklon B gas for the extermination camps. Eichmann maintains that he does not remember ever talking to Günther about this matter (00:01:36). Judge Landau reminds Eichmann that he should testify from his memory (00:06:17). While translatin...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 14 and 15 -- Testimonies of B. Cohn, A. Lindenstrauss

    Sessions 14 and 15. Assistant State Attorney Bar-Or questions witness Benno Cohn about the Jewish situation in 1933. Cohn describes massive arrests: " They were sent to concentration camps. They came back... if they returned at all, as broken men." Cohn discusses Zionist organizations and proposed emigrations to Palestine. He mentions German boycotts of Jewish goods, and Nazi propaganda against the Jews. Cohn states: "In the early days, there were many cases of suicide amongst German Jews... They had been unable to stand the misery of having lost their standing, of having lost their honor."...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 71-- Witness Vera Alexander

    The camera fades in on empty chairs by the prosecution and defense tables followed by a fade out and cuts to an overhead shot of the same empty chairs. The camera zooms out to show the whole courtroom. People are heard talking in the background from the audience seating. (00:02:10). Adolf Eichmann enters the booth with documents in his arms. Attorney General Gideon Hausner enters. All rise as the judges enter and Judge Landau announces the opening of Session 71 (00:06:14). Hausner calls the witness Vera Alexander to the stand. Judge Landau asks for quiet in the court and the witness is swor...

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 107 -- Affidavits of Merten and Krumey

    Session 107. Evidence of Defense witnesses taken abroad. The official translator reads long segments from a document that records the Attorney General's selections from the testimony of Witness Alfred Six, a defense witness. The testimony of Dr. Six is marked VII by the court. 00:02:10 Dr. Servatius chooses the next affidavit from Max Merten. The testimony was given at the Tiegarten Court in Berlin, Germany on May 29-31, 1961. Merten comments that he could not comment on Eichmann before his trial because his Defense attorney told him not to discuss any high ranking officials. Merten admits ...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 66 and 67 -- Evidence on Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno

    Session 66: Witness Simon Srebnik. Speaks about dismantling the camp of Chelmno. He was shot, he shows his wound to court and describes how he pretended to be dead in order to escape. 00:04:02 Describes the Russians arriving and being liberated. 00:05:30 Asked about his mother. 00:06:34 Cuts out. Witness Ya'akov Wiernik. Discussing photograph, sketch and a model of Treblinka. 00:07:49 Using pointer he explains what the photograph of the model shows - the geography of the camps. 00:09:46 Discusses where the men and women went. 00:11:26 Shows where the gas chambers were. 00:12:43 Cuts out. Wi...

  15. Wooden rack wagon, yolk, and pole typical of those used in prewar Poland

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn13573
    • English
    • a: Height: 45.000 inches (114.3 cm) | Width: 54.000 inches (137.16 cm) | Depth: 138.500 inches (351.79 cm) b: Height: 150.250 inches (381.635 cm) | Diameter: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm) c: Height: 32.125 inches (81.598 cm) | Diameter: 2.875 inches (7.302 cm)

    Wooden farm wagon, handle, and pole of the type used by many Polish farmers and refugees before and during World War II. Poland was invaded by Germany on September 1, 1939. Many Polish Jews and non-Jews fled to eastern Poland in an attempt to escape the advancing German Army. On September 17, the Soviet Army occupied eastern Poland, per the German-Soviet Pact, signed on August 19, which included a secret agreement to partition Poland. Approximately 300,000 Jewish refugees were trapped in eastern Poland when it was annexed by the Soviet Union. In 1940-1941, the Soviets arrested and deported ...

  16. How to prevent and combat infectious diseases Pamphlet

    Educational pamphlet on how to prevent and cure infectious diseases.

  17. Album

  18. Invasion of Poland

    German troops opening border gate (Polish border)- well-known footage. Troops marching in. Planes taking off. Burning buildings. Tanks crossing a river.

  19. Shmuel Rosenbaum papers

    The Shmuel Rosenbaum papers consist of biographical materials and photographs documenting Shmuel Rosenbaum and his family before World War II in Poland and Palestine and after the war in Sweden. Biographical materials include identification papers, residence certificates, and a Swedish naturalization application documenting Rosenbaum’s birth in Radom, Poland, and his postwar life in Sweden. Photographs depict Shmuel and his family and friends in prewar Poland (Radom and Warsaw) and Palestine (Tel Aviv and Haifa) and in postwar Sweden (Konga, Malmö, Ryd, Stockholm, Tranås, and Tynningö). The...

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 27 and 28 -- Testimonies of F. Masia, M. Dworzecki, A. Kovner, A. Peretz

    Sessions 27 and 28. Witness Frieda Masia, a leader in the Zionist youth movement and member of the Jewish underground, recounts an incident in which Harry Blumerfracht, a member of the Zionist youth movement attempted to steal weapons from a German plant-owner. The plan failed, and Masia states: "...they took hold of Harry and arrested him. Harry was tortured in a horrible way." There is a blip at 00:03:50. Witness Dr. Meir Mark Dworzecki, survivor of Vilna Ghetto and five Estonian concentration camps, discusses 'malines' [hiding places] in the Vilna Ghetto. He states: "... an underground t...