Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,561 to 13,580 of 55,889
  1. Newsreel Soviet Ukraine

    PRAVO. Right to Education, Dnipropetrovsk. Sign: In Yiddish and Ukrainian. Classroom: Blackboard with Yiddish writing. College age students, female and male. Translation: [Soviet propaganda newsreel] Opens with the title "Right to education." The tablet on the wall reads: "Dnipropetrovsk Jewish Metal Manufacturing Technical College," (Jewish technical college in Dnipropetrovsk). "Would it have been possible just to dream about such a thing for Jewish youth in capitalistic tsarist Russia? Only in the Soviet country did Stalin's constitution provide every nationality with a right to education."

  2. Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial; Streicher sworn in

    (Munich 128) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 26, 1946. Continuation of Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius testifying under questioning by US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson. Pan from prisoners' dock to Jackson and Gisevius. Gisevius talks about the torture and murder of thousands of prisoners and the confiscation of civilian property by the Gestapo. MSs, prisoners' dock showing Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and Franz von Papen. 19:18:37 LSs, Julius Streicher is sworn in and questioned by his attorney, Dr. Hans Marx. Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence is heard saying to Streiche...

  3. Soviet Lviv, Ukraine

    Narration identifies Lvov (Lwow, Poland, Lviv, Ukraine). City views. There are shots of extravagant mansions juxtaposed with shots of run-down shacks, as well as small houses of higher quality. Workers move into new apartments; one pastes a poster of Stalin to his wall. Trams, many driven, as noted by the narrator, by women. One passes a monument to Adam Mickiewicz, the great Polish poet. Candy factory. Moving (panning and tracking) shots through market streets, high angles, extensive coverage. Shots of monuments, church and monks (appears to be a monastery), police officers. 00:45:01 Woman...

  4. Concentration camp inmate uniform jacket

  5. Defendants during recess, Jackson addresses court at Nuremberg Trial

    03:00:42 (Paris 451) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1945. MS, Franz von Papen chews on K ration cracker. MS, Arthur Seyss-Inquart studies chart. MS, Baldur von Schirach and Fritz Sauckel talking. MS, Rudolf Hess and Hermann Goering speaking to defense lawyer. MS, Alfred Jodl and von Papen speaking. MS, Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Rosenberg, Wilhelm Frick and Seyss-Inquart speaking during recess. Robert G. Storey, US prosecution, presenting evidence. Defense counselor addressing Tribunal. 03:02:56 (Paris 452) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1945. Prison...

  6. Landsberg Hangings

    (Munich 191) Hangings at Landsberg, Germany, May 28, 1946. Bodies of hanged men are set in coffins and coffins are stacked in yard. One coffin is labelled "Niedermayer Engelbert". Niedermayer was a crematoria worker at Dachau. Soldier adjusts rope on scaffold. German civilian hangman speaking to American officers. 22:03:28 Klaus (or Claus) Karl Schilling is escorted up the steps of the scaffold. He faces the camera and speaks briefly before he is hanged. Schilling was a physician who deliberately infected inmates with malaria at Dachau. Another man is executed. Otto Moll is executed in the ...

  7. von Ribbentrop associates at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 72) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 28, 1946. Ms. Margaret Blank, former secretary of von Ribbentrop, is sworn in and begins to testify. Pan to prisoners' dock. Dr. Martin Horne questions Ms. Blank. Paul Otto Schmidt is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Horne. Von Ribbentrop takes the witness stand. He is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Horne.

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Hitler's 50th birthday parade review in Berlin

    Birthday review in Berlin passing reviewing stand, troops goose-stepping passing Hitler in stand, tanks, trucks, big searchlights, big guns, sailors, band. CU, Hitler in stand giving Nazi salute. CU, German officers giving Nazi salute.

  9. Slovakian newsreel: Germany-Italy-Japan agreement

    Slovak Sound Weekly: CU book with hand turning pages. Documentary about Slovak participation in the Tripartite Pact - Germany, Italy, and Japan - contract signing on November 24, 1940 by the President and Vojtech Tuka, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the new Reich office in Berlin.

  10. Milch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 41) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 11, 1946. LSs, rear views, courtroom as German attorney questions Erhard Milch (in German). Milch confirms that the German Luftwaffe had not been prepared in 1939, no cooperation or agreements (ROE, command structure) existed with other parts of the Wehrmacht, at least he did not know of any and he should have been informed. Cooperation within the different departments of the Luftwaffe was "loose," the technical department and human resources worked independently. He defines and explains the "Generalstab" as "Fuehrergehilfen" [young o...

  11. Witness Franz Blaha testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Dr. Franz Blaha testifying on stand and being cross examined by several defense attorneys. Blaha testifies that in his autopsies, he found several to have died of suffocation, these were high French officers and priests, all well-fed people who had been brought to Dachau in plain clothes. They did not have contact to other prisoners. One defense attorney questions his responding truthfully, asks if he testified the same in his affidavit, asks if Blaha was given information on how the defendants were seated in the court room and if he ...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Nuremberg Trial: Walter Funk on stand

    Cross examination of Walter Funk. MS in courtroom at Nuremberg Trial as Walter Funk, president of the Reichsbank, is cross examined by US Prosecutor Thomas Dodd. Closer shot of Funk in witness chair guarded by MP, answering questions. Another LS of courtroom as Funk is on stand, questions by Dodd are about the loot taken from concentration camp prisoners and conquered countries and put into the Reichsbank of which Funk had complete charge, and about which Funk denies any knowledge (regular sound). "Wouldn't you have had to know about the 1,000 wagons of textiles that...had been shipped....c...

  13. Josef Aretz collection

    The collection includes two photographs of students at Jewish school on Lützowstrasse in Cologne, Germany, including Josef Aretz prior to his departure on a Kindertransport.

  14. Dodd questions von Schirach re. Hitler Youth song, at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 187) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 24, 1946. US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd questions Baldur von Schirach about a song for the Hitler Youth that he allegedly published. Dodd reads from a document. Dr. Fritz Sauter and US officer speaking to von Schirach after his testimony. Dr. Sauter examining his client von Schirach.

  15. Goering concludes testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 14, 1946. Hermann Goering continues talking about how he saw himself, and his role in the system. This is a very elaborate and long statement about his convictions, which began in Story 2947. 01:40:42 On concluding this part of the testimony, Goering rises and the rest of the court does the same. Goering under guard walks to the prisoners' dock and talks to Keitel and several others. Prisoners conversing and leaving the courtroom. (silent:) Goering leaving prisoners' dock and taking the stand. Defense counselor talking to Goering.

  16. Gestapo and murder of Jews discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 458) US Prosecutor Col. Robert G. Storey tells of the Gestapo's part in Germany's attack on Poland ("attack" on the Gleiwitz radio station) and how the Gestapo and SD murdered thousands of Jews in occupied countries. CU, chart indicating the number of Jews murdered in the Baltic States and parts of Russia and Poland. Side view of Tribunal as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence announces adjournment of court. LS, Tribunal, spectators, and others standing up and leaving courtroom.

  17. "Der Stuermer", Gestapo prisoner testifies, & forced labor discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    07:00:40 (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Inserts, hands turning pages of "Der Stuermer." LS of courtroom as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence adjourns court. LS, MSs, defendants talking to their lawyers during recess. MLS, Dr. Franz Blaha appearing as a witness. Dr. Blaha was arrested when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in March 1939, held in a Gestapo prison without trial for two years, and sent to Dachau in April 1941. He tells how the Germans forced Russian children to work as slave laborers, and that nearly 60 percent of them died of tuberculosis withi...

  18. Parade; US Gens meet; Press Conference with Goering

    20:20:45 (LIB 6607) WAC Dress Parade, London, England, May 14, 1945. WACs in formation pass in review at 3rd anniversary ceremony. Short scene, Brig. Gen. Koenig, UK Base Commandant, gets out of sedan. SEQ: Queen Elizabeth steps from car and is greeted by Gen. Koenig. The Queen enters Supply Room and inspects five WACs wearing various types of WAC uniforms. WACs in formation on parade ground. NOTE: There are scratches in this part of the reel. 20:26:26 (LIB 6608) American Generals Discuss Boundaries, Austria, May 12, 1945. SEQ: US Brig. Gen. Holmes Dager of the 11th Armored Div meets Lt. Ge...

  19. Intl Conference; Hitler's photographer Hoffmann sentenced

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 89 01:01:02 International Conference in Minden, Ruhr District, Germany. Gen Robertson, Dep British Commander in Chief, Lt Gen Lucius D. Clay and Maj Gen Frank A. Keating at International Economic Council. Dr. Agartz, Director of German Bi-zonal Economic Office, addresses the assembly. Cut-ins, various delegates at the conference. 01:02:13 Today's Activities and Plans for Tomorrow, Emden, Germany. Pan, bomb wrecked buildings. LS, pan from giant cranes at dock to windmill. Locks, canals, dockyards of city. LS, loading coal in gondola. HS, ships at piers and moving out ...

  20. POWs at border crossing at Elbe River

    (LIB 7089) "France Returns," Dessau, Germany, June 7, 1945. SEQ: US, French, and Russian officers question war prisoners who claim the right to cross the Elbe into US territory. Two young Frenchmen, formerly SS men, are questioned. Their papers laid out on a table are examined and one of them is taken away. MCUs, ex-political prisoners and French political deportees are questioned. LS, MS, ex-prisoners enter and leave gate at interrogation area. An American MP guards the gate.