Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,961 to 6,980 of 55,889
  1. Sailing on the SS Normandie in 1938

    People on board the SS Normandie sailing from Le Havre, France on October 5, 1938, including Erna, leaning against the rails, reading papers. More views of ship passengers and Sally at 01:44:39.

  2. Kedar (Krausz) family photographs

    Contains two photographs: one showing Dr. Samuel and Dr. Lydie Krausz (donor's parents) in Nitra, 1936; the second depicting the donor's parents before their marriage in Prague, 1930.

  3. Max and Sara Stodel papers

    Documents and photographs surrounding the experiences of Max (Mozes) Stodel and his wife Sara, Halberstadt-Carels. The collection includes a photograph of Mozes Stodel, a photograph of two unidentified women (likely Sara Halberstadt-Carels), a repatriation document for Mozes Stodel, and a medical clearance certificate and displaced persons registration card for Sara Halberstadt-Carels.

  4. Paul W. Himan Jr. narrative

    Narrative typescript text, one page, written by Paul Himan, a soldier stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army, describing his responses to his visit to the Buchenwald concentration camp following its liberation. The text, dated 6 May 1945, and sent to his mother in the United States, describes the living conditions of prisoners at the camp, how a liberated prisoner gave him a tour of the camp and described his own experiences there, the crematoria at the camp, and Himan's feelings about Germans following his tour of this camp.

  5. Frieder children at play

    Morris and Julia Frieder's children in Cincinnati, Ohio in the early 1930s. Jane (b. 1927), the oldest daughter of the family, and her classmates climb on a jungle gym on a rooftop playground at the University of Cincinnati nursery school. 00:02:00 Jane, with the short, dark hair, plays in the sandbox. Jane and her younger sister Peggy (b. 1930) play outside their home wearing bathing suits.

  6. Abstract contemporary painting

  7. Frieders travel home via China

    The Frieder family stops over in Hong Kong (like the brief shot in Film ID 2956 at 00:02:46) - Corinne and the children ride in rickshaws, locals in the street. The Frieder family tours a park with massive Buddha statue. More street scenes with locals. 01:08:52 Rickshaws with the Frieders. Crowds next to a large docked ocean cruiser with confetti. Pan of ships in the harbor, glimpse of an American flag on the large ship, and parked rickshaws and automobiles on the dock. The cruiser departs, confetti breaks, people wave. 01:10:54 Morris Frieder shakes hands with men. Two young women and some...

  8. Sacher family papers

    This collection includes correspondence, including Red Cross letters sent to and from Israel and Grete Sacher, in Vienna, to their son Friedrich, in Tel Aviv, 1941; copies of documents (2) obtained by Friedrich Sacher prior to his emigration from Austria, 1938-1939; letter to Friedrich Sacher from Jewish Council of Prague, 1946, informing him of his mother's deportation to Theresienstadt in 1942 and her subsequent deportation to Auschwitz, 1944; a card from Grete Sacher, acknowledging receipt of a package, Theresienstadt, 1943; and three photographs of Israel and Greta Sacher, 1928-1940.

  9. Illustration 1 from a handmade portfolio of illustrations by Herbert Heyne and Erich Kästner

    Book of illustrations sent by Herbert Heyne to Walter Furst. The book was a gift from Heyne to Furst and was written with Erich Kästner in 1945. It features color illustrations by Heyne and offers a comical and critical depiction of National Socialism and Nazi militarism.

  10. Trials of the German collaborators conducted after WWII on the territory of the Georgia SSR kept by the ex-KGB Archives Postwar trials and investigations from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Republic of Georgia (Fond 6)

    Criminal investigation files and records of trials of residents of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic accused of wartime crimes. It includes interrogation transcripts, witness statements, arrest warrants, sketches, diagrams, photographs, and other evidentiary documents related to suspected war criminals.

  11. Records from the Archives of the Jewish Community of Larisa, Greece

    Records of the Jewish Community of Larissa of the postwar period (1946-2014). Records consists mostly of correspondence of the Community Council and materials related to rehabilitation and restitution efforts after the Holocaust. Included are: minutes of the Community Council’s meetings; notes, memoranda, reports, minutes and correspondence with other Greek Jewish Communities, the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece, institutions inside and outside the country (Municipality of Larissa, Bishop of Larissa, Health institutions etc.); financial documents: lists of expenses, invoices, ...

  12. Chana and Amatzia Tzirin papers

    The collection includes postcards sent by Chana Sara Pronska from Grajewo and by Yosef Fichman in Swiniuchy (currently Pryvitne, Ukraine) to son Arie (Leib) Fichman, in Tel Aviv, to his bride Chava Pronska, and to Chava’s mother and Chana Sara’s sister, Rachel and Mordechai Pronski in Tel Aviv as well as photographs sent by family in Poland to relatives who immigrated to Palestine. Mate and Feige Fichman, Klara Jastrzab, Rachel and Chava Jastrzab, and other unidentified relatives are included in the photographs.

  13. Eller family collection

    Two letters and one envelope from Leon "Melamet" (donor's paternal uncle, brother of donor's father Charles), Sabina (donor's paternal aunt, sister of Charles and Leon) is mentioned in the letters. Three photographs: one of Sabina and the other two are unknown. Marriage certificate: for Fritz and Dora Feiler (Charles's second wife/donor's step mother) issued in Vienna, Austria in 1938

  14. Hospital; German POWs march; SA headquarters; Russian captain with US military and Germans

    (LIB 6276) Former POW hospital complex now occupied by American troops from the 666th Medical Collecting Company. The CUs of patients are former Soviet soldiers. Malnourished former prisoners of war stare at camera from hospital beds. CU of emaciated body. 00:00:27 Wounded man with amputated leg lies crying in bed. CU of injury. Former prisoner still in striped uniform in bed. 00:01:00 Hospital complex. Soldiers relax on lawn. One has a bandage covering his eye. Group posing. Soldiers look at sky. The complex. 00:02:04 Sign reads "Prov. PWX Hospital Hamm." The letters "PWX" overlay the orig...

  15. Harold Burson collection

    Collection consists of 44 typescript and mimeograph texts of the radio scripts authored by Burson, summarizing each day's proceedings of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which were broadcast each evening over the American Forces Network (AFN). According to Burson, most scripts were written in the evening following the day’s trial proceedings and in preparation for a 9:00 p.m. broadcast over AFN. The scripts cover the period between 19 November 1945 and 29 March 1946, and while typically consisting of brief summaries of the day's events in the courtroom, they sometimes also ...

  16. Berlin 1900

    Berlin from the turn of the century. EXT of the Reichstag, Bismarck Memorial. Automobiles pass, men walk along the street. Statue/fountain. Horse and buggy, pedestrians, and cyclists pass. A group of men stand around a cannon and look toward the camera. Two boys pose while a crowd forms in the BG. Berliner Dom. A busy street. Crowd looks at cannon outside. Richard Wagner statue in the Grosser Tiergarten. Busy street, trams, pedestrians, carriages. Victory Column. EXT of the Reichstag. Albrecht von Roon statue. Busy street, "Friseur" [hair salon]. Crowded train station. Train pulls into the ...

  17. Preskovsky family papers

    Collection of documents and photographs relating to Chana Tykocka Preskowski (donor’s mother) who together with her two small daughters, Bella (b. 1933) and Lea (b. 1935) travelled in the spring of 1939 from Tel Aviv to Grajewo, Poland to visit her parents, Mordechai and Ryvka Tykocki. With the German invasion of Poland and the Soviet annexation of Eastern Poland, Chana and her daughters were unable to leave. Jacob Preskovsky, Chana’s husband and the father of the two girls, was a Palestinian citizen, and he managed to arrange for “Emergency Certificates” for his wife and children. They rea...

  18. Lola Goldsmith family papers

    Correspondence, travel documents, alien registration forms, naturalization papers, photographs, photo albums, prayer books, belonging to the family of Lola Goldsmith (née Hannelore Goldschmidt) and her parents, Walter and Else Goldschmidt, documenting their emigration from Hildesheim, Germany in July 1939, their stay in England from 1939 to 1947, and their immigration to the United States. Additional documents relate to the parents of Walter Goldschmidt, Albert and Marta (Ochs) Goldschmidt.

  19. Selected records related to evacuation from the State Archive of the Republic of Mari El, Russian Federation

    Contains various records and correspondence files created by the Soviet Government and Communist Party authorities related to the evacuation of civilians to the Republic Mari El during WWII. It includes lists of evacuees, statistical data, information about food and medical supplies etc provided by the above-named authorities to the evacuated population.