Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,761 to 12,780 of 55,889
  1. Day of German Art: exhibition and parade

    05:54:50 Day of German Art. HAS of Munich. Cables. Banners everywhere. Boys' chorus recital in Feldherrnhall. Steady camera shots thru city, past various statues. Flowers decorate town, festival atmosphere. Hitler and entourage arrive at art exhibit. Road is lined with SS soldiers in long coats. Hitler opens art exhibition, speaking to a well-dressed crowd: "Rarely in German history is one so richly moved in peacetime...everyone singularly great." ["selten in der deutschen Geschichte eine so reich bewegte Friedenszeit...Kulturprogramm von einmaliger Groesse."] CUs of Nazi elite...

  2. Verdoner family in their garden

    Francisca and Yoka Verdoner playing at home and in the garden with a large metal spinning top toy. VS, of the children playing with several family members- identified in original documentation that accompanied films as Grandma and Grandpa Vinkeles (Hilde's parents). More scenes in the garden with unidentified family members, sitting and talking. Yoka and Francisca continue to play in the BG, and FG. VS, MCU, CU, MS Yoka and Francisca picking mushrooms in the garden with their mother, Yoka eats one of the mushrooms.

  3. 16th Soviet Congress

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 2, No. 88, Part 1. Release date, 11/05/1930. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "16th Soviet Congress Pledges Intensive 5-Year-Plan Support." Moscow, USSR. Stalin, Litvinoff and other chiefs of the New Russia perfect program for great agricultural and industrial drive, involving millions of workers, which is intended to put nation on a par with rest of world in production of raw material, foodstuff and manufactured goods. CU, young Stalin with Molotov, followed by lots of workers strolling around. Stalin chats with army officer, Kalinin in group. Stali...

  4. German Girls, Aryan ideal

    Life as RADwJ (Reichsarbeitsdienst der weiblichen Jugend), referred to as "Arbeitsmaiden" The young women tend to garden, cook, help farmers, do calisthenics, dance, care for hospitalized. Young women walking. Train in Hamburg. "Arbeitsmaiden-Transport ins Elsass (Alsace)" Exiting train, entering home, receiving uniform, medical examination, running outside, playing with ball, chalet on water, singing in forest, Nazi flag, mopping floor, cleaning house, preparing meal in kitchen, eating, washing dishes, gardening, talking at table outdoors, riding bicycles, laundry. Young woman playing with...

  5. Celebration in Luxembourg; Nice, Monaco coastline; returning to New York

    MLS, jumpy scenes of young men running across a field, wearing red shorts and no shirts. Young women in red and blue skirts with white shirts processing around the field where the boys were running (also very jumpy). Girls hold and wave white handkerchiefs. LS, young men perform calisthenics on the field. MS, young women on the field. END VS, Col. Zabin horseback riding and jumping. VS, Col. Zabin waterskiing in Nice and Monaco. VS, high angle views of the beach and coast, people walking along a paved path by the beach. END LS, high angle, hills, coastline, and the water beyond, red-tiled r...

  6. New York World-Telegramt (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    A newspaper article titled "Orphans of the World Storm: Nazi Forces Germany's 'Best Minds' to Scatter Over the World" with image of Albert Einstein.

  7. Apron

    The apron was made for Julia Schor while she was in hiding as a child in the Netherlands during the Holocaust.

  8. DPs in Germany

    (LIB 4171-4178) Displaced Persons, Anrath, Germany, March 15, 1945. MCU, young male child holds large pieced of black bread and eats from large bowl. MCU, two eat from community bowl. In BG, male DPs. MS, CUs, women wash dishes in courtyard. Trucks loaded with male DPs leave center. SEQ: Italian woman crying as husband leaves in truck. Woman faints as truck pulls away. SEQ: US soldiers try to console Italian girl. Other DPs stand in BG as girl weeps. CU, INT, military government office. Officer at desk speaks. (no sound)

  9. Ring

    Created by Agnes Frankl while doing forced labor in a factory in Lippstadt, Germany. The donor had engraved on this ring, "Dum Spiro, spero" I hope as long as I live, but the engraving has since worn off

  10. Ink drawing by a US soldier of an officer offering food to a thin woman with a Star of David badge

  11. Hostages Case (or Southeast Case): sentencing of German Generals active in S.E. Europe

    (Munich 676) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings - Hostages Trial #7, Nuremberg, Germany, February 1948. Sentencing Southeast Generals. HAS, tribunal as Judge Charles F. Wennerstrum announces that sentencing will now be imposed. First two generals - List and Kuntze - are given lifetime imprisonment. Former Generals Rendulic, Dehner, Speidel, Leyser, Felmy, Lanz are identified by name and sentenced; Foertsch and Geitner are freed. This case is also known as the "Southeast Case" because the defendants were all German generals leading troops in southeastern Europe during the Balka...

  12. 1933 events in England, USA

    Cricket. MSs batsman hitting, bowler throwing. LSs of cricket match being played in front of large crowd. Headline re "bodyline bowling" controversy. 01:20:54 CU sign "Fleet St." Shot looking up the busy street. Interior offices of paper? journalists working (narrator speaks as a journalist) LS, MS G.K. Chesterton speaking to big crowd. Auto racing at Brooklands. CUs people in booths keeping records. 01:21:28 Election in Ireland. Big crowd, riot breaking out, men fighting with police. Yachts at Cowes. 01:21:54 Loch Ness monster, headline "Beast with 7 ft Neck. Nightmare Shape." Pan on Loch ...

  13. Verdoner family celebrates Easter

    Notes from original film indicate that the Verdoner family is celebrating Easter, April 1939. EXT, MLS, Gerrit and Francisca Verdoner in their garden. VS, MCUs Francisca playing in the yard with a toy baby doll and baby carriage. Her older sister Yoka is also playing in the garden with her. They are searching for Easter eggs among the trees and bushes in their yard. Their grandfather is in the garden playing with them. MCU, grandfather, grandmother and another female relative, pose for the camera, they are playing with eggs in their hands that they are passing to each other. Gerrit Verdoner...

  14. Arthur Szyk print

    Multi-colored image of a woman standing at the open door of a building holding a dish with children standing in front of her; inside the building are a man and woman seated at a table

  15. American POWs; DPs in Germany

    (LIB 5032) 2200 American POWs Liberated from Stalag 9-B, Bad Orb, Germany, April 4, 1945 [originally identified by NARA as Breslau, Germany, taken on April 6, 1945]. SEQ: Released prisoners are addressed by American officer in camp area. Soldier with tin can standing in line. American POW, Pfc. James M. Osman, with chunk of bread. MCUs, released prisoners receiving coffee. Medics carry men out of building on litters. Soldiers receiving cigarettes and rations. Soldier with burned face. The commanding officer of the liberating force was Col. Walter D. Fetterly. 01:16:13 (LIB 4907) Displaced P...

  16. German educational film: African apes

    This short educational film features the apes of Africa in their natural habitat. VS of gorillas interacting with each other. There is a long sequence of two gorillas fighting, and VS of gorillas climbing trees. The subject shifts from Gorillas to Baboons. VS of baboons in their natural habitat, eating, interacting, etc. There are several good shots of a mother cleaning her young and teaching a baby to climb a tree. Sequence of baboons escaping some sort of unseen danger, CU of one alerting the group and then VS of the group running away across a stream (in slow motion.) They leap through t...

  17. DP children in American homes in Germany

    DP children in American Homes, Heidelberg, Germany, August 20, 1948. INT, four DP children, two boys and two girls, coming down steps in Protestant chaplain Anderson's home. The children seat themselves at the dining table. Cut-ins, children saying grace. MS, Anderson and Heide (a child) looking at magazine. One of the boys joins them. Mrs. Anderson playing piano as child sings. In the home of Lt. Col H A Buck: five children playing cards. Two children playing in the yard of Maj G L Campbell. Mrs. Campbell and two girls walking out of yard and getting into car. Mrs. Campbell and two childre...

  18. German educational film: daily life and activity in a mill town

    This short film depicts the daily life and activity in a German mill town. Their are VS of horses and a horse drawn wagon, men and boys working with the animals, and sifting grain into sacks. LS, windmill. Man and boy arrive with wagon full of grain at the windmill. Sacks of grain are hoisted up into the windmill. The grain is stored inside. VS, the windmill operator demonstrating how to use the mill. He hands cranks the equipment from the outside to get it started, and then climbs inside to get the main mechanism going. INT shots of the windmill at work, a series of interlocking gears, etc...

  19. Nazi leaders, other fascist leaders

    REEL 2: The rise of fascist dictatorships. Some of the Nazi leaders: Hess, Goering, Goebbels, etc. collecting money for charity outside a theater, and cheerfully chatting with the theater-goers. Giant Nazi rally. Hitler speaking to huge crowd who sit listening while being snowed upon. Italian politician Balbo visits Goering's Karinhall, shooting party includes Ernst Udet. Series of CUs of different fascist types making speeches. Various scenes of Germany showing popularity of Nazis and the whole Nazi ideal. One group includes Gen. Rommel. 01:46:38 Mussolini as farmer, helping with the thres...

  20. Military inspection; Gen. Marshall; awards; French troops parade in Berlin

    05:29:39 (LIB 7191) 2nd Armored Inspection, Berlin, Germany. 05:30:47 (LIB 7192) Gen George C Marshall, Berlin, Germany. 05:32:36 (LIB 7193) Presentation of the Honorary Freedom, Bedford, England. 05:36:55 (LIB 7194) French Troops Parade, Berlin, Germany, July 14, 1945. VS, ceremony in front of Victory monument that commemorates Germany's victory over France in 1870. French troops and armored vehicles pass in parade.