Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,221 to 31,240 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Andre? E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Andre? E., who was born in Parczew, Poland in 1935. He recalls observance of the sabbath and Jewish holidays; his extended family; German invasion; hiding with his parents and younger sister; non-Jewish families refusing to hide them; disappearance of his mother and sister (he never saw them again); he and his father joining a partisan group in the forest; living in bunkers; stealing food from local peasants; a Soviet soldier who protected him; actions against Germans including blowing up railroads; leaving the forest during a major German offensive; attacks by Polish...

  2. Steven P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Steven P., who was born in Cuhea, Romania in 1928. He recalls observing Shabbat; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending public school and cheder; relatives in the United States; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish regulations; German invasion in 1944; ghettoization in Ti?rgu-Mures?; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in April; selection for labor with his father; his brother staying with them for three days; separation from his father after a week (he never saw him again); transfer to Buchenwald; placement in a children's block; German Jews sharing parcels from Switz...

  3. David D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David D., who was born in Leipzig, Germany in 1937, the youngest of four children. He recounts living with foster parents in Bournemouth, England after being sent on a kindertransport (he thought they were his biological parents); good relations with them and their daughters; being told in 1946 that his parents were alive and he had three siblings; resentment at leaving the only home he had known; living with his siblings, uncle, and aunt in London for a year; reunion with his parents in New York in 1947; his sense he was living with strangers; and only recently learn...

  4. Joan L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joan L., who was born in Lu?beck, Germany in 1920. She recalls her family moving to Berlin in 1926; increasing anti-Jewish restrictions and activities from 1934 onward; expulsion from school in 1938; destruction of the synagogue across the street on Kristallnacht; a store employee who provided food prior to legal Jewish shopping hours; one sister's emigration to England in 1939; sale of the family property; and receiving emigration papers in 1940. Mrs. L. recounts traveling via Moscow, Manchuria, Korea, and Japan, where she stayed four months; continuing to New York; ...

  5. Hanna F. Holocaust testimony

    A follow-up, directed videotape testimony of Hanna F., whose first testimony was recorded in 1980. Mrs. F. notes that her first testimony was too short to convey her experience or say what she had wanted. She expands on the information contained in her previous testimony and recalls supporting her family by passing as a Polish non-Jew prior to deportation; obtaining Polish papers; separating from her family (neither her parents nor five siblings survived); forced labor in Germany as a non-Jew; denunciation in May 1943; imprisonment, which was "heaven" compared to concentration camps; deport...

  6. Irving S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irving S., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1924. He recalls his father's atheism despite his family's orthodoxy (one brother was a cantor); German invasion in 1941; ghettoization in 1943; transport with 600 youths for forced labor in Larisa; public hanging of an escapee; return to Salonika six months later; finding all the Jews had been deported, including his family; deportation to Birkenau three days later; encountering his older brother (all other family had been killed); transfer to Auschwitz after two weeks; transfer to Warsaw three days later with other...

  7. C. Brooks P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of C. Brooks P., who was born in Bergenfield, New Jersey in 1912. He describes attending graduate school in Berlin in 1936; leaving school to work for the New York Times; establishing contacts with Rabbi Leo Baeck; witnessing Kristallnacht and German bombardment of Warsaw; meeting Adolf Hitler near Warsaw; witnessing German bombing of Rotterdam; marriage to an American in Berlin in 1940; delivering a letter to Budapest for Richard C. Hottelet, which may have involved espionage; interviewing Baldur von Schirach when writing about the Hitler Youth; some Nazi censorship of ...

  8. Malka W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Malka W., who was born in Nowy Sa?cz, Poland in approximately 1933. She recounts a Christian neighbor offering to take her or her brother; their decision to stay together; forced relocation with her parents and brother to Na?e?czo?w, then the Opole Lubelskie ghetto in spring 1942; hiding in an attic with others; her father paying a Christian to help them escape; escaping with others, including her friend Erica, to the forest; some of their group disappearing when robbers accosted them; Polish partisans refusing to assist them because they had children; hiding in a cav...

  9. Simcha B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Simcha B., who was born in Izbica, Poland in 1912, one of six children. He recalls attending public school; working in a pharmacy; serving in the Polish army; moving to Warsaw in 1938; German invasion; returning with his sister to Izbica; one brother fleeing to the Soviet zone; traveling to Volodymyr-Volynsʹkyĭ in the Soviet zone; returning to retrieve his sister; not being able to leave; forced labor cleaning roads; his father's deportation (he never saw him again); hiding during round-ups; his sisters' and mother's deportations; transfer to a labor camp for two mon...

  10. Joseph B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph B., who was born in 1921 in Poland. He describes immigration to Belgium in 1929; his childhood in a poor, Jewish district of Brussels; participating in Jewish, left-wing organizations including the Bund in Anderlecht; a tailor's apprenticeship; failed escape when Germany invaded; joining the Resistance; the role of the Association des Juifs de Belgique; forced labor in Dammes-Camiers; learning his mother and sisters had been deported; assistance from a driver in escaping with a friend; returning to his father and youngest sister in Brussels; obtaining false pap...

  11. Tova G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tova G., who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania), the youngest of five children. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; one brother's emigration to Jerusalem; Soviet occupation; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; their non-Jewish maid bringing them food; round-up of her brother and father (she later learned they were killed at Ponary); ghettoization; working for the Judenrat police; saving others from round-ups by adding their names to work permits; escaping with her brother to her aunt's village, then to Svir; returning to Vilna ghetto; tea...

  12. Janet A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Janet A., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1935. She remembers the outbreak of war; fleeing east with her parents and baby sister; remaining in Vinniki when her father joined the Polish army; returning with her parents from Soviet to German-occupied Poland; an unsuccessful escape attempt from the Nowy Targ ghetto; her sister's death; her parents placing her with a non-Jewish nursemaid; several weeks later visiting her parents in the Krako?w ghetto (she never saw her mother again); her father acquiring the birth certificate of a deceased Polish child for her; living ...

  13. Razon S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Razon S., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1919, one of five children. He recounts attending a Jewish school; working in agriculture; one brother's emigration to Palestine; military draft in 1939; battles against Italian forces; military collapse; returning home; learning his mother had died; working as a shoe maker; anti-Jewish restrictions; fleeing to the countryside; working in villages; joining the partisans in 1942; participating in raids; escaped Allied POWs joining them; visiting his father, two brothers, and sister in the ghetto; a futile attempt to co...

  14. Hubert W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hubert W., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1920. He describes moving to Prague with his family when he was five; working as a clerk prior to German occupation; hiding his Jewish identity when he was employed as a secretary-translator for a newspaper; deportation to Breslau as a non-Jewish slave laborer; working as a translator; his deportation to Auschwitz after his mother revealed his whereabouts; meaningless labor; seeing his father; the death march to Mauthausen; liberation on May 5, 1945; recovering from typhus in Prague; a reunion with his mother in Terezi?n; ...

  15. Fredrich H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fredrich H., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1919. He recalls participating in a socialist youth group; his sister's marriage to a non-Jew; pervasive antisemitism; the Anschluss; a futile attempt to smuggle himself to Czechoslovakia; obtaining a visa for Luxembourg; being refused entry; brief imprisonment in Germany; release on the condition he leave Germany; smuggling himself to Luxembourg; his parents joining him; moving to Brussels with his parents, sister, and her husband; arranging emigration to the Dominican Republic; German invasion preventing their departur...

  16. Trudi R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Trudi R., who was born in Munich, Germany in 1929. She recounts being raised as a Catholic (her father was Jewish and her mother Catholic); her perceived absence of antisemitism prior to the war, which she attributes to the influence of the Catholic clergy; her father's flight from Germany in June 1939; participating in a Catholic youth group; memories of the group leader, a priest who was later implicated in an assassination attempt against Hitler; Nazi pressure on her mother to obtain a divorce; exclusion from the female Hitler youth group; expulsion from high schoo...

  17. Henry and Lottie M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry and Lottie M. Ms. M. was born in Dresden, Germany in 1921 to an affluent, assimilated family. She recounts her mother's death when she was one; her maternal grandmother living with them; her father's remarriage; her parents sheltering her from politics; vacations in Prague; expulsion from school in 1938; her father's and brother's arrests during Kristallnacht; her stepmother obtaining emigration documents for them through contacts in England; their release once they proved they would emigrate; her own emigration with assistance from the Quakers; living with a fa...

  18. Sabina H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sabina H., who was born in Terebovli?a?, Austria (later Poland, presently Ukraine) in 1903. She recalls her mother's death when she was 16; marriage in 1936; her daughter's birth in 1938; Soviet occupation in 1939; German occupation in 1941; mass killings of Jews; anti-Jewish regulations; many deaths from hunger and disease; hiding to escape round-ups in 1942 and 1943; her husband's disappearance; narrowly escaping execution when she refused to report for forced labor; fleeing with her daughter to the countryside; being hidden by non-Jews in a cave, then in an attic f...

  19. Emil S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emil S., who was born in Zagreb, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy(presently Croatia) in approximately 1917, one of five children. He recounts his father's medical practice; his mother's death in 1926; his bar mitzvah; attending university; joining Hashomer Hatzair in 1933, then Akiva in 1935; expulsion from university due to anti-Jewish laws; working for Shalom Freiberger, chief rabbi of Zagreb; contacts with Zagreb's Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac, who saved many Jews; visiting Palestine in 1939; marriage in 1941; his daughter's birth in 1942; receiving false papers from a no...