Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,501 to 13,520 of 55,889
  1. Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 348) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 12, 1946. Former Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt enters courtroom and is sworn in at the witness stand by Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence. Von Rundstedt is cross-examined by British prosecutor Peter Calvocoressi.

  2. Funk testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 359) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 15, 1946. Walther Funk testifying under questioning of his lawyer, Dr. Fritz Sauter.

  3. Field Marshal von Paulus testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 552) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 13, 1946. MLSs, ex-Field Marshal von Paulus on the witness stand. MS, defendants in prisoners' dock. LSs, three defense counselors speaking in the courtroom (one is Dr. Fritz Sauter, talking in German). Attorney questions von Paulus about his strong reserves "against such an enterprise" ("gegen ein solches Vorhaben", probably referring to an attack on Russia). Von Paulus testifies his reserves were of a military as well as a moral nature and were shared also by Generalstabschef Halder, his direct superior, to whom he talked about t...

  4. French and Soviet prosecutors' summary at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 327) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 29-30, 1946. Charles Dubost, assistant French prosecutor, delivering the closing pages of his summation. MS, Dubost is congratulated by Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, Thomas J. Dodd, and others after his speech. Justice Geoffrey Lawrence is heard introducing Lt. Gen. R A Rudenko of the Russian prosecution to deliver the first part of his summation.

  5. On the invasion of Poland

    On the invasion of Poland: various (successful) military campaigns by Nazis, on land, sea, and air. The Schleswig-Holstein bombards Danzig. Huge German naval warship firing cannons at port. Smoke, war. The garrison surrenders. White flag, slow pan along banks of canal. Cigarettes are distributed to POWs by German soldiers. Nazis and horse-drawn artillery advancing along hay-covered country road. Artillery is fired; skirmish lines move up; bicycle troops move along a road. Captured Polish soldiers are marched to the rear, fed at a German Army field kitchen. In village, refugees (women and ch...

  6. Refugees in Italy

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 17, No. 287, Part 3. Release date, 04/20/1944. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Italian Refugee Problem" The Allied Control Commission humanely handles the thousands of pathetic refuges who require clothing, food, and bivouac until the tides of war roll by. Italian refugees mill around courtyard/piazza with duffel bags. Little kids are dressed. Children and adults are fed. Mostly CUs. MLS courtyard/square. People stand around with bundles. CU kids with bandages and scarves wrapped around head. Baby bounced. CU little girl. MS people enter building, ...

  7. Typhus - Propaganda associating Jews & Poles with the disease and its spread by lice

    Nazi propaganda film about the measures to contain typhus. The Polish-Jewish population is made responsible for spreading typhus. Wehrmachtslehrfilm #347 [Army Instructional Film #347]. Reel 4: Scientists at work, seeking inoculation vaccine. Experiments. Institute scenes (approx 9 mins.). Stamp: "Official" on document regarding experiments. Sign: INSTITUT FUER FLECKFIEBER FORSCHUNG des OBERKOMMANDOS DES HEERES KRAKAU [Typhus Research Institute of the Army High Command, Krakow].

  8. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: children and women with severe disabilities

    Reel 5 of 8: Children in beds; sounds of crying, though many are very still. CU of child who appears mildly retarded. VAR close views. 00:24:24 360-degree turning shot, close, child with very enlarged skull and bulging eyes, nurse holding. Room of severely handicapped children; extreme and more dramatic than previously. 00:26:02 Man in restraint, school desk-like, with mittens. Close views of deformed feet; individuals with erratic movements. Children with twisted limbs. Boy in bed, with legs in X shape. 00:28:17 Women at wooden benches and tables. Quite severe forms of disabilities and beh...

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Experimental rocket; launching platform

    Goldstone Lake, California and White Sands, NM. WAC corporal experimental rocket. Rocket launching platform.

  10. Transcarpathia

    Silent with Hungarian intertitles. "Teleki Pal Grof". miniszterelnok latogatast tett a Rutenfoldon es felkereste a szlovak legitamadas erte teriileteket." VS, high angle, group of dignitaries meet, handshakes, police and military in uniform. Crowd, flags waving. Pan of snow-capped mountains in the BG to group of officers and political figures standing on a rooftop or a balcony, looking out over the crowd below. Quick shot of Hungarian flag waving. Wreath draped on statue of an eagle in a public square, onlookers. MLS, through archway, several men assembled in a courtyard. MS, MCU, CU, pan c...

  11. Sketching defendants documents, map at Nuremberg Trial

    22:25:18 (Paris 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 27, 1945. CU, cartoonist sketches Walther Funk and Wilhelm Frick. MLS of prisoners' dock, visible are: Albert Speer, Constantin Neurath, Hans Fritzsche, Franz von Papen, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Rosenberg. MLS, MS, Erich Raeder's counsel makes plea to Tribunal, complaining about receiving documents presented by the prosecution too late. The list of documents the defense uses, which had been handed out the previous day, were partly incomplete, and therefore made the defens...

  12. Warsaw ghetto and Stutthof liberated

    Warsaw ghetto, women walk and stand about on a street, some with armbands. Children play a game. LS of Stutthof concentration camp liberated by the Soviets. VS of camp: barracks, piles of hair, pan, clothing, a man and woman standing upon a mountain of shoes, Zyklon B (poison gas) canisters, ovens. More scenes of the camp, road, barbed wire, etc., ends on CU of stone tablet/memorial plaque, engraved on wall, that reads: "Bojownikom O Wolnosc Pomordowanym W Sztutowie W latach 1939-1945 [To all who fought for freedom and were tortured at Stutthof in 1939-1945.] Translation of voiceover narrat...

  13. German occupation of Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine

    First days of German occupation of Kyiv [Kiev]. People in horse-drawn carts on a country road; perhaps they are peasants, perhaps they are Kievans fleeing their city. Train. Droves of people traveling along a country road, carrying sacks and leading mules and horses drawing carts loaded with their possessions (likely fleeing the German presence with their belongings). Germans in the streets of Kyiv, soldiers and tanks on the move. Fires burning, smoldering ashes and embers. Soviet soldiers surrender in the field to German soldiers with guns. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of Red Army soldiers ...

  14. Bach-Zelewski testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 488) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 7, 1946. MS, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and Wilhelm Keitel in prisoners' dock as Col. Telford Taylor addresses the Tribunal. MS, witness Eric von dem Bach-Zelewski testifying in German. MLS, rear view, Russian prosecutor Col. Pokrovsky cross examines Bach-Zelewski, regarding Einsatzgruppe B. Questions are asked in Russian; witness answers in German. Alfred Jodl's counselor, Dr. Franz Exner, questions Bach-Zelewski. Questions and answers are in German. Another defense counselor, Dr. Kraus, questions the wit...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Vichy deputies meet; Petain; S. American diplomats; main streets in Vichy; Minister of War at airport

    811 C (04:28:36): (with Leblay camera) Meeting of the Comité d'Organisation du Parti Unique at Vichy. From left to right: Antoine Cayrel; Emmanuel Temple; Charles Spinasse; Gaston Bergery; Marcel Déat; Michel Brille; René Chateau; Remy Gousseau; Louis Deschizeaux; René Dommange; and standing Paul Saurin; Paul Rives. The men are all former deputies and the main chiefs are Marcel Déat and Gaston Bergery. Meetings are held in a small house, 83 Rue du Maréchal Pétain in Vichy. CUs and group shots of various members. 04:28:45 (with Leblay camera) Adrien Marquet, Minister of the Interior, in his ...

  16. Visit to Ukraine by Soviet writer Marietta Shaginyan

    "Soviet Ukraine"- Release 43. Soviet writer, Marietta Shaginyan, biographer of Lenin, visits the Ukraine. Speech to Dykanka kolhoz youth (members of a collective farm group) in Armenian or Russian (not certain of language of speech as this story is accompanied by voiceover narration in Ukrainian, and the original sound of the speech is not heard, and was perhaps never recorded). Translation of Ukrainian narration: Narration about the writer: Youth from Dykanka kolgosp [Ukrainian translation of 'kolhoz'] in the Poltava Region welcome the honored writer Marietta Shaginyan. The writer took und...

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Farming; Agricultural School in Israel

    Farming: men and women feeding cows, cleaning stalls, cows in fenced area, cart with hay. Teens exiting school building, getting on truck with sign reading "Mikveh: Israel Agricultural School". With shovels, head-on shot, going to farm/garden, shots of gardening, sprinkler, cactus. Three people go to grave with memorial reading "Alliance Israelite Universell - Charles Netter." Group walking towards camera on country road, with luggage. People running out of school to greet them with flowers. Sign, "Educational and Agricultural Institute." HAS, garden with workers, plants, cactuses. Watering...

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Marshal Petain; Vichy deputies; Laval, Herriot

    Marshal Pétain watching wreath-laying at memorial statue, parade, and Pétain reviewing. EXT, Chamber of Deputies. Pierre Laval, Edouard Herriot and others arriving. Chamber in session.

  19. Liberation of Ukrainian and Belorussian lands from Polish landlords

    Prewar Lvov ( Lwow, Poland, Lviv, Ukraine). Several of the city's landmark churches, including the Church of the Assumption (Orthodox), St. George's Cathedral (Ukrainian Greek Catholic), the Church of St. Olha and Elizabeth (Greek Catholic), with visible damage. Workers with spades. Polish POWs on road. Refugees from Poland. People mingling, CU. Farms, cemetery, demonstration. The filmmaker, Oleksandr Dovzhenko (white hair). VS and angles of Jewish faces. Damage: ruined town, damaged railroads. Khrushchev visits, he laughs. Camouflaged. Marshall Timoshenko and POWs. "Redistribution" of esta...

  20. War Crimes Trials: Milch Case

    (Munich 544) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 2 (Milch Case), Sentencing of Gen. Erhard Milch, Nuremberg, Germany, April 17, 1947. LS, judges entering the courtroom. HAS, Chief Justice reading the verdict, recessing court, and exiting from courtroom. Pan from judges to Milch being removed from the courtroom. MS, judge handing recorder sentence of the Tribunal. Silent cut-ins of the Tribunal. Pan of portion of courtroom. Tribunal entering courtroom and court rising. Judge reading the verdict.