Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,921 to 13,940 of 55,889
  1. "Jews & Freemasons Out" sign on Fasching parade float

    Amateur footage of 1939 Fasching (pre-Lent carnival) celebration. 01:08:25 Float marked "Fernsehsender." (TV) CU, float in parade with antisemitic and anti-Freemason slogan reading "Juden und Freimauerer Hand in Hand Nun zieh'n sie ins gelobte Land..." [Jews and Freemasons, hand in hand, go off (migrate) to the promised land.] Two views: 01:10:29 - 01:10:36 and 01:13:13 - 01:13:18.

  2. Yonia Fain drawing

  3. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case

    (Munich 617) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Shots of defendants pleading "not guilty" to the indictment. The defendants rise and plead to charges in the following order: Carl Krauch, Hermann Schmidt, Georg von Schnitzler, Fritz Gajewski, Heinrich Hoerlein, August von Knierien, Fritz ter Meer, Ernst Buergin, Paul Haefliger, Max Ilgner, Friedrich Jaehne, Hans Kuehne, Walter Duerrfeld, Heinrich Gottineau. The other defendants standing trial but not answering to pleas are visible in the prisoners' dock: Christian Schneider, Otto ...

  4. German occupation of Latvia; working for the German war economy

    The narrator, uncomfortably shot from below and against images of ruins and corpses, recites excerpts from the Soviet constitution in Russian. Switching to Latvian, the narrator describes how Latvians welcome the Germans after years of Soviet terror. The German 'liberators' are cheered in Riga while marching down the Basteja Bulvaris; German military boots are shown marching over a fur hat with the Red Star. Latvian volunteers are sworn in at the Freedom Memorial in Riga in the presence of Reichskommissar Ostland [Reich commissar for the Baltic territories and Belorussia] Hinrich Lohse. Aft...

  5. Flora Khermouch collection

    The Flora Kermouch papers include four identification cards used by Flora Kermouch in German-occupied France and two satirical handbills. The identification cards include one genuine student ID using her name “Flora Hay,” two false IDs using the name “Francoise Henry,” and one blank ID. The two satirical handbills purport to be Hitler's last will and testament and were printed in France in August-September 1944.

  6. Raincoat

    Selma Bendremer used the raincoat while working for the Joint Distribution Committee in Germany and France after World War II.

  7. Translators at work at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 211 and 222) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 1946. CU, Wac? wearing earphones seated in visitors' gallery. LS, translation section during court session. MS, British officer and two women of the translation section in courtroom. CU, women translators giving answers of witness in English. MS, girl translator giving answers in French. CU, male interpreter speaking in French. MS, group of women; one is translating in Russian. CU, another Russian woman translator speaking into microphone. CU, German translator's section at work.

  8. British and French prosecutors' final speeches at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 327) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 29-30, 1946. Partial coverage of Chief British Prosecutor Sir Hartly Shawcross' final speech. Pan, Prosecutor for the Provisional Government of the French Republic, August Champetier de Ribes, starting the introduction of his final speech. Pan from de Ribes speaking to defense tables and back to de Ribes.

  9. Details on the career of Hess at Nuremberg

    (Paris 543) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 7, 1946. Col. Griffith-Jones, British prosecutor, giving a resume of the career of Rudolph Hess. MS, prisoners' dock as Hess and others listen to Col. Griffith-Jones.

  10. Treaty of Versailles; rebuilding German forces

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 4 shows the Kaiser in exile in Holland and Ludendorff in Sweden and focuses on 'a German tradition of militarism.' Describes the Treaty of Versailles and the hard times of the Weimar Republic with inflation and depression. Allied occupation forces withdraw and depart. Describes the establishment of German veterans' and athletic clubs. German munitions factories are retooled and armed forces built. Gen. Hindenburg becomes President of the Weimar Republic.

  11. 1936 Olympics: pistol shooting; track

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 5: Capt. Ludwig Stubbendorf of Germany wins the combination cross country equestrian event, Van Oven of Germany wins rapid fire pistol shooting event and Ullmann of Sweden wins precision pistol shooting event; garlands of victory are placed on brow of winners of the track events.

  12. Italy surrenders

    Italians in New York City celebrate Italy's surrender. U.S. troops land in North Africa. President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meet at Casablanca. Allied planes bomb islands off Italy. Sicily is invaded by Allied troops. Messina is occupied. The 7th Army and Britain's 8th Army land on Italy's mainland behind a naval bombardment. Italian warships speed to allied ports and are surrendered. President Roosevelt announces Italy's surrender. Other personages: Gen. Eisenhower, Gen. Clark, Mussolini, Adm. Cunningham.

  13. Jodl interrogated at Nuremberg Trial

    05:17:48 (Munich 216) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 7, 1946. British prosecutor G B Roberts interrogates Alfred Jodl. His answers are translated and heard in English. MS, Jodl on stand, as Roberts reads an article on Norway from document book 7. Jodl speaks about the invasion of Norway. LS, prisoners' dock showing MPs in BG and FG. 05:23:18 (Munich 221) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 10, 1946. Dr. Gustav Steinbauer, Seyss-Inquart's attorney, speaking (translated into English). MCU, Seyss-Inquart being sworn in. MS, Seyss-Inquart is questioned by Dr. Steinbauer. MS...

  14. Jewish Memorial Pageant - "We Shall Never Die"

    Movietone Newsreel. Title: "Memorial Pageant to the Persecuted Jews of Europe-arranged by A. A. Brown, described by Lowell Thomas (Movietone News)". Shots of the pageant stage at Madison Square Garden in New York and the audience in the BG. The event was organized by the "Committee for a Jewish Army of Stateless and Palestinian Jews". Thomas narrates: "The pageant 'We Will Never Die' is New York's Jewish protest against Nazi massacres." An actress speaks: "In Lublin, five hundred of our women and children were led to the marketplace and stood against the vegetable stores we knew so well. He...

  15. Soviet Army partisan units, Ukraine

    Soviet Army partisan unit gathering in a village. VS of wooden homes, soldiers. The unit is preparing to leave the village. Soviet cavalry group also leaves the village, with soldiers marching behind them. CU marching Soviet soldiers. CU higher ranks of Soviet soldiers standing by a riverbank, preparing to cross. VS horse-drawn wagon and Soviet soldiers crossing a river by raft. Supporting paper documents from Ukrainian Central State Archives note that this footage shows: "the Kartenichi village in Lel'chevsk district (Belorussia), partisans are getting ready for an action. Crossing the Ubo...

  16. The Year 1944

    Reviews events of the past year. Shows Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin at the Teheran Conference in 1943. U.S. troops land and fight on Kwajalein, Eniwetok, Saipan, Guam, and other Pacific islands. Russian troops advance to Romania and capture German soldiers. Ships carrying equipment, supplies, and men are loaded in England and cross the English Channel. Paratroops jump at Caen. Troops land under a naval barrage. Citizens of Rome, Paris, Bucharest, Brussels, Belgrade, and Athens celebrate their liberation. Shows scenes of the Dumbarton Oaks, Quebec, and Yalta Conferences, of the election ...

  17. US proclaims neutrality; ships with Americans; children evacuated in London

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 11, No. 804, Part 1. Release date, 09/06/1939. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: 12:23:13 Part 1A: Washington, DC. Closely following President Roosevelt's speech to the nation urging a neutral America, Secretary of State Hull countersigns the neutrality measure and arms embargo destined to keep the US out of war. 12:25:54 Part 1B: New York, NY. Liners arrive with more Americans fleeing from the war. The Polish vessel, "Batory" brings Polish Red Cross leaders to confer with officials here. A "Vest Pocket" torpedo boat arrives from England for navy demo...

  18. Rescue of hidden children in Ukraine

    Russian intertitle reads: "Liberated children 1944." VS, of children being rescued by soldiers from cave in which they were hiding. CU, young girl, in tears, reuniting with her mother, who is also crying. CU, young boy in the arms of a Russian soldier, both are smiling and looking at the camera. CU, Russian soldier props up two children in his arms and poses for the camera. INT, inside cave, several little children seated, they are bundled in winter clothing, and there are candles burning for light inside the cave. They were hiding in the town of Velikaya Lepetikha, in the Zaporozhie region...

  19. May Day ceremony

    May Day: Workers and peasants gather in large crowds to hear speeches given by the German occupation. Translation of Russian narration: May Day - the German national holiday was also celebrated by all liberated populations of Eastern areas. Now liberated peasants are given possession of the land. [Abrupt pause, and then picks up again] ...documents for land ownership.

  20. Nuremberg Trial: von Papen

    (Munich 244) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 18-19, 1946. LS, Tribunal as Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions von Papen. Maxwell-Fyfe interrogates von Papen. MCU, Fritz Sauckel appears to be very nervous sitting in the dock.