Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 29,301 to 29,320 of 55,889
  1. Otto Ernst Remer: copy report

    Copy manuscript account apparently by Major General Otto Ernst Remer about his activities on the day of the attempted assassination of Hitler on 20 July 1944. The document is dated 2 April 1946. It is possible that the account was written whilst Remer was in custody during the period of de-nazification after the war. A note states that the first two pages were missing and that these had been supplied at a later date by a different depositor (G. Fleming).

  2. Bing family: papers

    This collection comprises four separate deposits of material regarding different members of the same family.The first deposit (867/1) consists of copies of 3 letters written by a woman in a collection centre (Sammlunglager) in Berlin in June 1943. She was subsequently deported to Auschwitz where she almost certainly died. The letters are significant because they offer a rare insight into conditions in such an establishment and document the growing level of despair amongst those who were transported. In the final letter she seems certain of her fate- that theirs will be the last “Polentransp...

  3. Klara Rosenzweig: copy correspondence

    Copy correspondence from a German Jewish woman inmate of a number of French concentration camps. Klara Rosenzweig, the author of the correspondence, writes to her children and husband, who reside in Scotland, describing conditions in the camps etc.

  4. 'Memories of Douglas: Isle of Man' by Hugo Rosenstock

    This collection consists of two items: an original illustrated account of life as an internee of an internment camp on Douglas, isle of Man, 1940-1941 and an undated typescript family history by another family member. The first item comprises a series of individual sketches of camp life mostly in verse form, which have subsequently been bound together and foliated. A contents page, though no introduction completes the volume.

  5. Werner Rüdenberg: correspondence

    The correspondence consists of bundles which contain carbon copy letters of Werner and Anni Rüdenberg arranged chronologically by date of authorship with original letters from the respective correspondents by date of receipt. This is a relatively large collection of correspondence, a much of which covers Germany during the Nazi period. Yet, according to a sample reading, it appears that very little, if any, of the content documents the experiences of this Jewish family under the Nazis. It seems to be concerned overwhelmingly with the affairs of the family and friends and the experiences of ...

  6. Hitahadut Olej Germania: reports and papers

    These reports and papers document in part the activities of the Socialist Zionist organisation Hitahadut Olej Germania.

  7. Yom Hashoah 2004

  8. Paul Hollander: personal papers

    This collection of copy papers contains material which documents the activities of Paul Hollander, a German Jewish refugee in France who joined the French Foreign Legion at the beginning of World War II and was subsequently sent to a forced labour camp in North Africa. Of particular interest in this collection are reports on conditions in the labour camps of Colomb Behar, Kenadsa (Algeria) and Bour-Arfa (French Morocco) (963/11) and the prison camp of Hadjerat m'Guil (963/7)At 963/19 is a copy letter from Dr. C. F. J. Bergmann regarding the possibility of compensation payments from the Fren...

  9. Siegfried Kessler: Correspondence

    This collection of mostly original correspondence between Siegfried Kessler, a Czech Jewish exile in London, and various organisations and individuals, sheds light on the conditions of Czech Jews in Czechoslovakia in the early years of the war and the processes involved in getting them out.According to an incomplete curriculum vitae at -/20

  10. Malvin Warschauer: copy papers

    The papers in this collection offer a detailed insight into the life and ideas of one of Germany's most distinguished Rabbis, Malvin Warschauer. They also give an account of the lives of Jews in Germany, particularly Berlin, from the end of the 19th century to the Nazi era

  11. Report on conditions in Camp du Vernet by Francois Bondy

    Report on conditions in Camp du Vernet, Ariège , France, written by Francois Bondy. This typescript report about life in  Camp du Vernet, Ariège , France, is in French and dated 2 August 1940, Geneva. It has been annotated 'Not for Publication', 'Confidential'. Bondy also adds as a postscript that the facts contained in the report can be confirmed by the 'six Swiss who were repatriated with him'.

  12. Neumann and Mendel Business and Family papers

    This collection of family papers and business papers comprises several separate deposits, made some time after Luise Neumann's death in the 1980s. This is a good example of a collection of business papers of a former Jewish Company in Germany which was taken over as part of the Nazi aryanisation process, containing a range of records one would expect to see in a business archive as well as documents referring specifically to the persecution of the owners on the grounds of race [1023/1/39 and 1023/1/13]. The collection also contains papers which document the experiences of the family as they...

  13. Vicky Abrams: Personal papers and material re Neu Beginnen

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access this digital content: 1031/1; 1031/2The papers in this collection document in part the experiences of Vicky Abrams (formerly Hedwig Abranowicz/ Hedwig Leibetseder), who was a member of the Leninist underground organisation of 1930s Berlin, Neu Beginnen. Also included are family papers and material about Neu Beginnen

  14. Vichy : listening to silence

  15. Fred Kormis, sculptor: Personal papers and photographs

    The papers in this collection consist mostly of photographs of the work of the sculptor and medallion maker, Fred Kormis. In addition there is some correspondence mostly relating to his work, including letters of thanks from Lord Mountbatten, Menachem Begin and members of the British War Cabinet during the Second World War, for whom Kormis sculpted medallions.

  16. Anita Lasker-Wallfisch: copy personal correspondence

    The copy correspondence in this collection documents in part the experiences of Anita Lasker-Wallfisch and her sisters in Bergen Belsen concentration camp and in England, 1945, and the experiences of their parents prior to transportation to certain death close to the Lublin Ghetto, 1942.

  17. Heilbrunner: Eyewitness account of life in Dachau

    Typescript memoir of life in Dachau by a Jewish inmate, Heilbrunner, in 1933. Written in the form of a narrative in the first person and structured into four chapters, it describes in some detail the conditions in the camp and the brutality of the camp guards. It contains manuscript annotations and corrections.German Typescript 54 pages 

  18. Papers re documentary film about the Anschluss

    These papers were created during the course of the making of a film about the Anschluss, which was shown on the German television station, ZDF, in 1988.The bulk of the material consists of transcripts of interviews of a variety of people who experienced the Anschluss ranging from modern well-known personalities, former resistance members, former Nazis and diplomats. In addition there are notes on the programme design and biographical notes and cuttings on the interviewees.