Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,081 to 2,100 of 55,889
  1. Pilsen on V-E Day; Grace Moore, Ingrid Bergman, Jack Benny entertain; Soldiers at work in office

    Entering Pilsen, Czechoslovakia on May 8th, 1945 -- V-E Day. Street scenes of civilians in traditional Czech clothing. The opera house. View of the soldiers’ barracks. Sign for the “15th Finance.” Scenes of life in Pilsen and the countryside: people sunbathing, boating, swimming. An enormous crowd gathers to listen to Grace Moore sing. Soldiers play tennis with local civilians. Scenes from a parade. Pilsen castle. Soldiers smoke cigarettes and drink beer, including Murray. Ingrid Bergman and Jack Benny. Soldiers work in an office. Soldiers board a military airplane. Scenes of mountains and ...

  2. Liberation in France; French collaborator

    (INV1452) Various shots of large crowds waving to camera. 00:30 Some French soldiers try to clear the crowd to make a path on the road. 00:36 A man holds up a piece of paper. 00:43 Wider shot of crowd. 00:52 American Army car drives through the crowds. 00:54 CU on two female onlookers and then the rest of the crowd. 01:06 Very wide shot, view of the crowd filling the road. 01:08 Civilians approach soldiers sitting and standing around a car and shake their hands. 01:14 MS of the two soldiers sitting in the car. One is smoking a cigarette, the other one is facing away from the camera. 01:17 A...

  3. Undzer hurbm in bild

    Consists of an original copy of "Our destruction in pictures," collected and edited by Rafael Olevski, Dawid Rosental, and Paul Trepman and copyrighted in December 1946. The book contains photographs depicting scenes of Jewish persecution, ghettos, starvation, forced labor, concentration camps, liberation, and partisan resistance.

  4. Burial; Wehrmacht march in the Netherlands; propaganda march

    Planes fly over the sea. Long pier. Seaside district of Scheveningen, Holland. 01:01:10 Intertitle “Die Fischerflotte kegrt heim.” Rough waves, beach, boats in the ocean, the fishing fleet. Sailboats push against the current. Sun over calm waters. Fishing fleet in the choppy sea. Woman on a balcony. 01:02:38 Intertitle: “Rückkehr vom Feindflug.” Crowded beach. Five planes. Grave covered in flowers with an inscribed cross and a plane propellor. Another grave. Rough waves rolling in the ocean. 01:03:30 Soldiers lined up at attention. They follow drill commands at an official burial ceremony. ...

  5. Destroyed town in Belgium

    Jeep driving through muddy street of severely bombed out town. Civilian digging through rubble with crowbar. Women in winter coats in FG walking down street. Signs reads: "Bastgone." GIs give gift to little girl. Stevens in front of jeep Toluca gives present to little girl (There is a reference that Stevens made in a letter home about giving a Christmas present to a Belgian girl in March, long after Christmas had passed.) Truck pulls into muddy road, in a town that has been devastated by bombs. No buildings are left standing. Sign reads: "keep rollin' Malmady N23, Vielsalm." Pan of flattene...

  6. USHMM Memorial Tribute to Jeshajahu (Shaike) Weinberg

    AV production shown at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Memorial Tribute to Jeshajahu (Shaike) Weinberg on June 2, 2000.

  7. Members of the Israel Bond Planning Commission visit Israel to see projects funded by Israel bonds.

    Main title reads "A Visit to Israel by the Israel Bond Planning Commission." Members of the commission pose in front of a passenger jet. Henry Montor appears on the far left as you look at the screen. A banner reading "Shalom International Bond Leaders" adorns the entryway to the airport. Title card: "Tel Aviv, Israel's largest city and center of many industries." An Israel Bond Planning Commission bus passes by beach, factory, and residential property. The streets are thronging with cars, pedestrians and bicyclists. Members of the commission exit the bus and tour the Amcor appliance (?) fa...

  8. 2 video programs about the Holocaust: Nuremberg and other war crimes trials

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Second floor (2.08b) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #2 Second floor (2.08c) - Other Trials

  9. Medal ceremony; baseball; crossing the Rhine

    A French general leads a V corps medal decoration ceremony in Meschernich, Germany. Village scenes, including shots of Murray and other soldiers. Ruins of buildings and a railroad depot. Soldiers play baseball. The crossing of the Rhine into Neuwied, Germany, over the Victor Pontoon Bridge.

  10. United Jewish Appeal trip to Israel

    This film may show part of the UJA's "Destiny Drive" fundraiser, during which officials from the United Jewish Appeal philanthropic organization spent four weeks visiting Europe and Israel. Titles on screen: "Visiting the Jewish State," "Journey in Israel of the United Jewish Appeal Overseas Delegation," "Photographed by Lasar Dunner," and "Tel Aviv - only all-Jewish city in the world." CU hand draws a circle in red pencil around Tel Aviv on a map. Cars and bicycles pass on city streets. A man in a military uniform looks at advertisements posted on a freestanding pillar. Title on screen: "F...

  11. Restaurant interiors

    INT, restaurant, waiters.

  12. Burning the barracks at Belsen

    Burning barracks. Brief shot of British flag on flagpole. Crowd of survivors watching barracks on fire.

  13. Russians meet Americans at Torgau; refugees

    Color film coverage of Americans linking up with Russians on the Elbe River in April 1945. Jeep passing another on country road. Road sign reads: "Torgau." Stevens and others at Bahnhof Drogerie. Parked jeeps on road in town. Group of Russian soldiers and a woman. Pan to Russian soldiers and brief shot of Ivan Moffat. Stevens with goggles on, pan to group of soldiers. CU of Russian soldier holding a machine gun. More CUs of Russian soldiers. Stevens with helmet and goggles and Russian soldiers, cameramen kneeling taking a shot of the scene. Stevens in FG, bombed out bridge in BG. Lieutenant...

  14. 1922 funeral of a Jew

    Concordia Film 2. “Az áldozatok temetése” (The victim’s funeral) and a decorative border with CONCORDIA FILM at the bottom. Men in coats stand in front of the glass windows of a shop, price tags attached to every item. “Mintegy 20000 ember vett részt az áldozatok temetésén” (About 20,000 people attended the victim’s funeral). The crowd dressed in dark colors. Bearded man. “A közismert amerikai Pedlow kapitány a temetésen” (The well-known American captain Pedlow at the funeral). A man in uniform (Pedlow?) thumbs through a book. More shots of the funeral crowd. “Az áldozatok hozzátartozói”. S...

  15. Oral history interview with Marge Weiss

  16. Illich family activities in 1939

    Family activities in the year 1939. Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. Frame line of the opening scenes are off. The three Illich boys pull their cousin Hanni and their grandfather in a sled on the snow on New Year's morning in 1939. In the Third Poetz Revue, one of the twins plays the guitar and sings for the camera (the first revue after Marion Stein's family fled Austria). Play-acting in costume. 02:37:54 (B/W) People walking through a garden in early spring, flowering trees. Children take photographs. 02:38:51 Fritz, Ellen (Maexie), and the three boys singing ou...

  17. GIs firing mortars; German prisoners and weapons

    Sign reads: "Berlin 137 kms, Duben 3 kms" on right. Pan left to another sign that reads: "Leipzig 32 kms" on left. GIs firing mortars, situation clearly genuine action. They are in a field behind some houses. LS of what apparently is the target in the distance. VS through an aperture of some sort viewing across a green field. More shots of GIs firing mortars. Another angle of mortar firing. CUs, three American GIs. GIs sweeping up shells in street next to armored vehicle. Group of GIs by tank. Pan of men walking across a narrow pontoon bridge over a river, continues pan to reveal German sol...

  18. Americans meet Russians

    Sign reads: "Nothing in hell can stop the Timber Wolf Division" at Gen. Terry Allen's headquarters at Torgau. He was the leader of the Timber Wolf Division. Shot of troops with American flag and red flag on a jeep and whole series of jeeps driving through town. It is a meeting of Russian and American officers. American two-star General Terry Allen walks up and salutes a Russian officer. They all turn in a three shot and salute a new arrival as the band plays. Sequence of shots of officers listening to band music. American general appears to be pinning a medal on a Russian general. They shak...

  19. Oral history interview with Suzie Steiner

  20. Prewar Jewish life in Alsace-Lorraine; tourist views

    June 8-15, 1927 in Ingwiller (the family stayed at the Hotel de la Gare in Alsace-Lorraine). Stone house in Ingwiller, France where August Levy grew up. Emilie and Robert play. Street life in the village - cow pulling a wagon with passengers moves along the town's main road passing "Epicerie et Mercerie" shop. 01:03:07 CUs of Levy relatives: Lucy Levy; Rachel Meis, half-sister of Henry Meis (who brought August Levy to Cincinnati in 1892), and August; Henry Meis (1857-) with Lucy Levy; another relative (woman) with Clara Levy; Henry Meis with Lucy Levy again, followed by Rachel Meis; Clara L...