Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 30,681 to 30,700 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Hans L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans L., who was born in Stralsund, Germany in 1926 to a Christian mother and Jewish father. He recounts his father's service in World War I; his family's assimilation (they celebrated Easter and Christmas); moving to Potsdam in 1936 due to antisemitism, hoping to be anonymous there; relatives who were Nazis, including his maternal aunt; expulsion from school in 1937; attending a Jewish school; observing the destruction in Berlin after Kristallnacht; his mother's refusal to divorce his father despite official pressure; being assigned to work in a Borsig munitions fact...

  2. Leslie S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leslie S., who was born in Ma?te?szalka, Hungary in 1927. He recounts his orthodox family life; childhood antisemitic harassment; inability to continue his education due to the Jewish quota; German invasion in March 1944; implementation of anti-Jewish policies; ghettoization; his father's deportation (he never saw him again); transport to Birkenau; selection for work; transfer to Auschwitz; forced labor; evacuation to Mauthausen in January 1945; loss of toes due to frost bite; hiding in the camp hospital with assistance from a fellow prisoner; liberation by United Sta...

  3. Ben-Zion H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ben-Zion H., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1936, one of five children. He recounts his father carrying him across the street during a German bombing; ghettoization; he and a sister sneaking through holes in the wall to get food; another sister, who was a nurse, hiding him in the hospital during a round-up; his family's deportation; escaping; an elderly Polish woman hiding him and other children; selling newspapers and cigarettes; observing the ghetto uprising; his sister taking him to Kraków to hide with her; returning to Warsaw when she did not come home one ni...

  4. Ida G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ida G., who was born in Paris, France in 1929. She recalls her parents placing her with a French family in Deux-Se?vres in 1940; warm relations with her foster mother; visiting her parents before her mother's arrest on July 16, 1942 (she never saw her again); arrest on January 30, 1944; interrogation by French police in Melle; her foster mother's unsuccessful efforts to free her using false papers; transfer to Niort, then Drancy; deportation to Birkenau in February 1944; working in a munitions factory; transfer to Auschwitz in October 1944; public hanging of the women...

  5. Sara S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara S., who was born in Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland in 1922, one of ten children. She recalls her father was a Ger Hasid; attending public and a Beth Jacob school; some of her brothers' military service; German invasion; fleeing with her mother and two siblings to Sandomierz; staying in Da?browa Go?rnicza; reunion with her father and two siblings in Krako?w; moving to Stopnica, her mother's hometown; her youngest brother going to Krako?w (she never saw him again); taking in a friend and her family; her father secretly acting as a shochet; deportation with a brother and sis...

  6. Anna P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna P., who was born in Boryslav, Poland (presently Ukraine)in 1926. She recalls antisemitic discrimination; visiting her grandparents in Sambir; German invasion in 1939; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; mass killings; ghettoization; escaping a mass killing in April 1943; incarceration; her uncle arranging her release; returning to the ghetto; her uncle hiding her with a Ukrainian farmer (she never saw her parents or brother again); leaving the farm; hiding in a forest with others; escaping capture with one girl; returning to the farm; from afar, obse...

  7. Nikola R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nikola R., who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. He recounts his father serving in World War I, his capture by the Soviets, then enlisting in the Soviet military (he never saw him again); attending school in Valpovo, then Osijek; attending university in Zagreb beginning in 1929; participating in Jewish academic and left-wing groups; military service in 1933; working as a teacher in Cetinje; draft in February 1941; Italian occupation; retreating to Nikšić; smuggling himself to Osijek via Sarajevo; anti-Jewish restrictions; moving to Djakovo, then a Serb vill...

  8. Saul S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Saul S., who was born in Bielitz, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Poland) in 1918. He recalls his family's poverty; celebrating Jewish holidays; active participation in Hanoar Ha'Tsioni; becoming a group leader; his father's death; pervasive antisemitism which increased after Hitler's ascent to power; attending secular school; being unable to attend university because of poverty and Jewish quotas; emigrating alone to the United States in September 1938 under his grandfather's sponsorship (he never saw his mother and sisters again); living with an aunt in Brooklyn...

  9. Ralph G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ralph G., who was born in Youngstown, Ohio in 1903. He recalls being one of the few Jews at law school in Oklahoma; military service beginning in 1941; joining the staff at the subsequent Nuremberg Trials in November 1946; visiting refugee camps near Nuremberg; prosecuting the industrialist, Friedrich Flick and Hitler's Reich Press Chief, Otto Dietrich; the unprecedented argument in Dietrich's trial that Nazi propaganda was a military weapon; interaction with chief prosecutor Telford Taylor; housing Rezso? Kasztner in their villa; visiting Vienna and Salzburg with him...

  10. Betsy H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Betsy H., who was born in Hoogeveen, Netherlands, in 1917, the oldest of four children. Mrs. H. tells of working in a Jewish home for deprived children; her indifference regarding German events; German invasion; living with a Jewish family in Amsterdam; the last contact with her family (they were all deported); hiding in Rijnsburg; meeting her future husband who was hiding to avoid forced labor; joining a resistance group; carrying messages under a false name throughout the country; and witnessing the daily heroism of ordinary people. She describes her arrest with the...

  11. Betty D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Betty D., who was born in Bodrogkeresztu?r, Hungary in 1927. She recalls pleasant experiences in an observant home; attending Hungarian schools; friendships with non-Jews; disbelief in the horror stories of Polish refugees; unexpected change in 1944; anti-Jewish measures; transfer to the Sa?toraljau?jhely ghetto; deportation three weeks later to Auschwitz; separation from her father, mother and brother; efforts to always remain with her sister; work in the Canada Kommando; the emotional trauma of being beaten; her sister's efforts to protect her; and the public hangin...

  12. Jacqueline M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacqueline M., a Catholic, who was born in Tournai, Belgium in 1923, one of two children. She recounts her parents' leftist activities; the family move to Charleroi; attending school in Roux; moving to Brussels; attending high school and university; studying medicine; German invasion in May 1940; her father's mobilization and capture; his return one year later; a Jewish classmate wearing the yellow star; her family hiding Resistants and Allied soldiers; accompanying some of them to Paris; delivering Resistance letters; her family hiding the Resistance leader Georges L...

  13. Henriette K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henriette K., who was born in Nove? Za?mky, Czechoslovakia in 1925. She recalls growing up in a prosperous family; her close relationship with her father; Hungarian occupation; anti-Semitic incidents including the vandalizing of their home; the family's move to Budapest in 1940; her father's employment by a Swiss company; her sister's marriage and emigration to Palestine; their busy social life in 1942 and 1943; and German occupation in March 1944. Mrs. K. recollects her engagement to a Hungarian soldier who obtained false papers for her family; her father's refusal t...

  14. Eva R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva R., who was born in approximately 1919, the youngest of ten children. She recalls living in a small village; her father's death; German invasion; forced labor; escaping with her brother, sister, and niece from a transport in October 1942; hiding in the woods, with a non-Jewish farmer, and in her niece's husband's town; entering Kielce concentration camp with her niece since hiding was too dangerous; slave labor in a HASAG factory for two and a half years; transfer to Cze?stochowa, Bergen-Belsen, Burgau, and Landsberg; Allied bombings; a death march to Allach; libe...

  15. Margaret L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Margaret L., who was born in Munich, Germany in 1922, an only child. She recounts her family's assimilated lifestyle; living across the street from Adolf Hitler and looking into his apartment with binoculars after his rise to power; anti-Jewish laws restricting her activities; attending high school despite the laws, since her father was a wounded World War I veteran; her parents' unsuccessful efforts to emigrate; her father's arrest on Kristallnacht; expulsion from school; learning her father was in Dachau; his return four weeks later; expulsion from their apartment; ...

  16. Harold S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harold S., who was born in Missouri in 1920, and served in the United States Army in World War II. He recounts joining the Air Force in 1942; deployment to England; serving with a radar unit in France, Luxembourg, and Germany; visiting Buchenwald three days after liberation; sick and emaciated prisoners; wheelbarrows filled with corpses; a lampshade made of human skin; feeling numbness, disbelief, then anger; taking photographs (his wife, horrified, threw them away); and visiting divided Berlin as an officer many years later.

  17. Paul G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul G., who was born in Khust, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1927. He recalls his father's Zionism; attending a private, Hebrew-speaking elementary school; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions, including confiscation of his father's business; attending a Jewish gymnasium in Debrecen in 1939; German occupation in March 1944; returning home; ghettoization; deportation with his family to Auschwitz in May; separation with his father and brother from his mother (he never saw her again); their transfer to Buna/Monowitz; slave labor for I. G. Farben; assis...

  18. Henry G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry G., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1925. He recalls pervasive antisemitic violence; his father's futile attempt for the family to emigrate to Palestine in 1936; German invasion in 1939; forced labor with his cousin; ghettoization; organizing clubs; working in his father's stead in food delivery; public hangings; being married by H?ayim Rumkowski in May 1943; his child's birth, and death a few days later in 1944; deportation with his remaining family to Auschwitz/Birkenau; deportation a few weeks later to Dachau, then Landsberg; slave labor in an airplane fact...

  19. Jack L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack L., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1910. In an unusually detailed testimony, he recounts his musical education; emigration to Amersfoort, Holland; his musical career; activities in the Dutch underground; deportation to Westerbork, then Auschwitz; and witnessing atrocities. Mr. L. recalls transfer to Monowitz; work for I.G. Farben; teaching accordion to a German officer resulting in extra food and privileges; giving food to a boy whom he took home with him after the war; the influx of Hungarian Jews and acceleration of killing; work in the musicians unit; and ...

  20. Anita B., Hetty V., and Anna S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anita B., Hetty V., and Anna S.. Anita B. was born in the Hague, Netherlands in 1929. She recalls German invasion in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions; confiscation of their home; moving to a Jewish old age home; forced relocation to Amsterdam; attending a Jewish school; round-ups; her parents' decision in 1943 that they would go into hiding; her parents' and sister's departures; being taken by Anna S., her camp counselor, to hide with a non-Jewish family in the south; kind treatment by her foster parents; and liberation by British and United States troops in September 1...