Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,921 to 8,940 of 55,889
  1. Usher Korol’ letters from the front

    Contains copies of personal documents and letters sent by the political commissar Usher Korol’ from the Front to his family, which had been evacuated to Bukhara, in Uzbekistan.

  2. Selected Records from the Departmental Archives of the Alpes-Maritimes. 1933-1972

    Contains records directly linked to the war: internments for administrative or “political” reasons; purges; surveillance of political parties; freemasons (“Sociétés Secrètes) and the press; food distribution and rationing; non-Jewish laborers requisitioned to work in Germany (“STO”); military affairs; prisoners; refugees; supervision of real estate transactions; sequestered property; affairs related to German or Italian occupation; war damages; veterans’ affairs; judicial matters and lawsuits; as well as the Armistice Commission. Also contains material indirectly related to the war: public ...

  3. Memoirs and testimonies of Jewish Holocaust Survivors

    Contains first and third person biographies and testimonies of Jewish survivors about their life stories during WWII in Ukraine and Russia under Nazi occupation.

  4. Joseph Shaykin collection related to Jewish agricultural colonies in Ukraine

    Contains records relating to the history of Jewish agricultural colonies in Ukraine before World War II. Included are tables with statistical and demographic information, maps, biographies, and testimonies gathered by Joseph Shaykin between 1960 and 1990. There are also copies of publications about the colonies.

  5. Selected records from the Vatican Archive collections

    Contains records from pontifical representatives, the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, and the archive of the Vatican’s Secretary of State. Includes records representing the Vatican communications with Church representatives in numerous countries, as well as materials from Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli, later Pius XII.

  6. Evreyskaya tematika v fondakh gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Ivano-Frankovskoy oblasti Selected records from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankivsʹk Region (formerly Stanislawów) related to the history of the local Jewish community

    Contains records from Jewish private schools in Stanislav, Ukraine; government surveillance information on Jewish political parties and organizations; information regarding the arrest of Jews associated with Zionist organizations; information documenting violence against Jews by Ukrainian nationalists in Stanislav; records of Jewish emigration in the 1920s and 1930s; organizational records of Jewish philanthropic associations; inheritance records; and birth, death, and marriage records from the main synagogue in Stanislav; Jewish records from regional and districts' police office, prison, c...

  7. Rina Rotberg collection

    Contains photographs of the Krakow ghetto which show the donor’s mother; a photo of a Rosh Hashana card from transit camp in Bari, Italy, 1948-49; a post-war letter written in Yiddish, 1946; a postcard sent to donor’s father living in a Joint Distribution Committee facility in Rome; and a Rosh Hashana card produced by Keren Kayemet in Italy, 1950-51.

  8. Hitler and Mussolini meet near Salzburg

    Hitler and Mussolini walk down the halls of the castle Klessheim near Salzburg. Wilhelm Keitel and Otto Meissner also appear in the footage. The next scene shows Mussolini, Rodolfo Graziani and other Germans and Italians reviewing Italian troops. Mussolini and Graziani in conversation. The troops salute as Mussolini's car drives away.

  9. Selected records from the archive of the Nation's Memory Institute (Ústav pamäti národa) in Bratislava, Slovakia

    Contains court records concerning offenses committed during the war. It also has lists of members of the Hlinka Guard and Hlinka Slovak People’s Party in various localities, and a few name lists of members of the Democratic Party. The localities include: Myjava, Skalica, Nová Baňa, Banskaá Štiavnica, Martin, Komárno, Dunajská, and Dolný Kubín.

  10. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Jura

    Contains documents from the Jura, a mountainous, sparsely-populated region on the eastern border of France, once part of the Franche-Comté. The documents concern the anti-Jewish laws put into effect, certain Jews who held government jobs and were given special permission to keep them, the cancellation of Vichy laws allowing lawful pillaging of Jewish property under “Aryanization”, letters that singled out Jews in hiding to the authorities, documents dealing with foreigners who had been given exile in 1939, arrests of Jews by German authorities, and post-war Zionist youth camps.

  11. Selected records related to A.C. Cuza and the National Christian Party

    Contains records relating to A. C. Cuza, a leading anti-Semite in Romania and the leader of the National Christian Party (PNC) which was in power December 1937 to February 1938. Also contains records relating to Istrate Micescu, the Justice Minister of the PNC administration.

  12. Ralph Mayer collection

    Consists of two large photograph albums both containing enlarged black and white photographs. One album shows the interior of the pre-war family home in Krefeld, Germany, while the other shows the interior of the family's cardboard factory in Krefeld. Also includes five identity documents for Rolf Mayer (now Ralph Mayer), born in 1928 in Krefeld, who immigrated to the United States with his family in January 1939.

  13. Papers of Jacob Pat (Fond WAG 127)

    Includes correspondence, essays and writings, and other material pertaining to Pat's work with the Jewish Labor Committee. Correspondence (1937-1971) includes one file of obituary and memorial articles, and thirty-two files of correspondence, arranged chronologically. The correspondence includes both incoming and outgoing letters, reflecting Pat's involvement with a wide range of Jewish political and cultural organizations, and personal correspondence with friends from many countries. Of special note is a file of correspondence related to the publication of his conversations with Jewish Wri...

  14. The Theo Oberheitmann collection Sammlung Theo Oberheitmann

    Contains records concerning press politics in the Third Reich: confidential circulars (“Vertrauliche Informationen”, “Sonderinformationen”) to German press from the Reichspropagandaamt Hessen-Nassau.

  15. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of Lot-et-Garrone

    Contains records from various divisions of the Prefect’s Office, particularly the bureau of the police dealing with foreigners, the tax office, and the division of the police “Renseignements généraux” devoted to internment camps. Includes pre-war records on resident aliens in France, including internees; foreigners of various nationalities; wartime arrests; repressive practices of the Vichy government; regulations, proclamations, instructions and the like; many lists of Jews residing in department of the Lot-et-Garonne and the Gironde containing much biographical data; information on convoy...

  16. Garibaldi receives the Knight's Cross

    General Italo Gariboldi, Commander of the Italian 8th Army, shakes hands with Hitler and with Wilhelm Keitel. Hitler awards Gariboldi the Knight's Cross. Hitler welcomes King Boris of Bulgaria to the Berghof. The king's car arrives and Hitler accompanies him into the Berghof.

  17. Curt and Irene Sachs travel documents

    Consists of two German passports ("Reisepaesse") issued to Irene Lewin Sachs and Curt Sachs. Irene Lewin Sachs was born in Berlin in August 31, 1888; the passport, which includes a photograph, was issued on March 9, 1937. Curt Sachs was born in Berlin on June 29, 1881; the passport was issued on April 22, 1937. Curt Sachs was a prominent musicologist. Curt and Irene Sachs immigrated to the United States in 1937.

  18. Children eat and play on the terrace with their parents, prewar Poland

    The two children eat at a small table out of bowls. Nurse, and Thomas's mother Nelly sit and watches them eat, often correcting what could be considered early table manners. Hanna runs around with a wooden cane. The children play with fake cigarettes. They then are given buckets and watering cans by Hanna's mother Ella. They run around the porch.

  19. Henry Barson collection

    Consists of 49 photographs of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen from the collection of Henry Barson, a member of the 249th Battery of the British 63rd Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Artillery, 11th Armoured Division, which liberated the camp on April 15, 1945. Includes portraits of survivors and images of the burial of bodies.

  20. Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Inc. collection

    Consists of the minutes of the advisory committee of the Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Inc. which took place in New York, NY between September 1949 and December 1951. The committee's role was to evaluate and distribute Jewish material culture which had been confiscated in Nazi Europe. Includes description of and details regarding the distribution of Jewish artifacts, manuscripts, and artwork. Hannah Arendt acted as secretary for the committee.