Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,021 to 14,040 of 55,889
  1. UN appeal for WWII refugees; DP camps

    From opening credits of the film: "United Nations Film Board presents...Produced by the Office of Public Information of the International Refugee Organization, A specialized agency of the United Nations." UN appeal for WWII Refugees, an "inside look" at life in a DP camp. A day in the life of a DP.

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Meetings in London and Washington, DC

    Meeting of European Advisory Commission at Lancaster House. Chaired by Mons. Fedor Tarasovich Gousev (Russian) Ambassador to UK. Military advisors. Car entering gate at Dumbarton Oaks. State Department Press room, group of reporters, playing chess, receiving releases, typing.

  3. Nazi propaganda film about Theresienstadt / Terezin

    This version includes scenes from the children's production of "Brundibar." Excerpts of well-known propaganda film made by the Nazis to show the International Red Cross and others that they were not mistreating Jews in the "ghettos." Documentary footage depicts the life of Jews in the ghetto of Theresienstadt [Terezin] in Czechoslovakia as harmonious and joyful. They wear yellow stars on their civilian clothing but are euphemistically called residents ["Bewohner"] instead of inmates. They look well-dressed and well-fed and keep smiling. No SS guards or other armed Germans are shown. With En...

  4. Book

  5. Overseas visits of UJA Women's Commission

    Featuring Barry Sullivan and Myrtle Kemp. Film intends to tell the story of the work of the UJA through the experiences of American women who went abroad as UJA representatives. Notes taken from NCJF documentation: Barry and Myrtle meet on the studio lot, go to the projection room to view footage and talk. CU, 6 women in Myrtle's group that went abroad representing the Women's Commission of the UJA. Eiffel Tower, scenes at orphanage, eating, drinking, playing. North Africa, clinic in the Mellah. Trachoma and ringworm treatments, school, hot meal in soup kitchen, kindergarten in Casablanca, ...

  6. Repatriation of POWS: Female entertainer; marching

    Repatriation of Russian POWs in Bari and Florence, Italy. Reel 6: Back view of Russians at entertainment show, US sergeant introducing female Italian singer, dancer, and juggler. Singing "Indian Love Call." Russian lieutenant drilling the men.

  7. Book

  8. UJA for refugees, overseas needs and Palestine

    The United Jewish Appeal for Refugees, overseas needs and Palestine. Produced on behalf of the JDC, United Palestine Appeal, United Service for New Americans. Narrated by Robert Ryan. Features a 3 minute capsule history of Judaism as well as a short animated segment with David and Goliath, Moses, Jesus, settled land, David and Saul-teaching and law. The rise and fall of the Temple, remains of the Wailing Wall.

  9. Teddy bear carried by a young boy on the Kindertransport

    Teddy bear received by 14 year old Jack Hellman as a child and carried with him on the Kindertransport in early 1939. When Jack was nine, his parents sent him away to boarding school in Frankfurt, Germany, to escape the vicious anti-semitism in his hometown, Tann. During the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 9-10, 1938, synagogues and Jewish businesses all over Germany were vandalized or destroyed. Soon after, the housemother of his boarding school petitioned Baron James de Rothschild in Great Britain to provide refuge for the 26 children in the school, as well as her own family. Rothschild ...

  10. Identification tag issued to a child on a Kindertransport

  11. Book

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Russians liberate of Warsaw

    The Battle for Warsaw. Russian Newsreel. Russian Red Army advancing towards Warsaw. Russian infantry running through streets of Warsaw. Russian soldiers presented with flowers from girls, receiving food and wine. Smoke rising from burning Warsaw. Russian officers.

  13. John Oelrich collection

    Consists of a scrapbook compiled by John Oelrich while serving in the U.S. Army. Includes a certificate issued to Cpl. John A. Oelrich certifying his role as member of the permanent staff at Dachau Concentration Camp, signed by bearer and three others dated May-August 1945; a "mess pass" issued to Oelrich as a member of the 116th Evacuation Hospital, signed by 1st Lt. Adjutant George E. Bang, dated May-August 1945; a copy of Volume XLV, Number 19 of TIME magazine, cover depicting the face of Hitler with a red cross through it; a "Pony Edition specially printed for the Armed Forces", dated M...

  14. Book

  15. Book

  16. Morris Siegelman collection

    Consists of one identification card issued to Morris Siegelman in the Beth Bialik (or Beit Bialik) displaced persons camp in Austria on September 17, 1948.

  17. Village festival; Communists; UNRRA; La Guardia in Czechoslovakia

    EXT, green, hilly countryside. CUs and LSs of people attending a fair or festival. Countryside as seen from car, snow-capped mountains. Graffiti mocking Hitler, includes caricature of Hitler with large puffy cheeks. Women washing rugs at a river. Train moving along tracks through town as people pass by. People going to a house of worship (not certain whether a church or a synagogue). People in horse drawn wagon. LS, house of worship. Woman and girl laying flowers at memorial with American flag (several takes). LS, field. Building "OBCHODNI DUM". Children in red shirts, some of the boys are ...

  18. Badge for the 1936 Berlin Olympics

    Badge from 1936 Berlin Olympics.

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- The Russian Front

    The Russian Front. Russian Newsreel. Shots of artillery firing, shells exploding. Russian bombers (squadron) in flight. Russian tanks advancing. CU, observer in tank. INT, tank driver. Line of Russian soldiers advancing. Dead German soldiers. Road signs in German. German prisoners under Russian Guard. Slave laborers behind barbed wire. Russian peasants helping children (mostly girls) out of dugout. INT, slave labor camp. Russian soldier carrying children out of camp, into truck.