Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 30,081 to 30,100 of 55,889
  1. Letter re Karl Pudor's convictions for publishing antisemitic materials

    Karl Heinrich Adolf Pudor was the publisher of an antisemitic paper called Hakenkreuz. This letter documents the convictions he received for publishing antisemitic material in 1926 and 1933.

  2. Dann family papers and the records of Bulldogs Bank

    This collection comprises two separate, though linked, archival fonds. The papers at 1070/1-4 record the lives of the Dann family, a renowned Augsburg Jewish family. Documents relating to Sophie and Gertrud Dann, the depositors of this collection, feature most prominently.At 1070/5 are papers which document the history and activities of the Hamstead Nursery and Bulldog Bank. For an account of the sisters' work there see some of the autobiographical accounts in the personal papers of Sophie Dann at 1070/3.

  3. Breendonk Camp, Belgium: Copy report by Headquarters 21 Army

    Report on Breendonk concentration camp containing the following sub-headings: atrocities committed against the civilian population of Breendonk; details of life and conditions within the camp; particulars of Germans and collaborators mentioned in the report; appendices including statements and summaries of statements made by former inmates.English 79 pagesThe front page of the report describes the author as 'Headquarters 21 Army Group' and bears the date, 1944. It has been annotated 'secret' and there appears to be an archival reference number. A note accompanying the report has the followi...

  4. Copy list of Auschwitz prisoners

    On each sheet it is stated that Hermann Langbein authenticated the signature (on the original), as General Secretary of the Internationale Auschwitz-Komitee.

  5. Sovietsky Kultur: copy antisemitic article

    Copy antisemitic article from Sovetsky Kultur.Russian 1 pageThis copy article is described as ‘purporting to be an interview between Dr. Howard Spear and E. Evseev'. It was given to the depositor by Victor Brailovsky. The latter is thought to be responsible for the markings on the text.

  6. Anna Gordyn: copy family papers

    This collection consists of copy contemporary documentation regarding the fate of a Jewish family during the Nazi era and related, more recent, material. Explanatory notes from the depositor have been retained with each item.

  7. Eric Strach: Personal papers

  8. Bocian family: Copy cancellation of naturalisation certificate, Berlin

    Copy cancellation of the naturalisation of Lewek Bocian which extended to his wife and family, in accordance with a law re naturalisation, dated 14 July 1933, issued by the Polizeipräsident BerlinGerman 

  9. Jonas May collection

  10. Hahlo family collection

    The collection contains vital records, identity papers and other personal papers of members of the Hahlo family, principally Peter Hahlo. In addition there are interviews with Peter and Fay Hahlo conducted by their son, Gerry, as well as the memoirs Georg Hahlo wrote for his children and family photographs.

  11. Copy papers re Zyklon 'B'

    Copy photographs of Zyklon ‘B' canisters; copy correspondence between the War Office and the London Fumigation Company re the manufacture and use of Zyklon ‘B'; military passbook of SS Gruppenführer and Generallleutnant Jakob Sporrenberg.Former references WO.208.2169; WO.309.1602; WO.311.423

  12. Copy official documents re expulsion of Polish Jews from Germany

    Copies of correspondence between the Deutsche Botschaft, Warsaw, the Auswärtige Amt, Berlin and the Polish ambassador between 10 October 1938 and 27 January 1939 concerning orders for the expulsion of Polish Jews from Germany. Also copy of the translation of the order of 6 October 1938 concerning passport controls and copy further details concerning the limited permission for some to return to Germany. 

  13. G.A. Soedicke-Bayens: Memoirs

  14. Passport issued to Jacques Kaufmann

    Passport issued to Jacques Kaufmann from the mayor of Schiefbahn, North Rhine WestphaliaFrench 

  15. Notes on Moses Mendelssohn's family tree

    Notes on the family trees of Moses Mendelssohn 

  16. Alexander Baron: Correspondence and other papers

    This collection consists of (mostly copy) correspondence between Alexander Baron and copy articles from a variety of newspapers and periodicals. The subject of the collection deals in particular with Alexander Baron's ongoing arguments with the editor of searchlight, Gerry Gable, centred on Baron's refutation of the charge of anti-semitism.

  17. Leslie Daniel collection

  18. Fanto family: Copy personal papers

    Copy papers of Manfred and Lea Fanto, who travelled from Prague to Austria, including an inventory of personal possessions for eachGerman and Czech