Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,701 to 12,720 of 55,889
  1. Apron

    The apron was made for Julia Schor while she was in hiding as a child in the Netherlands during the Holocaust.

  2. Jackson reads Accusation Act at Nuremberg Trial

    Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, 1945. MCU, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, addresses the court. Rear view, Chief U.S. Prosecutor Robert H Jackson reads the Accusation Act, including names of the defendants, history of the Nazi Party, and the annexation of Austria. MS, Goering and Hess in box. VS, courtroom and lawyers listening to Jackson.

  3. Justice Lawrence discusses Nuremberg Charter and trial development at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. (Note: First 200 feet is dark and out of focus.) MS, Tribunal as Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaks of the formation of the Nuremberg Tribunal for the trying of Nazi war leaders. Pan of courtroom as voice of Justice Lawrence is heard reading the prospectus of the Nuremberg Charter. He then describes how evidence was gathered. MS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H Jackson, sitting at table.

  4. Kan family: children play in US postwar

    Color. Child in a snow suit shovels snow into a red wagon. Child plays in the snow and builds a snowman. 01:17:32 Backyard in the spring - child plays with a beach ball. Child and women (Betsy and Jeanne?) walk along the side of a street with houses and cherry/apple trees in the lawns.

  5. German airforce bomber attacks

    VS, German bomber airplane on an airstrip, with Nazi insignia and other markings of the German airforce. VS, mechanics and crew loading bombs onto plane. MS, a military official demonstrates plan of attack to crew using a map. Low angle shot of the belly of the plane closing once ammunition and supplies are on board. CU, night time, propellers of the airplanes, moves out to MLS, plane visible on the runway, preparing for flight. MS, crew members board plane, they shake hands with man who remains on the ground. LS, airplane takes flight. VS, from POV of crew members inside the plane, clouds,...

  6. Sigmund Freud vacationing in Poetzleinsdorf (Vienna), Austria

    Head title, "Freud, Sigmund at Poetzleinsdorf, Vienna, Austria, between 1925 and 1935." Title, "Freud on Holiday, 1920, Institute for Psychoanalysis, 1983." Nice views of Freud. [One web source on Freud chronology identifies Poetzleinsdorf under the year 1931 as: "Weakened by an operation for cancer, Freud spends the summer in a rented villa in the Vienna suburb of Poetzleinsdorf."] Various shots of Freud at the lake home and on the porch, talking with friends - women, men, and children. Mountains in BG. Man with glasses, next to automobile. Garden, with statue and table and chairs. INT, ho...

  7. Verdoner family garden

    Otto Verdoner, at roughly four months old. VS, CUs, MCUs, Otto being bathed by his mother. CU, Francisca posing in the arms of a woman in the Verdoner garden, Yoka doing same. VS, MLSs, MSs, MCUs, Francisca and Yoka playing in the garden, and in a sand box. Their grandfather comes out to join them in the garden, followed by other unidentified relatives. The camera focuses for quite a while on a young man as he speaks to an older woman and then to Hilde Verdoner (uncertain of this man's relationship to the family). CU, older couple having tea in the Verdoners' garden.

  8. German educational film: birds and their natural habitats

    VS of various species of birds in their natural habitats, taking flight, feeding, laying eggs, hatching eggs, etc. There are several intertitles throughout the film [in German] that provide more information about the specific birds and their habits and habitats.

  9. Doll purse

    Julia Schor played with the doll purse while in hiding during the Netherlands.

  10. Kan family in US postwar: high school graduation

    Betsy and her boyfriend walking, both with cigarettes. Betsy, her boyfriend, Jeanne, and an older women (young man's mother?) in front of a large building on the day of Betsy's graduation. Jeanne and the other woman with Frits and another man (young man's father?). Women in caps and gowns holding diplomas and flowers exiting a building. People lining the staircase watch the procession. Betsy in cap and gown during the procession and afterwards with her classmates. 01:01:25 Jeanne, Betsy, and her fiancé pose for the camera. 01:01:33 Airplane on runway, people disembark from the plane. 01:01:...

  11. DPs: food supplies; hospital; washing clothes

    (LIB 4071) Russian Slave Labor, Keynberg, Germany, 1944? EXT, displaced persons in front of AMG office. HAS, delivery of food supplies. CU, DP cuts beef with knife and axe. Pan, line of Russians who served in slave labor battalion await ration issue. CU, bread ration. INTs (underexposed) DPs are cared for in hospital. EXT, group of Russian male civilians singing, one plays accordion. CU, faces of DPs (one man has long black beard). Delousing Russian women. Women washing clothes in stream. Additional scenes, issuance of rations including meats, cigarettes, and bread.

  12. Kan family: daily life; picnic

    House (the same shown at the beginning of Film ID 2473 - in Amsterdam?). Betsy walks down the stairs dressed in a coat and hat, carrying a briefcase. Robert walks out of the house towards the camera. He takes off his hat and bows. Jeanne exits the house along with Betsy who closes the door. The three stand together. 01:13:24 EXT, family picnic. VAR shots of children playing, people eating, and laying around. 01:14:24 Scenic woods. Family sits and waves to camera. Ice-cream vendor's cart, children gathered around.

  13. Postwar: Christmas in the US

    EXT, MS, two unidentified women walking away from camera, their backs eventually face the camera. Cut to MS, man and young girl walking along a street, they pass several parked cars, before getting into a car, there is an unidentified woman there as well- she waves to the camera. MS, young girl dressed in a red snowsuit, runs out of a large house and toward the camera. She runs back into the house and a young boy comes out, without a coat, indicates that he is cold and goes back inside the house with the young girl. MS, girl in the red snow suit walking through the streets of an unidentifie...

  14. Verdoner family walking in Hilversum and playing

    EXT, MCUs Francisca and Yoka Verdoner with their brother Otto in a stroller. Their mother Hilde walks along with them. The family walks through the streets of Hilversum, other people are seen on foot and on bicycle. INT, Otto, now with a full head of hair. VS, CUs of Otto, now walking on his own. The children play with a toy, a dancing, wind up monkey. CU of the monkey toy dancing. CUs, bare-bottomed Otto playing with the monkey, his mother Hilde is undressing him. VS, Otto crawling and walking about the room naked.

  15. Sentencing Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MS, Hermann Goering, Baldur von Schirach, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Jodl, Rudolf Hess, sitting in prisoners' dock listening to testimony. Hess taken ill leaves prisoners' dock. Shots of English and US prosecution tables. Scenes of Justice Kravechenko (Russian), reading statement from bench. Pan of prisoners' dock and courtroom as voice of Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence (British) is heard speaking about the SS, slave labor, experiments on human beings, consolidating power, and creating the first co...

  16. Ring

    The ring was worn by a concentration camp survivor and is believed to have been worn throughout the time period of the Holocaust.

  17. British counter-propaganda short

    Cartoon title: Official Films presents... "Schichlegruber Doing the Lambeth Walk assisted by the Gestapo Hep-Cats." Produced by Leslie Winik. Counter-propaganda film made to mock the Nazis by reversing and repeating newsreel shots of Adolf Hitler saluting and his troops goose-stepping from "Triumph of the Will" to create the illusion that Hitler and his gang were dancing to the popular British tune of the day, The Lambeth Walk. Uses reverse, stop motion, and jump cuts. Footage reproduced in rhythmic sequnces by an optical printer. Adds appropriate slide whistle and Bronx cheer sound effects.

  18. Frankfurt: food; DP camp Zeilsheim

    (MUN 376) City of Frankfurt - Food, Frankfurt and vicinity, Germany, August 19-20, 1946. LS, CUs cattle grazing in field near Heidelberg. CUs, cattle. SEQ: weighing and registering wheat. Middle-aged man and woman walking along path in park, same with man and child. MS, carton of cigarettes being exchanged for marks. LS, CU, black market dealer refusing to accept money, takes wrist watch in exchange for a package of food. LS, building which is part of DP camp at Zeilsheim. SEQ: people rummaging through garbage dump at Bad Vibel. CU, tin cans and refuse. INTs showing rooms in prosperous farm...

  19. Helen Keller with Ford

    Detroit, Michigan. Helen Keller visits Henry Ford. By remarkable development of the sense of touch Keller is able to understand what is being said to her. Note how she listens with her hands to what Mr. Ford is saying. Keller feeling the lips of Henry Ford. Miss Sullivan, Keller's teacher, in BG. Additional Ford reels (200 FC 440 (b-g)) follow until TC 01:09:39.

  20. Prague; field surgery; London; German submarines

    Color footage. A man waking up in a military cot (very underexposed). Two windows behind his bed provide a small amount of light for the shot. The man sits up in bed and speaks to the cameraman. Col. Zabin walks down street in Prague in his U.S. Army uniform carrying a shoulder bag. He tips his hat to the cameraman, cars in BG, and a civilian in FG. Col. Zabin boards a streetcar. He removes his helmet and tips it to the cameraman. Pan of streetcar full of civilians, Col. Zabin walks in front of the car as the camera pans, large "N" inside of a circle on streetcar. MS, pan of castle with the...