Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,161 to 31,180 of 55,889
  1. Saugumo policijos ir SD vadas Lietuvoje

    • Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Litauen
    • Chief of the Security Police and SD of the Lithuanian General Region

    "The most important documents of the collection are monthly reports by the chief of the security police and SD in Lithuania sent to the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) in Berlin concerning the political and economic situation and popular sentiment in the General Region of Lithuania. In the reports mentioned there are special paragraphs dealing with the activities of the partisans, the resistance movement and the Jews" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Resea...

  2. SS ir policijos apygardos vadas Šiauliuose

    • Der SS und Polizeigebietsführer in Schaulen
    • Šiauliai City SS and Police Standortfuehrer

    Lists of the staff of the Lithuanian SS and Criminal Police; correspondence concerning events in the district.

  3. Geležinkelių policijos vadas

    • Kaunas Eisenbahnpolizei
    • Kaunas Railway Police

    Orders and reports by the chief of the railway police about police activities; personal files of police officers.

  4. Pavienės tarnybos policijos lietuvių ryšių karininkas Tvarkos policijos vado Lietuvoje štabe

    • Der lit. Verbindungs-Offizier für die Schutzmannschaft des Einzeldienstes im Stabe des Kommandeurs der Ordnungspolizei Litauen
    • Liaison Officer of the Individual Police Service of the Lithuanian General Region under the Chief of the Ordnugspolizei in Lithuania (Kaunas)

    This collection contains "the important confidential circular No. 3 of 16 August 1941 signed by V. Reivytis, director of the Police Department, sent to the police chiefs of the counties concerning the detention, rounding up, and guarding of male Jews. Essentially, it meant the beginning of the mass extermination of the Jews in Lithuanian provinces. The same collection contains reports by the police chiefs of the counties and rural districts to the director of the Police Department concerning the detaining and rounding up of Jews." Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fond...

  5. Tvarkos policijos vadas prie SS ir policijos vado Lietuvoje

    • Der Kommandeur der Ordnungspolizei beim SS-und Polizeiführer in Litauen
    • Order Police of the Police Chief of Lithuanian SS

    The fonds contains personal documents of locals who joined the self-defence battalions (later auxiliary police). Documentation concerning activities of the soldiers of the battalion, such as guarding prisoners in the Kaunas hard labour prison), correspondence, reports, orders of the battalion chiefs.

  6. Žydų mokslo institutas (JIVO) Vilniuje

    • Žydowski instytut naukowy (JIWO) w Wilnie
    • Institute for Jewish Research (YIVO) in Vilnius

    Fonds consists of various documents collected by the employees of the Scientific Institute: documents of different Vilnius city and Vilnius region Jewish public organizations and institutions; Jewish community documents, correspondence with Jewish communities abroad; documents of activities of educational institutions, Jewish theatres, printing houses, trade unions; documents regarding pogroms in Byelorussia and Ukraine; press cuttings, the Vilnius ghetto documents; personal documents of the Jewish writers and poets with their notes, pieces of works, poems, lyrics; material collected by the...

  7. Vilniaus žydų getas

    • Ghetto der Stadt Wilna
    • The Vilnius Ghetto

    The fonds contains various documents covering different aspects of Jewish life in the ghetto (activities of Judenrat, Ghetto police, Health care, Labour, Cultural, Social care and other institutions). Sub-fonds no 2 consist of various posters of performances, concerts, lectures, sports events, meetings, events held in the Vilnius ghetto in 1942-1943

  8. Kauno karo komendantūra

    • Litauische Kommandantur in Kaunas
    • Military Commandant in Kaunas

    Reports of the Military Commandant in Kaunas; various instructions for staff of the commandant; documentation concerning activities of local Auxiliary police; orders concerning forced labour for prisoners of war; lists of members of Auxiliary police; restrictions imposed on Jews; documentation about establishment of the Kaunas (Kovno) ghetto in Vilijampolė and forcing people to move into the ghetto.

  9. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvoje Vilniaus skyrius

    • Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Litauen Aussendienststelle Wilna
    • SIPO and SD commander, Vilnius section

    The fonds consists of alphabetical register cards of persons prosecuted, arrested, and shot; personal data includes name, surname, date of birth, date of arrest, decree. About 30-40% of the register cards have Jewish names.

  10. Kauno miesto apygardos komisaras

    • Kaunas-Stadt Gebietskomissar
    • County Commissar of Kaunas City

    List of applications by Germans, who came to Lithuania during 1941-1944 to obtain certain goods; alphabetical documentation of German people who applied for and received these goods; documentation concerning food supply in the country and exploitation of the prisoners of war; documentation concerning confiscation of private property; registration lists of residents; list of Nazis authorities and staff.

  11. Kaunas Major Military Construction Office Number 13

    • Kauno 13-oji didžioji kariuomenės statybos įstaiga
    • Grosse Heeresbaudienststelle 13 Kauen

    Kaunas Major Military Construction Office Number 13 supervised construction of military facilities. Correspondence regarding control of the Jewish workers (based on LCVA).

  12. Vilniaus miesto policijos vadas

    • Stadtpolizeiführer Wilna
    • Chief of Vilnius City police

    Various kinds of administrative documents; correspondence about events in the district, about penalties, about criminal cases; lists of residents who had received administrative fines; lists of police officers; register lists of refugees; documents about police activities in Vilnius and surrounding region; lists of enterprises; lists of Jews who were in registers' books of Arbeitsamt; Nazi propaganda; documents concerning Auxiliary police.

  13. Kretingos apskrities policijos vadas

    • Der Kreispolizeiführer in Kretinga
    • Chief of Police of Kretinga District

    Reports of the chiefs of the police precincts of the district; applications of residents concerning employment in the police; personal files of police officers; various documentation about everyday life in the district, including information concerning accidents, lists of residents, documentation about prisoners of the war and forced labour, lists of police officers of Auxiliary police, and list of people who were killed in the first days of the war.

  14. Rokiškio apskrities policijos Južintų punktas

    • Police Department for Južintai County, Rokiškis District

    Various administrative documents; personnel files of the staff; pay registers; applications of residents to join the police precinct; information about Poles in the district as well as war refugees, prisoners of war, Jews; reports about criminal incidents and various protocols concerning crimes; certificates issued to police officers of the sef-defence battalions; lists of police officers; lists of arrested people; other items.

  15. Kauno sunkiųjų darbų kalėjimas

    • Zentralgefängnis in Kauen
    • Kaunas Hard-Labour Prison

    This collection contains documents concerning the handing over of Jewish inmates and the mass killing of Jews at the Ninth Fort (the description based on Galina Žirikova (2011), Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 12. The fonds consists mostly of personal files of the arrested people. There are also administrative documents of the chief of the prison; lists of Jews who were arrested ...

  16. 11-as rezervinės policijos batalionas

    • Reserve-Polizei - Batallion 11

    Correspondence with the chief officer of the Battalion (previously the Kaunas Military Commandant) about activities and soldiers; the loose lists of the register of the residents (including names of soldiers) was compiled on 27 May 1942.

  17. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvoje Lietuviškojo skyriaus Kriminalinės policijos viršininkas

    • Der Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Litauen Litauische Abteilung Der Leiter der Kriminalpolizei
    • Chief of of the Criminal Police of the Lithuanian Section of the Security Police and SD in Kaunas

    Reports, orders, documentations of the chief of the Criminal Police about accidents and investigations in the county; reports from the police precincts about accidents, about the mood of the locals; correspondence about wanted persons, about prisoners who had managed to escape, about prisoners of war, about how to deal with Roma residents; reports about confiscations of private property.

  18. Rokiškio apskrities žydų koncentracijos stovykla

    • Rokiškis Concentration Camps for Jews

    The file consists of the documents about the staff of the concentration camp (pay register); an application rom the head of the Jewish property liquidation committee to the head of the concentration camp requesting more payment for overtime.

  19. Vilniaus žydų tikybinė bendruomenė

    • Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska w Wilnie
    • Vilnius Jewish Religious Community

    Various documents concerning activities of the community; documentation of the Board of the community, including correspondence, meeting protocols, and related documents; lists of community members; certificates of birth, marriage, and death; certificates of war refugees; permissions issued by the community to bury in the Jewish cemetery; financial documents, etc.

  20. Vilniaus žydų muziejaus dokumentų kolekcija

    • The Collection of the Documents of the Vilnius Jewish Museum

    The fonds contains with Vilnius ghetto documents (forced labour for Jews, FPO (ghetto partisants' organization) documentation, register of Jews workers); list of Ukmergė Jews who perished between August-September 1941; plan of Švenčionys ghetto, documents about mass killings in small towns of the Vilnius region; registration cards of Jews, records of the Kovno Jewish ghetto administration and police; documentation about activities of the Vilnius Jewish Museum which was re-established by survivors in autumn 1944. Memoirs of prisoners of the ghettos, photos of people who rescued Jews, photos ...