Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 29,421 to 29,440 of 55,889
  1. Doris Winter (née Kahn): copy school book

    This is the copy of a school book which was originally the property of the depositor, a pupil in a school in Cologne, 1933-1934. The contents of the book were dictated by the teacher and consist of notes on the racial characteristics of the various ethnic groups which comprise the German people, also notes on the theory of racial hygiene.

  2. Henry G Plitt: Copy papers

    This collection of copy papers documents, in part, the life of Henry G Plitt, focusing, in particular, on his involvement in the capture of Julius Streicher and Robert Ley.

  3. Legacy Family tree 4.0

  4. Copy material re Jewish Brigade

    Copy material relating to the activities of the Jewish Brigade in Palestine, including photographs, newspaper cuttings and a short essay

  5. Copy papers re documentary about November Pogrom in Nuremberg

    The papers in this collection consist primarily of copy documents from the Nuremberg State Archives and relate to the trial of former SA men who were guilty of aggravated breach of the peace on Kristallnacht in Nuremberg. The papers were used for the making of a BBC TV documentary series German History, 1919-1945. The papers provide a detailed insight into the crimes committed against the Jewish population of Nuremberg on Kristallnacht (9-10 November 1938).

  6. ‘The St. Louis Affair': list of passengers who found refuge in Great Britain

    This copy list of passengers on the infamous ship, the St. Louis, was probably generated from a database at the Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington.

  7. B'nai Brith Leo Baeck London Lodge: Members life histories

    Personal, mostly autobiographical accounts of former German and Austrian Jewish refugees, who subsequently became members of the Leo Baeck London Lodge. Also list of authors at 1288/56.This collection of memoirs provides a rich and varied account of the experiences of German and Austrian Jewish refugees to Great Britain. They range in length from 1 page to almost book length.

  8. Certificate that Franz Wrobel was interned in Gurs Camp

    Certificate issued by the Sous Prefecture of Oloron that Franz Wrobel was interned in Gurs Camp from October 25 1940 to 4 Aug 1941

  9. Janina Fischler-Martinho: Memoir re the Jewish ghetto at Cracow

    This personal account entitled The Story of a Spoon was written by a survivor of the Jewish ghetto at Cracow, Poland, and describes the experiences of Jews being helped by non-Jews in the ghetto

  10. Richard Meyer: Copy papers re the Jewish community in Sinzig, North Rhine Westphalia

    These copy papers document the fate of the Jewish community in the town of Sinzig, North Rhine Westphalia.

  11. Why Auschwitz was not bombed: copy documents

    Copy documentation relating to the reasons why Auschwitz was not bombed by the allies, even when news of the atrocities had become widely known

  12. Notes re design of the Holocaust memorial, Vienna

    Notes on an interview with Rachel Whiteread about her proposed design of a concrete bunker to commemorate the Holocaust at the Judenplatz, Vienna by Ernst Eisenmayer 5 Oct 1996

  13. Copy documents re Jews in Vienna

    This material, part of which relates to an exhibition on the Viennese Jewish community during the Third Reich