Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 29,221 to 29,240 of 55,889
  1. Kaethe Spiegel: papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access the digital version of this archive.Microfilm collection of family papers and writings of Käthe Spiegel. This collection consists of two parts: Käthe Spiegel's personal and family papers, including obituaries of her father; and an essay entitled Studien zum Werke des Agathokles, a cover title for a critique of Mein Kampf.

  2. Persecution of Jews in Poland: Various documents

  3. Ernst Schaefer: Documents re law suit brought by Osram

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access the digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of documents deals with a law suit brought by Osram, against a former employee, Ernst Schaefer before the Reichsverwaltungsgericht, Berlin, 1941. The gist of the ruling is that in light of a new law affecting Jewish WWI veterans (29 December 1938) the firm was justified in terminating a previous agreement in which Schaefer was to receive a pension and other benefits.The collection includes covering letters addressed to the Wiener Library, a copy of the court's finding and ...

  4. Katzenstein, N.: Report on the situation of Jews in Europe

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this archive.Report on the situation of Jews in Europe detailing the situation of Jews in the immediate post-war period in the following countries. Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Germany.

  5. Richard Korherr: Statistical report on the final solution to the Jewish question

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection contains copies of the several versions of Richard Korherr's infamous report on the numbers of Jews deported to camps in Poland, c1943, along with material generated by Korherr after the war concerning his role as statistician of the Reichsführer SS, in particular correspondence between him and Gerald Reitlinger, regarding the latter's portrayal of Korherr's role in his book The Final Solution; also affidavits and other material supporting Korherr's claim that he was ...

  6. Richterbriefe: Confidential circulars from the Reichsministerium der Justiz

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection contains a complete series of so-called Richterbriefe in their original form:No.1Volksschädlinge, insbesondere VerdunkelungsverbrecherSittlichkeitsverbrechen an Kindern und JugendlichenKafeeanmeldung durch JudenDevisenverbrechen der JudenkennzeichnungNo. 2Schutz der Frau im KriegeGemeinschaftliche RaubüberfälleEntziehung des SorgerechtsSorgerechtsregelung für ein Kind aus geschiedener Ehe, dessen Vater im Felde istNo. 3Ehrenschutz gefallener SoldatenBlutschande und No...

  7. G.F.J. Bergmann: Material re Jewish alpinists in Germany

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection documents an interest in mountain climbing in the 1920s and 1930s, in particular Jewish involvement in the sport. It includes a number of issues of alpinist journals with articles on the involvement of Jews in the sport by Bergmann. Also original correspondence on the subject.

  8. Fritz Zietlow: Correspondence and papers

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this archive.This collection contains correspondence, mainly letters to the editor of Der Angriff, Fritz Zietlow, also internal correspondence and a number of publications. consists of draft articles, letters to Fritz Zietlow as editor of Der Angriff and Schlesischer Tageszeitung, and printed leaflets all dated 1931-1932.The collection includes the following material:Article: “Wer verhönt das Reichsgericht?” by Erich Berger, Darmstadt, Leiter der Presse des Gaues Hessen, 14 Jan 1932, 2 framesAlso by the sa...

  9. Reichstag elections, June 1920: election leaflets and advertisements

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of election leaflets and advertisements also contains some antisemitic material. The Deutsche Nationalpartei and the Deutsche Demokratische Partei are most often represented, although there is also material from the National Versammlung.Reichstag election, June 1920, election leaflets and advertisements. The location of specifically antisemitic material follows.MF Doc 54/ Reel 10, Frames 115-118; 136-139; 142-143; 199; 225-226

  10. International Tracing Service- Child search Branch: Papers re Lebensborn children etc

    This microfilm collection of documentation apparently emanating from the offices of the International Tracing Service deals in large part with children adopted by the Lebensborn programme.

  11. Persecution of the Jews in Poland: reports and statements

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection consists of material gathered in Vilnius, Lithuania, by a group of refugee Polish-Jewish writers and journalists, who formed a committee to collect evidence on the conditions of Jews in Poland under German occupation. For a more detailed description of the background, objectives and methodology of this project see a copy letter dated Vilnius, 20 March 1940, from MW Beckelman (?) to an unidentified organisation based in New York, asking it for funds and explaining the nature ...

  12. Geissler and Arp: British military court case material

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of papers relates to the activities of 2 anti-nazi activists, Arthur Geissler and Erich Arp, who, at the end of the war, were indicted by a British Military Court for "the unlawful appropriation of authority" by arresting the former Ortsgruppenleiter Krömer, Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein, at gun point. In addition to material relating to the court case, there are personal papers of Arp, born 1909 in Hamburg, former SPD member and leading member of the Berlin Universit...

  13. War crimes trial papers: Euthanasia case

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm copy trial document shows the verdict, sentence and trial judgement in a 'Euthanasia Case' appeal against Dr Walter Eugen Schmidt and Helen Schürg, OLG Frankfurt am Main 12.8.1947 Ss 92/47.

  14. Fairfield Documents: Documents re sterilisation in the Third Reich

    This collection of correspondence and personal papers of Letitia Fairfield, a prominent Catholic doctor and lawyer, deal in the main with subject of compulsory sterilisation, in particular in relation to the Nazi eugenics policy; and to the views of the Catholic Church on the subject.

  15. Committee for the investigation of Nazi war crimes in Baltic countries

    This collection of microfilmed documentation deals mainly with the activities of the Committee for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in Baltic Countries, in particular with the gathering of evidence for the prosecution of war crimes in the Riga Ghetto region during 1941-1944.The bulk of the material comprises authenticated statements and affidavits from eyewitnesses with covering letters. There is also correspondence which offers an insight into the politics and processes of war crime trials in the immediate post war years.

  16. Trial proceedings re de-naturalisation against Feodor Fedorenko

    This microfilm collection contains the c1978 trial proceedings of a case concerning the de-naturalisation of Feodor Fedorenko aka Feoder Dimitrievich Fedorendo aka Feoder Fedorenko aka Vladimir Serduik, former Ukranian prison guard at Treblinka.

  17. Papers of Weltdienst and the Bern trial re the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    This microfilm collection of documents of the anti-Semitic organisation Weltdienst comprises 2 groups of papers: material relating to the infamous Bern trial of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion', c1937; and correspondence and papers relating to the activities of Weltdienst, the periodical and the 'institute', 1942-1943.Weltdienst IPapers relating to the Bern trial of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, including:Frames 5-11: Alphabetical list of Weltdienst subscribersFrames 13-18: Letter dated 28 Jan 1937 from the Jewish Central Information Office, containing a list of propagandists of...

  18. Boris Tödtli: Papers and correspondence

    This microfilm collection of correspondence and papers documents the activities of Boris Tödtli, a Russian Nazi sympathiser and Anti-semite, who, as a leading light in the Swiss branch of Weltdienst organised the defence of the veracity of that infamous forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A large part of this collection consists of correspondence described as the 'Russian Letters', containing copies of the originals and French and German translations. These letters were confiscated by the Swiss police in Bern in relation to his prosecution for espionage. The letters are thought to ...

  19. Jonak von Freyenwald: Papers re the trial of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    This collection of correspondence and papers relates to the infamous Bern trial of the distributors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, in particular to the appeal, which took place between 27 October and 1 November 1937, in which the original verdict, convicting the distributors of falsification and plagiarism, was overturned on a legal technicality, although the appellants were not compensated.

  20. Copy correspondence and papers re Möbelaktion

    This collection of copy documents deals with every aspect of the expropriation of Europe's Jewish population by the Nazis, in what was described as the MöbelaktionUnited Restitution Organisation report outlining the Nazi confiscation of Jewish property between 1940 and 1944 in France, Belgium and Holland, 22 July 19585 pagesCopy correspondence and papers from various Nazi authorities detailing the expropriation of Jewish communities147 pages