Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,681 to 13,700 of 55,889
  1. War Crimes Trials: Krupp Case; Speech for Army Day

    17:22:43 (Munich 662) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 10 (Krupp Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 16, 1947. LS, witness box with Georg Hayn, witness. MS, defendants talking with counsel among whom are Alfred Krupp, Loeser, Houdremont, Mueller, Janssen, Pfirsch, Ihn, and Eberhardt. CU, Judge Edward F. Carter. Gen. Telford Taylor, chief prosecutor, addressing the Tribunal. MS, German defense counsel at lectern. 17:26:22 Maj Gen Hubener's Speech for Army Day 1947, March 1947. Speech by Gen. Clarence R. Hubener. (Transcript available with original captions at NARA).

  2. Rosenberg

    Train, Rosenberg and other officials arrive, greeting HJ and BDM, children give Rosenberg flowers. Rosenberg presents wreath at memorial/cemetery with Iron Cross. Pan, crowd waving flags with swastikas. At ceremony, Rosenberg welcomed, shots of peasants. In ethnic costumes, women and girl present Rosenberg with food. Crowd heiling, Rosenberg.

  3. Feature film about a Russian army officer: military school

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 1: Soldier comes in from rain, talks to roomful of kids at night. At military school. "Old House Father" comes in.

  4. Liquor cup

    Liquor cup used by Sylvia Richter's donor family in displaced persons camp of Rachel/Babenhausen.

  5. Testimony of Hoess, Gisevius, Buhler at Nuremberg Trial; good shots of dock

    (Munich 120) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 25, 1946. HAS, Tribunal at bench (good cutaway). Col. John Amen of the US prosecution cross examining Rudolf Hoess (Hoess is not seen). 18:22:20 French speaker at the podium, choppy bits, recess. 18:22:50 Defense counselor Dr. Rudolf Dix, counselor for Schacht, questions Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius (Gisevius is not seen) in German. 18:23:45 MS, Hermann Goering with hand covering his eyes as if sleeping. Hess fiddles with earphones. Audience in courtroom. Dr. Alfred Seidl, counselor for Hess and Frick at lectern. 18:25 Dr. Joseph Buhl...

  6. Dachau Concentration Camp

    General coverage of the German prisoner of war concentration camp at Dachau, showing condition of prisoners that are alive, and the heaps of dead bodies; showing also prisoner liberation ceremonies. Slate reads: MACK TT-25 DACHAU. General shots of the prisoners at Dachau concentration camp. MLS, survivors staring at camera, standing around. LS from roof, in between barracks, standing around, survivors looking up into sun and into camera, waving to camera (soft), sitting on ground, steaming cauldrons, sleeping, chipping wood. Corpses lying on ground near railroad cars/platform. A group of Am...

  7. Ilia Ehrenbourg speaks.

    Ilya Ehrenbourg, the great Soviet poet and writer, speaks. He and several men, are seated around a large table having a discussion before he begins to speak to the camera. Intertitle in Ukrainian: "Ilya Ehrenbourg visits Kiev." Translation: Honored writer Ilya Ehrenbourg is visiting Kiev. In a writers' circle, he reads from his poem "March 18th", which speaks about the occupation of Paris, France

  8. Feature film about a Russian army officer: soldiers fighting

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 6: Soldiers dress their wounds. Battle scenes. Soldiers in a bunker communicate instructions from their commander.

  9. German Newsreel selections

    Hitler and Goering meet Keitel, Doenitz, and others at small, formal military occasions. Long coats, big brass buttons, triumphal music in BG. CU, Hitler in cap, saluting. MCU, all walking in a group. German fighters take off to fight bombers. Shots of submarine, military air base, taking off into the sky. Young women and men interpreting maps on table, lots of air to air shots. Hospital patients are directed to shelters. Everything is "under control." American flyers taken prisoner. American POWs talking to Nazis, being "interviewed" for injuries, head bandaged. American plane "Sunshine" a...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Experimental fighter planes

    Experimental fighter planes, Muroc Air Base, CA. The aircraft shown in the footage is the prototype of Northrop's XF-89.

  11. Field surgery; wounded soldiers

    CU wounded Soviet soldier lying on a cart and a woman's hand with a handkerchief waving flies away. CU doctor examining the wounded man, cutting the pant leg away with scissors, then inspecting his mouth, nose. CU of a woman sitting by a fire, boiling water to sterilize surgical instruments. CU of the doctor performing an operation, perhaps removing a bullet. VS of the operation, which takes place in an open area with trees. A nurse assisting the doctor. CU of a nurse putting a bandage on a soldier's leg as a makeshift cast, perhaps with a board acting as a large splint. VS wounded soldier ...

  12. Nazi electioneering broadside

    Nazi electioneering broadside, printed on both sides, published for the 5 March 1933 election. Briefly outlines Nazi party promises to the German nation.

  13. Holocaust-era records of the Jewish Labor Committee Child adoption case files

    The collection consists of 13 linear feet of Child Adoption Case Files (Sub-series of the Holocaust-Era Record of the Jewish Labor Committee), arranged alphabetically by name. Files were created by the Child Adoption Program of the Jewish Labor Committee between 1946 and 1960. Size and contents of individual files vary greatly; contain brief biographies and photos of the children, as well as correspondence, memos, and other documentation relating to the support of each child. Some of these children were living in the Jewish Labor Committee-supported children's homes in France, Belgium, Pale...

  14. Holocaust-era records of the Jewish Labor Committee Displaced and refugee card files

    The collection consists of records of the Displaced Persons and Refugee Card files (Sub-series of the Holocaust-Era Records of the Jewish Labor Committee). The thousands of cards provide biographical information on refugees, most of them in DP camps in Germany. The files are divided in several series, and each series is arranged alphabetically.

  15. Reichswirtschaftsministerium records (R 7)

    Contains records from Bundesarchiv, Record Group R7, relating to various activities of the administration of the Reichswirtschaftsministerium, 1933-1945.

  16. Reichsarbeitsministerium records (R 41)

    Contains records from Bundesarchiv, Record Group R 41, relating to various activities of the administration of the Reich Labor Ministry between 1933 and 1945.

  17. Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (R 55)

    Contains records from Bundesarchiv, R 55, relating to various activities of the administration of Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda between 1933 and 1945.

  18. Seconde Guerre Mondiale records (AJ 72)

    Contains documents extracted from official records found in Buchenwald, Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, and Dachau. Records include lists of political prisoners, lists of prisoners used in medical experiments, correspondence, requests, statistics, medical statements, discipline statements, and administrative documents. Also collection contains interrogations of ex-guards in concentration camps, liberation photographs, published testimonies,essays, clippings related to antisemitism, prosecution of Jewish in France, and to the Vichy politics.

  19. Selected records from the Départmental Archives of Drôme, France

    Contains materials relating to deportations, internment camps, foreigners resident in Drôme, France, and subject to arrest and deportation, declarations of Jewish heritage, directives concerning treatment of Jews, name lists of persons interned and deported, and movement of refugees. Also contains a brief history of refugee artists in the town of Dieulefit, France.

  20. Records from the French National Archives on the persecution of Jews in France (F 41)

    Collection contains predominantly published materials and some correspondence related to antisemitism, war refugees, persecution of Jews in France and to Vichy politics. Records include brochures, essays, clippings, newspaper illustrations and office documents.