Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,081 to 7,100 of 55,889
  1. Houston Deford photographs

    Consists of six photographs taken by Houston "Dee" Deford, a member of the 104th Infantry Division, after the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp The photographs depict the preparation of corpses for burial. Includes handwritten description on the verso, giving the date of the photographs as "April 1, 1945" [likely May 1, 1945].

  2. Kenneth C. Myers photograph collection

    Consists of two original photographs and two enlarged copyprints of the same images, which were taken by Kenneth C. Myers, a mechanic with the 12th Armored Division, which participated in the liberation of Dachau. One photograph depicts the landscape of the camp and barbed wire, while the other depicts corpses on a cart.

  3. Mendel and Marta Miller family papers

    Contains photographs, immigration documents, and identification certificates, related to the period when Mendel and Marta Miller lived in the Feldafing displaced persons camp, and their subsequent immigration to the United States. Also included correspondence relating to Marta Miller's restitution claims against the West German government from 1982.

  4. Scrapbook of the Invasion of France

    Consists of one scrapbook, bound with fabric and a red wooden spine, containing mounted aerial military photographs of areas of France, circa 1940, likely taken during the May 1940 invasion of France by a member of the German military. Also includes photographs of the aftermath of ground warfare; many of the images are captioned and some of the aerial photographs are marked.

  5. Dora Pinkus Staub papers

    Consists of documents and correspondence related to Dora Pinkus Staub, originally of Gleiwitz. Includes correspondence from Dora, who was elderly and living in Berlin, Germany, from 1940-1941, prior to her deportation to Theresienstadt. Also includes a confirmation of her 1862 birth from a registry and notes regarding family genealogy.

  6. P. Victor Morse photograph collection

    Consists of eight photographs taken by United States Army serviceman P. Victor Morse near Essen, Germany, in May 1945. The photographs depict German civilians reburying the corpses of slave laborers who were murdered in a nearby wooded area. Also includes an image of the destroyed Krupp Works factory in Essen, taken in June 1945.

  7. Jacqueline Bernadet collection

    Consists of photographs taken of the forced reburial of corpses in Germany (possibly in Lüneburg) in the spring of 1945. Also includes color copies related to the wartime and post-war experiences of Jacqueline Bernadet, who was a member of the French Resistance, including a photograph, her portrait and French passport, and documentation related to her work with the Allied occupying forces in France.

  8. Harry Felzer photograph collection

    Consists of photographic negatives taken after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp from the collection of Harry Feltzer, who was a photographer in the United States Army. Also includes a negative of a building displaying Nazi insignia.

  9. "Account of Flight with American Newspaper Editors and Publishers Investigating War Damages and Atrocities in Germany"

    Consists of one photocopy of a typed testimony, 15 pages, entitled "Account of Flight with American Newspaper Editors and Publishers Investigating War Damages and Atrocities in Germany," written by John Whitehead on May 2, 1945. In the testimony, Mr. Whitehead describes flying over the rubble of buildings in Germany, hearing from newspaper editors about their experiences in Europe thusfar, and participating in the tour of the Dachau concentration camp.

  10. Selected records from the Croatian State Archives related to the prewar history of the Jewish communities of Croatia

    Contains selected records created by the regional authorities within Croatia related to Jews and Jewish communities in Croatia in 1918-1941. It includes information about Jewish organizations and associations active in prewar Croatia. The bulk of the collection relates to the foreign Jews entering or transiting through the territory of Croatia from the neighboring countries. It includes individual police and surveillance files, various name lists, police files of foreign Jews, including a list of Jewish refugees from Germany, Poland and Hungary, statistics, permission for temporary stay or ...

  11. Alliance of Swiss Jewish Care Organizations Verband Schweizerischer Jüdischer Fürsorgen (VSJF)

    Jewish refugee dossiers with biographical data for individuals who were getting support and care provided by the Verband Schweizerischer Juedischer Fürsorgen (VSJF). The dossiers include documentation and correspondence regarding entry and leaving the country, family relatives living in Switzerland and abroad, legal status, aid provided, accommodations, educational programs, health problems, internment in labor camps, professional occupation, legal processes, Jewish property and restitution matters, etc.; VSJF office files during period of years 1944-1979: protocols, minutes, correspondence...

  12. Ministerul Propagandei Nationale Selected records from the Ministry of National Propaganda (Fond 730)

    Contains records relating to speeches by Argetoianu, and C. Giurescu, miscellaneous information about the Iron Guard and Antonescu's activities, speeches by prominent Iron Guard members, propaganda articles about Antonescu, material related to the confiscation of Jewish property, and the relationship between Iron Guard and Nazi ideology. Includes reports from Paris about anti-Semitism, foreign views on the policies of the Goga government, speeches by Carol II, diplomatic reports from Bucharest and Berne relating to Nazi propaganda, reports from the Hungarian, Polish, American, Austrian, and...

  13. Selected records from the collections of the Teleorman branch of the Romanian National Archives

    This collection contains selected records of: The Prefecture of the sub-district of Alexandria- relating to Iron Guard goods, as well as a file on Jews, and the forced labor of Jews; The Mayorship of Zimnicea-relating to the identification of Germans and Jews, the surveillance of the Iron Guard, orders concerning the confiscation of Jewish property, lists of goods belonging to Adventists, confiscation of property from Elias Abramovici, and orders and instructions regarding the restoration of civil rights to Jews; The Mayorship of Teleorman-relating to the surveillance of Jews and Iron Guard...

  14. Selected records from the collections of the Olt branch of the Romanian National Archives

    This collection contains records from the following groups: 1. The Mayorship of the town of Slatina, including correspondence relating to Jews and Roma, the forced labor of Jews, and confiscation of real estate; 2. The Police of the Town of Caracal, containing records relating to the control of refugees, Poles, Jews, Bulgarians, and Germans, census of Jews, surveillance of Iron Guard, and recruitment of young Jews; 3. The Prefecture of the sub-district of Caraca,l containing name-lists of Jews in agricultural forced labor, and records relating to the liquidation of debts of Jews interned in...

  15. Selected records of the Synagogue Kadoorie Mekor-Haïm and the Comissão de Assistência aos Judeus Refugiados in Lisbon and Porto

    This collection contains forms filled out by refugees from all over Europe requesting financial aid and assistance to obtain resident or transit visas and some type of work from the Comissão de Assistência aos Judeus Refugiados during WW II. There are also files grouped chronologically by year, of people requesting work or some type of help from the Jewish Community of Porto, as early as 1933. Includes correspondence concerning these requests, telegrams, documents concerning accounting and money transfers, correspondence with the head of the Commissão de Assistência in Lisbon, the HICEM in ...

  16. Reich Commissioner for the Reunification of Austria with the German Reich Bürckel Materie Reichskommissar für die Wiedervereinigung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich (Sign. AT-OeStA/AdR ZNsZ RK)

    Contains records pertaining to the aryanization and expropriation of Jewish property and assets, racial laws, police, cultural matters, finances, propaganda and media. Among the documents is a large quantity of letters from private individuals to Nazi Governor Bürckel, including mail from citizens denouncing their Jewish as well as non-Jewish neighbors.

  17. Selected records from archival collection of the National Archive of Moldova related to the History of the Jewish communities of Bessarabia

    The collection contains records related to the history of the Jews and Jewish community in Bessarabia ( Moldova) before WWII. The bulk of this collection are records of the regional and district government agencies (preturas and primarias) related to various aspects of the economical, educational, political activities of the Jewish population residing in Bessarabia during the interwar period.( 1918-1940). The collections consists of general records and individual files related to the taxation of the Jewish-owned business and shops, certificates allowing Jews to open private businesses, resi...

  18. Ofner family papers

    Consists of documents, day planners, photograph albums, and loose photographs related to the experiences of Curt and Betty Ofner and their son Peter, originally of Berlin, Germany. Includes pre-war family documents, education documents, and correspondence documenting the family's life and work in Berlin, Peter's emigration in 1939 to Stockholm and subsequently to Great Britain, where he reunited with his parents. Includes passports (Reisepass), Curt Ofner's paperwork to continue a teaching career in Great Britain, correspondence, family photographs, and Peter Ofner's 1939 and 1943 day plann...

  19. Frantisek Vohryzek family papers

    Consists of original documents, correspondence, and copyprints related to Frantisek Benno Vohryzek, originally of Hrdlovka, Czechoslovakia. Includes documents related to Vohryzek's emigration to Ecuador in 1939, his life in Ecuador, emigration to the United States in 1944, and related to learning that his parents and sister perished during the Holocaust. The Frantisek Vohryzek papers document the experience of a Czech refugee immigrating to Ecuador in early 1939. The collection includes his emigration and identity papers for the immigration, correspondence with his parents and sister remain...

  20. Collection of memoirs, testimonies and questionnaires of the former prisoners Zbiór pamiętników, relacji i ankiet byłych więźniów (Sygn. VII)

    Contains hundreds of memoirs, diaries, and other written accounts created by former prisoners of Majdanek and nearby camps. Most of these accounts were collected as the result of five projects organized by the State Museum of Majdanek from 1965 to 1980. The projects sought to document how the camps and prisons in the Lublin region operated, the help rendered to victims, children, and the history of the camp of KL Majdanek. Some diaries have been published, and some are just copies obtained from other archives.