Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,961 to 8,980 of 55,889
  1. Inspection of euthanasia facility Meseritz-Obrawalde

    Doctors examine and care for very sick, emaciated children and youth. Panning shot of a medication (barbiturate) called Evipan Natrium, made by Bayer, and other medications (used for euthanasia?). Interior of a cell with a blanket labeled "Anstalt Obrawalde" (Obrawalde Institution, located in Obrawalde, Germany, now Obrzyce, Poland). A medic and another man inspect the cell. Views of the crematorium and the graveyard, with graves marked with small, numbered stones. CU of one of the stones, numbered 1632. A hand withdraws the stone from the ground and shows the camera that there is another n...

  2. German trains receive oil from USSR

    A Soviet and a German train meet and the German train receives Soviet oil. Officials from both sides look over documents related to the transfer. A man climbs up on the top of the snow-covered train and opens a hatch. Men on the ground pass hoses up to those on top of the trains. It is snowing heavily. 01:04:52 A few seconds of another part of this newsreel (Not ordered by USHMM)

  3. Grand Mufti visits Muslim volunteers

    Hajj Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, meets Muslim SS volunteers. The Grand Mufti greets a German officer and reviews Muslim SS volunteers standing at attention. Some of the men wear fez hats. German officers and two civilians accompany al Husseini. He greets some volunteers personally and smiles at them. Some of the volunteers look quite young. The Grand Mufti passes a rack with many loaves of bread on it and receives a loaf of bread from a female baker.

  4. Marion Mahler photograph

    Photograph of Marion Mahler (later Marion de Jonge) in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1936 before her family immigrated to Palestine.

  5. Aluminum cooking pot used by a Greek Jewish family

    Cooking pot used by Claire Elhai when she lived in hiding with her family in the Greek countryside from 1943-1944. Nazi Germany and the Axis powers occupied Greece in 1941. Claire, her husband, Jacob, and their infant daughter Elvira lived in Athens which was in the German zone. In September 1943, Italy, an Axis partner, surrendered to the Allies. Jacob decided it was no longer safe for Jews in Athens and went to the Greek police station and explained that he needed false identity cards as Christians for his family. The police supplied them. With the help of friends, Jacob traveled to the P...

  6. Lotte Bacharach papers

    Contains correspondence and photographs illustrating the experiences of Lotte Bacharach [donor], born in Kaltennordheim, Germany in 1931 and placed by the Oeuvres de Secours aux Enfants in Eaubonne, Montintin, and Montmorency, France, as a refugee and then into hiding until fleeing to Switzerland in 1944, where Lotte was interned in Lager Ringlikon and then with family friends in Baden, Switzerland. Correspondence included is from Lotte to her parents and brother who were reunited with Lotte in the United States in 1946.

  7. Fascist volunteers from various countries

    Title: FRIVILLIGA till Fronter i öster fran Franrike, Belgien Danmark och Italien. Volunteers from France, Belgium, Denmark and Italy (USHMM excerpt does not include Italian volunteers). Interior shots of a crowded stadium with a banner displaying the letters LVF (Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism). Uniformed volunteers march down a street carrying a flag with the symbol of a fascist organization (Legion Flanders? Belgian volunteers?). Panning shot across the side of a train that has been painted with the words "Legion Flanders." Crowds of civilians in the train station wave go...

  8. Project Second Wave records

    Contains transcripts of oral history interviews, completed questionnaires, and other related documents created and collected by Dr. Gerald Holton and Professor Gerhart Sonnert during "Project Second Wave," which documented the experiences of young refugees from Nazism who came to the United States and the lives and careers they built. Approximately 86 interviews were conducted for the project in 2003 and 2004.

  9. German invasion of Denmark

    German planes overhead as Germany invades Denmark. The narration says that in order to protect the neutrality of the Scandinavian countries German troops have been dispatched to Denmark and Norway. LS of a park in Copenhagen with hundreds of leaflets scattered on the ground. CU of a hand holding one of the leaflets. A German general and a Danish officer salute each other. Exterior view of the German embassy. Ambassador Renthe-Fink and General Nimmer smile while standing next to the embassy. Danish soldiers receive pistols and cigarettes from German soldiers. Civilians wave to German troops ...

  10. Forest, adults gathered in Palestine

    A farm building, fence, cows. The camera is very shaky. Circular pan of pine trees. 02:07:56 Possibly the Lieberman House in Nahariya, Palestine? Three men talking to each other. Woman stands in front of a car. Man in a straw hat holds a baby on top of a brick structure (a well?).

  11. Kurtz family and friends approach New York City

    Interiors of Queen Mary ship at sea, the four American friends walking down a brightly lit corridor with clock reading 7:03 AM on September 5, 1938. David Kurtz in a gray suit and short, red, wide-bottomed tie. Window reflection with the three women smiling. Extreme LS of distant Statue of Liberty viewed from the S.S. Queen Mary. Pan across New York City skyline from north to south. Various posed shots of Essie, Louis, Lillian, Liza, and David aboard ship. David holds the camera case under his arm. HAS of people on deck greeting the ship's passengers, including David and Liza's three childr...

  12. Mussolini and Hitler

    A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1937 with English titles: "Europe's powder keg! Endless Spanish Rebellion is source of constant concern to all nations." "Worst London cloudburst in 27 years! Streets of British capital are flooded when rain descends in torrents!" "In the U.S., storms and floods render thousands homeless." "George VI reviews grand fleet. Newly crowned Monarch sees Britain's mighty sea force at it's best." "Texas horror! 450 perish when mysterious explosion demolishes school at New London." "U.S. Labor strikes. Industrial production halted - Workers lose mi...

  13. Agnes Barcela collection

    Collection of photographic prints documenting the experiences of the Fejer and Steiner families in Hungary before, during, and after the Holocaust. Includes portraits taken at the Veres studio.

  14. Six clips from an anti-Jewish Nazi propaganda film

    01:12:05 to 01:12:20 Onlookers watch as Jews with horse-drawn carts full of belongings enter Stuttgart after Suess has convinced the Duke to reverse the ban and allow them into the city. A man leading a horse sings the song Shir Hagamal (Song of the Camel). This and many other scenes in the movie were filmed in Prague and Harlan coerced some Jews into performing in this scene and in a later scene set in a synagogue. [This information comes from Susan Tegel's article - see Notes field for citation]. 01:12:26 to 01:12:39 Suess pulls a frightened Dorothea away from the curtain by the window in...

  15. Jews in Riga

    Panoramic view of Riga's Old Town from Kipsala Island, including a view of Dome Cathedral, Church of Jekaba, Church of Maria Magdalena, Anglican Church, and Polish Church of the St. Mary. Daugava River with boats. Jews (mostly men) with Star of David patches on the back of their coats getting onto a boat (possibly finished with a day of labor on Kipsala Island?). Various shots of the boat with several dozen Jews, some with satchels. An overloaded boat leaves the dock.

  16. Munich putsch commemoration, 1938

    Commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the Munich putsch (beer hall putsch), which occurred on November 9, 1923. Footage of Hitler in Austria after the annexation as an illustration of the realization of the dream of Greater Germany before the narrator hearkens back to the memory of those Nazis who died in service to the movement. Close ups of parts of the Feldhernnhalle memorial and the entrance to the Buergerbraukeller, the beer hall where the putsch was launched. Julius Streicher leads a parade of uniformed men down a street. Hermann Goering and Adolf Hitler are also present. Close-ups...

  17. Peter grows up

    Baby Peter developing and growing up. CUs and MSs of the baby in a high chair, crib, playing peek-a-boo, crawling, playing with sister, ring a rosie in the garden, toddling, walking with father (Dr. Max Schur), picking fruit from bushes in the garden, and drinking water from a large bucket or barrel.

  18. Lieberman family welcomes newborn Babeta

    A new baby (Hanna's cousin Babeta) is in a carriage drinking from a bottle. It is held up by its mother Nelly and father Emanuel (with glasses). She is played with, diaper changed, and fed.

  19. Corpses discovered in Lvov

    Titles on screen: KRIGET I ?STER / Tyska Trupper besätta Lemberg. Triumphal music (no commentary) as the Germans enter Lvov. They are greeted by smiling and waving Polish citizens. Women pose with German soldiers. Title on screen: GPU:s sate i Lemberg The music becomes much darker and we hear the familiar soundtrack of the women crying that is used in the German newsreels about the Lemberg massacre. There is only a brief shot of the prison where the bodies of those murdered by the departing Soviets were discovered. Title on screen: Anfallet gar vidare mot Minsk. Cheerful music plays as Germ...

  20. Propaganda film about the Reich Party Day 1936 and 1937

    Three short clips from the propaganda film Festliches Nuernberg, filmed at the Reich Party Days in 1936 and 1937. 01:00:00 to 01:00:05 Exuberant crowds cheer and give the Nazi salute, presumably to a passing motorcade (5 seconds). 01:00:09 to 01:00:17 SS men carrying "Deutschland Erwache" standards march down an aisle in a hall, surrounded by saluting Nazis in uniform. A legend on the wall of the room says, "A strong government is the bulwark of peace." 01:00:20 to 01:00:32 Shots representing Germany's booming industry and economy: the launch of a huge ship, smokestacks with smoke rising fr...