Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,301 to 31,320 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Samuel P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel P., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1914. He recounts his father's death when he was an infant; working from age seven; a Jewish philanthropist enabling him to attend a Jewish school; working as a film projectionist; German occupation; being sent to forced labor; escaping; returning to Thessalonike? to be with his family (he could have hidden); learning his mother and two sisters had been deported (they did not survive); his deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; slave labor; surgery to remove one testicle as part of specious medical experiments; recuperat...

  2. Agnesa K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Agnesa K., who was born in Košice, Czechoslovakia in 1924. She recalls being raised in Prešov; close relations with her extended family; her Austrian nanny; minimal Jewish education; belonging to Hashomer Hatzair despite her father's anti-Zionism; Slovak independence; anti-Jewish harassment, including expulsion from school in 1940; attending sewing classes; deportations beginning in spring 1942; pretending to be sick during a round-up; her parents arranging her escape to relatives in Budapest; her uncle arranging to hide her in a convent in III. Kerület (Óbuda); v...

  3. Raquel D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Raquel D., who was born in Lida, Belarus in 1941, after German invasion. Ms. D. tells her story based on what she has learned from her sister, relatives, photographs, book, and documents. She relates being smuggled out of the ghetto and placed with a childless Polish family; being raised as their child; relatives reclaiming her after the war; traveling to Warsaw, Stockholm, then Montevideo by herself; a warm welcome by many relatives; adoption by a maternal uncle and his wife in San Isidro; attending public and Jewish schools; knowing nothing of her past; attempts to ...

  4. Eva L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva L., who was born in Reichenberg (Liberec), Czechoslovakia in 1933. She recalls her affluent family; vacationing in Belgium in 1938; moving to Prague with her parents in September; attending Jewish school; a last visit to her maternal grandparents; smuggling themselves into Hungary in 1939; six weeks in Budapest in her aunt's home; separation from her parents, when they were arrested while illegally entering Yugoslavia using false papers; telling the guards, as instructed, that she was Catholic; her release; brief stays in Zagreb and Mitrovica; attending school in ...

  5. Maurice F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice F., who was born in Sambor, Poland in 1923. He recounts moving to Belgium with his family when he was a child; his father's death; leaving school to help support his family; becoming a furrier; German invasion; fleeing to France with his mother and brother; their arrest; incarceration with his brother in Saint-Cyprien; their release due to his brother's musical talent; finding their mother in Toulouse; moving to a town near Agde, to Marseille, then Valras-Plage; arrest in summer 1942; incarceration in Rivesaltes, then Drancy; deportation with his brother to a ...

  6. Lilly G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilly G., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1925, an only child. She recounts a close relationship with her Hasidic grandparents; German occupation; attending a Jewish school; Kristallnacht; expropriation of her mother's business; her parents obtaining false papers; their emigration to Brussels in spring 1939; living in Antwerp; obtaining visas for the United States; German invasion in May 1940; her father's arrest as an "enemy alien"; his deportation to camps in France; arranging to be smuggled to Paris, then Nice; living in Marseille; visiting her father in the cam...

  7. Erich S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erich S., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1929, the youngest of three children. He recounts his family observing Judaism, although not orthodoxy; moving to Nové Mesto nad Váhom in 1935; attending a Jewish school; their return to Bratislava in 1936; attending a Jewish school; participating in Maccabi ha-Ẓair; hearing Hitler's speech from Vienna after the Anschluss in 1938; increasing antisemitism; his father declining an offer to move to Bolivia; his sister's sham marriage to avoid deportation; his brother's draft for forced labor;...

  8. Art G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Art G., who was born in approximately 1929, in K?obuck, Poland. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; fleeing east with his siblings; being overtaken by the Germans in Radomsko; returning home; his father hiding from a round-up with a non-Jewish friend; his deportation (he did not survive); ghettoization in 1941; his bar mitzvah; he, two sisters, and his mother smuggling themselves to the Cze?stochowa ghetto; his oldest sister bringing him and his sisters to K?obuck concentration camp (his mother remained and did not survive); sl...

  9. Theodor G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Theodor G., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1912. He recalls a loving, assimilated home; withdrawing from gymnasium due to antisemitism; attending high school; his father's death in 1936 from an SS beating; selling his business in January 1939 due to anti-Jewish laws; menial jobs through an official Jewish agency; a coal company owner befriending him; arrest in August 1939; incarceration in Sachsenhausen; assistance from a guard who sent messages to his wife; a beating resulting in permanent injuries; escaping with two friends having notified their wives to meet th...

  10. Joyce H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joyce H., who was born in Vysna? Rybnica, Czechoslovakia in 1930. She recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; Hungarian occupation; attending boarding school; German occupation in 1944; her parents' ghettoization in Uz?h?orod; being hidden by a non-Jew; joining her parents; their deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her parents upon arrival (she never saw them again); transfer to Hamburg; slave labor removing rubble after Allied bombings; receiving food from a Dutch foreman and political prisoners; transfer to Bergen-Belsen in February 1945; receiving no food or...

  11. Fredka M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fredka M., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland, in approximately 1921, one of two sisters. She recounts her family's affluence; attending public school; participating in No?ar ha-Tsiyoni; skiing in Zakopane; working with Moshe Merin (future head of the Judenrat) to assist refugees from Germany; German invasion; her father fleeing east; fleeing with her mother, sister, and aunt; returning when overtaken by German troops; her father's return; working for the Judenrat, then in the Jewish hospital; organizing educational activities and food for children; traveling to Os?wie...

  12. Eva R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva R., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1927. She recalls an idyllic childhood; cordial relations with non-Jews; vacations with her parents; German occupation in March 1939; anti-Jewish laws; expulsion from school; participating in a Jewish club; deportation to Theresienstadt with her father in August 1942 (her mother was on the next transport); working in the fields; cultural activities, including music and poetry lectures; Jewish leadership diverting resources to the young people; "dating" her future husband; a physician treating her serious illness; sham ...

  13. Klara S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Klara S., who was born in a small town near Vladislavovka, Ukraine in 1900. She recalls moving to L?vov; moving to the ghetto with her husband, daughter, siblings and other members of their extended families; avoiding deportation due to her husband's job; hiding her daughter with a Polish woman; the liquidation of the ghetto; hiding with her daughter and sister-in-law with a Polish family for fourteen months; receiving letters from her husband; the deaths of her husband and most of the other members of their families; and liberation by the Russians. She relates travel...

  14. Martin B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin B., who was born in Izbica, Poland in 1925, one of eight children. He recalls their poverty; his father's great Jewish scholarship; their orthodoxy; antisemitism at public school; German invasion; deportation to Poznan? with one brother; slave labor; organizing to remain with others from Izbica; sharing stolen food; transfer a year later to Birkenau; volunteering with his brother as tailors; transfer to Jaworzno after a few weeks; a privileged job due to his small size; public hanging of escapees; contemplating suicide; his brother encouraging him to "hang on";...

  15. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Katarina B., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Kúty, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1928. She recalls a teacher who encouraged Romani children to attend school; learning to read; formation of the Slovak Republic resulting in persecution of Romanies and Jews, particularly by Hlinka guards and the police; hearing of the deportation of the three Jewish families from her village; frequent beatings and extreme poverty; hiding in the forest and with her future husband in Brodské; liberation by Soviet troops; former Hlinka guards receiving no punishment and living...

  16. Anna H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna H., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1928. She recalls her assimilated life; German invasion; her sister's marriage and transport to Terezi?n in 1941, followed by her and her parents in 1942; educational and cultural activities in Terezi?n; the Jewish leadership's decision to provide extra rations for children; her niece's birth in 1943; deportation to Auschwitz in 1944 and her promise to her sister to care for their parents; transfer from the family camp to Christianstadt (she never saw her parents again); a German foreman who allowed a woman who had ju...

  17. Niusia A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Niusia A., who was born in Krako?w, Poland, circa 1924. She describes the changes caused by the German takeover of Poland; her family's move to the nearby town of Bochnia; the ghettoization of Bochnia and the subsequent liquidation of the ghetto; and her and her mother's return to Krako?w to avoid deportation (her father had died before the war). She also tells of living on the Aryan side in Warsaw and her journey from Warsaw to Budapest, where she remained until the German invasion of Hungary; her capture while trying to escape to Romania; and her detention in a Roma...

  18. Eitan G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eitan G., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1920, one of five children. He recounts attending school; participating in Po'alei Zion and other Zionist groups; fights with pro-Nazi youths; emigration to Belgium in 1935; traveling with his father to Marseille in an unsuccessful attempt to emigrate to the United States; German invasion in 1940; incarceration with his father as enemy aliens in St. Cyprien, then Gurs; their release; living in a village near Toulouse; studying chemistry at the university in Montepellier; obtaining papers as a non-Jew; joining the Mouvement ...

  19. Ester D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ester D., who was born in Greece, in 1935, the third child of six. She recounts living in Zakynthos; cordial relations with non-Jews; a brother's death from illness; benign Italian occupation; moving to a nearby village with her father; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; delivering messages for the partisans; Greek neighbors protecting them from round-ups; public hangings of partisans; non-Jews warning them when Germans were approaching and locking themselves inside; liberation by partisans; moving to Athens for six months; illegal emigration by ship to Palest...

  20. Pearl D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pearl D., who was born in 1929. She recalls attending Hungarian school; cordial relations with non-Jews prior to 1938; her parents sheltering her from any unpleasantness; having to wear the yellow star; ghettoization in another town; transport seven weeks later to Auschwitz; separation from her family except her older sister; transfer to a slave labor camp; her sister doing part of her work; a German guard giving them extra food; transfer six months later to Bergen-Belsen; no provision of food or water; her sister keeping her alive; liberation by British troops; her s...