Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,801 to 6,820 of 55,889
  1. Nazi Party rally stereograph depicting Hitler and the Nazi Leadership

    Stereoscopic photograph card, Reichsparteitag der Ehre, image 53, depicting Hitler and the Nazi Party leadership saluting a large crowd at a Nazi Party rally.

  2. Josef and Josefine Schmitz papers

    The Josef and Josefine Schmitz papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, emigration files, photographs, and restitution files documenting their lives in Břeclav, Vienna, Brno, and Tel Aviv; their emigration from Czechoslovakia to Palestine in 1939 with their daughter Judith; and their efforts to recover their property and receive restitution after the war. Biographical materials include birth, marriage, and health certificates; school records; and identification and military papers documenting Josef, Josefine, and Judith Schmitz along with correspondence and forms documentin...

  3. Sondergericht Litzmannstadt Special Court Litzmannstadt Sąd Specjalny w Łodzi (Sygn.196)

    This collection consists of files of the Special Court in Łódź, as well as the files of the Landgericht (District Court) and Amtsgericht. Along with the court files there are also reference files of the prosecutor. The collection consists of selected files: all cases related to the resistance movement have been copied, as well as those related to political activity, religious activity and, widely considered Jewish matters. Other cases were illustrated as examples in some dozen cases. Thus, for example,. illegal trade, illegal slaughter, illegal manufacture of vodka and other crimes of econo...

  4. Selected records of the Ustaška nadzorna služba (UNS) in Sarajevo Ustaška nadzorna služba (UNS)

    Contains records of activities of the Ustaška nadzorna služba (UNS) regional office in Sarajevo: fight against the Communist partisan and Serbian (Chetniks) resistance, daily and weekly intelligence reports about the political situation in the region, investigation of the activities of the local individuals suspected in the clandestine Communist work or contacts with Communist partisans and Chetniks, reports about attacks and killings organized by Chetniks and partisans against local supporters of the Usatsha regime, and similar reports.

  5. Bachrach and Steinhardt families collection

    Photographs and biographical materials documenting the experiences of Enny Bachrach and her husband Siegfried Steinhardt. Photographs include WWI images of Louis Bachrach, Enny’s father, in his battalion and in a field hospital, and later undated images of various family members. Biographical materials include birth certificates for Siegfried Steinhardt, Enny Bachrach, Evelina Steinhardt, and two immigration documents issued to Enny Bachrach from civil authorities in Eisenach, Germany and the Bolivian consulate in Hamburg. Also included is a Jewish wedding certificate (ketubah) for Enny and...

  6. Sobel family papers

    The Sobel family papers consist of a journal, photographs, and subject files relating to Herman, Salomea, and Judyta’s pre-war and postwar experiences in Ukraine and Poland. The collection includes a journal kept by Herman for his daughter from 1925-1937 documenting his observations of his family’s life and his memory of fighting in World War I, an English translation of the journal, originals and copies of family photographs from World War I to 1967, a copy of a postwar letter, and a newspaper clipping relating to Herman’s participation in the discovery of one of the Ringelblum Archive mil...

  7. Hashomer Hatzair in Austria (R-9-2) השומר הצעיר באוסטריה.

    Contains name lists of the Holocaust survivors (1946-1947), members of the Hashomer Hatzair in Austria (1946), materials on the 22nd Zionist Congress (1946), a notebook "Son's Rebellion " in Yiddish, correspondence with other branches, the central leadership and MAPAM organisations, circulars of Linz branch, a speech of Andrei Gromyko on May 14, 1947 on Palestine partition plan in Yiddish and Polish. Also contains reports, notes on activities of the Omer and Magen groups (gari'in) (1959-1966), issues of the magazine "Hevrateynu" (1961-1978), and brochures of Vienna branch (ken), 1981-1985.

  8. German Jewish family life prewar and postwar

    01:00:00 Roll 18. People wait to board COBRA ship in Cuxhaven, Germany in Summer 1931. Otto films as their boat passes by the German archipelago, Heligoland, and the distinctive Lange Anna. Otto smiles as he looks at the newborn twins. Otto and proud mother Hanna. 01:05:05 Roll 19. Farming. Women and children in traditional dress in Volendam, Holland. Plaut family by their car. Continuation of beach visit to Zandvoort in June 1932 from roll 15 in Film ID 4108. Hanna writes at a table. Renate cries and plays with other children on the beach. 01:09:30 Roll 20. Renate, Otto, Hanna, and others ...

  9. Louis G. Melillo photograph collection

    Photographic print: image of victims found in the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation, captioned "Bodies / Buchenwald / German"; Photographic print: image of two American soldiers seated on top of stone sign that reads "Buchenwald," appears that image was printed in reverse, captioned "Katz & me / Buchenwald / 7 June 1945"; Photographic print: image of field with large building in background, captioned "Fulda, Germany - field opposite offices"; captions handwritten on verso; in English; Taken from photo album of Louis G. Melillo who served with the US Army in Germany during W...

  10. US anti-Nazi boycott stamp with a Star of David and a Nazi wolf

    Red, white, and blue single poster stamp or sticker issued to promote a boycott of Hitler. It depicts a snarling Nazi dog barred from entering a chained gate marked brotherhood of man, guarded by an American eagle. After Hitler came to power in Germany in January 1933, several organizations in the United States sponsored campaigns urging people to not buy or support Nazi related products. Among the groups calling for boycotts of Nazi Germany were the American League for the Defense of Jewish Rights, the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights, and the Joint Boycott Council.

  11. District Court in Częstochowa Sąd Okręgowy w Częstochowie (Sygn. 300)

    This collection comprises selected materials concerning civil cases and criminal cases. The largest group of records concern litigations, including cases relating to mortgages, property, estates, indemnities, and related subjects, and cases not in litigation, including sales of estates, death certificates, rectification of registry acts, and adoption of a child. Additional files relate to criminal activity, mostly concerning theft. Selected files refer only to Jews, and contain records with personal data (apart from merits of the case).

  12. Poster, "Deliver us from evil" Buy War Bonds

    American WWII poster, "Deliver us from evil"/Buy War Bonds. Black and white photograph of a child's face superimposed on a swastika.

  13. G. Michael Eisenstadt family papers

    The G. Michael Eisenstadt family papers consist of certificates, a ship ticket, and correspondence from Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) and the Warsaw ghetto documenting Isidor Eisenstadt's training as a master tailor from 1901-1921, the immigration of his wife and sons to the United States in 1939, conditions in the Warsaw ghetto, and his efforts to immigrate.

  14. Bulgarian forced labor camp photographs

    Photographs of Jews in a Forced Labor Camp in Bulgaria, 1943

  15. Pirika Hershkowitz collection

    The collection includes a calendar in which Pirika Hershkowitz noted significant dates after her and her cousin, Matilda Herz, escaped from a death march from Auschwitz-Birkenau on February 2, 1945. The collection also includes pre-war family photographs in Gherla, Romania and post-war photographs from Cluj and Gherla, Romania where Piri Hershkowitz married Karoly Klein on July 27, 1945 as well as an identification document issued by the Romania authorities to Piri Klein and two letters and a note sent from Bucharest to Piri Hershkowitz.

  16. Otto J. Kahn photograph collection

    Consists of a copyprint depicting members of the Counter Intelligence Corps, including Otto J. Kahn (born in 1906) in uniform (second from the left). Otto, who was born Jewish in Germany, left Stuttgart in 1926 and lived in Chicago. The photograph was taken during the war, though the exact date and location is unknown. Also includes a copyprint of rubble, likely in Germany.

  17. Employment card issued to F. Galicka, Łódź, Poland, 1942.

    One document, titled "Beschäftigungs-karte" (Employment Card) issued to a woman with the last name of Galicka (née Wyzner), first name illegible, by the Arbeitsamt Litzmannstadt (Employment Office, Łódź, Poland), in March 1942, at which time the bearer of the card was declared to be unemployed. Last, stamp on document is 25 August 1942.

  18. Paul Frank postcard

    Contains a postcard, dated January 8, 1940, sent by Paul Frank to his family, stating that he is happy his family avoided his fate and he will write again when he will receive permission to do so. Paul Frank was deported from the Ostrava region in Slovakia in the so-called Nisko Plan, in October 1939.

  19. Materials collected by the Foundation of Polish-German Reconciliation (FPNP) concerning forced labor in III Reich Materialy zebrane przez Fundacja Polsko-Niemieckie Pojednanie (FPNP) dotyczące pracy przymusowej w III Rzeszy

    The collection contains various records collected by the Polish-German Reconciliation Foundation (FPNP) during the project related to the payment of indemnities to Polish citizens for their forced labor on the territories of the Third Reich. Records include questionnaires, accounts, memoirs, diaries, interviews, correspondence, press cuttings; some photographs or other related documents are attached to the forced laborers files.