Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,241 to 1,260 of 55,889
  1. Collection of the Protestantsch Hulp Comité voor Uitgewekenen om Ras en Geloof (Protestant Help Committee to Refugees of Race or Religion) in the Netherlands, 1939-1940

    Collection of the Protestantsch Hulp Comité voor Uitgewekenen om Ras en Geloof (Protestant Help Committee to Refugees of Race or Religion) in the Netherlands, 1939-1940 The aim of the Protestant Committee was to give help to Jewish or "partially" Jewish refugees who had been baptized to Christianity, or "Aryans" who were married to Jews; Included in the collection: Circulars, notes and correspondence related to the Protestant Help Committee in Amsterdam, 1940; Correspondence between the committee's chairman Professor V. H. Rutgers and various organizations and persons, including the Central...

  2. Documentation from the Senatsverwaltung fuer Gesundheit in Berlin, 1922-1967

    Documentation from the Senatsverwaltung fuer Gesundheit in Berlin, 1922-1967 The Senatsverwaltung fuer Gesundheit office was established in Berlin in 1951 and was dissolved in 1967; nevertheless, Record Group of this organization in the Landesarchiv Berlin was included with archival materials from the Weimar Republic period (including also material from the 19th century) that are related to this subject. The Yad Vashem collection has files from the "Gesundheitswesen in der NS-Zeit" Sub-Record Group (Acc. 1641), that includes material regarding medical treatment in the Jewish population, and...

  3. Documentation from government offices of the Saar region, 1924-1948

    Documentation from government offices of the Saar region Documentation from the following organizations: - Ministerium der Finanzen (one file) - Ministerium für Arbeit, Sozialordnung und Gesundheitswesen (seven files) - Justizministerium (four files). (Regarding the names of the files and their location in the microfilms - see the list of files in the Multimedia page.) Regarding the Innenministerium (Interior Ministry) of the Saar region, a separate sub-record group was opened in Sapir item 11664139. Regarding the Kultusministerium (Religion and Education Ministry) of the Saar region, a sep...

  4. Documentation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Romania - The Military Cabinet, 1940-1944

    Documentation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Romania - The Military Cabinet, 1940-1944 The collection includes documents created by the military cabinet of Ion Antonescu. Included among its subjects: the persecution and deportation of Jews; confiscation of Jewish property; military actions against the partisans; documentation of the Intelligence Service regarding the retreat of the Romanian Army from Bessarabia and northern Bucovina in 1940.

  5. Personal files of the Senatskanzlei (Senate Chamber) in Hamburg

    Personal files of the Senatskanzlei (Senate Chamber) in Hamburg

  6. Documentation of the Galizische SS-Schützendivision (Waffen-SS Galicia Division), 1943-1944

    Documentation of the Galizische SS-Schützendivision (Waffen-SS Galicia Division), 1943-1944 Included in the collection are excerpts from the activities log of the Division, which acted under the supervision of the Ukrainian Nationalists in the Lwow and Tarnopol regions.

  7. Declarations of death (Todeserklärungen), from the Bremerhaven Magistrates Court of Law (Amtsgericht)

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13320719
    • English, Hebrew
    • Legal documentation Official documentation Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors Survey report

    Declarations of death (Todeserklärungen), from the Bremerhaven Magistrates Court of Law (Amtsgericht)

  8. Collection of Erich Rajakowitsch, regarding his trial in Austria, 1905-1988

    Collection of Erich Rajakowitsch, regarding his trial in Austria, 1905-1988 SS Obersturmführer Dr. Erich Rajakowitsch, the head of the Sonderreferat Juden and a friend of Eichmann, organized the deportation of the Jews from 1941 and following; he was responsible for the deportation to Auschwitz of approximately 10,000 Jews from the Netherlands, including Anna Frank; he was put on trial during 1962-1964 for the deportation from France of 83 Jews who were Dutch citizens; he was never put on trial for his involvement in the deportation of Jews from the Netherlands; Included in the file: Docume...

  9. Collection of H. Aa. Jacques: Statistical reports regarding the Jewish population in the Netherlands, 1941-1942

    Collection of H. Aa. Jacques: Statistical reports regarding the Jewish population in the Netherlands, 1941-1942 H. Aa. Jacques, from Amsterdam, composed statistical reports regarding the Jewish population in the Netherlands during the 1940s, including detailed cross-sections according to age, gender, profession and so forth; research regarding the Jewish community in Amsterdam, and the composition of a document regarding education in the Jewish sector during 1941-1942; H. Aa. Jacques served as the head of the Commissie van Onderwijs (Committee on Education) of the Joodsche Raad (Jewish Coun...

  10. Documentation of the Communist Party Committee in the Molotovskiy neighborhood in Belostok, 1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party Committee in the Molotovskiy neighborhood in Belostok, 1941 The Collection includes documentation from the first conference of the Communist Party in Belostok, that took place on 10-11 April 1941, including lists of the Communists who attended the conference and questionnaires of candidates; protocols from the committee meetings.

  11. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Yehiam

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Yehiam Testimonies/ experiences/ memoirs: 1. Moshe Opatovski; 2. Chanania Einhorn Arnon; 3. Ilana (Tanenbaum) Ben Israel; 4. Asher Bentuv; 5. Edna Bentuv; 6. Lea Baram; 7. Tamar Gavish; 8. Yitzhak Zimmerman Degan; 9. Chaya Harari; 10. Miriam Vardi; 11. Abri Sela; 12. Ruthi Sela; 13. Nechama (Shuster) Rahav; 14. Aharon Rahav.

  12. Collection of the Bureau Joodsche Zaken - the Jewish Affairs Department of the Amsterdam Police, 1942-1943

    Collection of the Bureau Joodsche Zaken - the Jewish Affairs Department of the Amsterdam Police, 1942-1943 Included in the collection: Log books and reports produced by the Jewish Affairs Department of the Amsterdam Police, 1942-1943; the Jewish Affairs Department of the Amsterdam Police handled violations of the Germans' decrees, such as the obligation on Jews to wear a yellow badge, the ban on Jews against travelling on public transportation, the obligation for Jews to hand over their bicycles and radios, the giving of shelter to Jews and other anti-Jewish persecutions such as hiding Jews...

  13. Ukrainian newspapers published in the Sumy region during the German occupation, 1941-1943

    Ukrainian newspapers published in the Sumy region during the German occupation, 1941-1943 Included in the collection are issues of the newspapers: Vizrodzhenyya, Novyi Chas, Putyvlyanyn, Vyzvolrnnya, Lebedynskyi Visnyk, Golos Okhtyrshchyny and Sumskyi Visnyk.

  14. File Collection: Correspondence of Rudolph Erwin Alexander Schwalb regarding reparations

    File Collection: Correspondence of Rudolph Erwin Alexander Schwalb regarding reparations

  15. M.1.D - Documentation of the Dachau concentration camp

    M.1.D - Documentation of the Dachau concentration camp In the collection there are files from the Dachau concentration camp which were transferred to Yad Vashem by the Central Historical Commission of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied zone. In the collection there is administrational documentation including a few files kept by the camp administration. In many of the files there are forms for payment and insurance of the inmates. In other files there is personal documentation such as passports and photographs of inmates as well as the central card index file of...

  16. Documentation of the Zentrale Vereinigung osterreichischer Emigranten (Central Association of Austrian Emigrants) in Paris, 1938-1940

    Documentation of the Zentrale Vereinigung osterreichischer Emigranten (Central Association of Austrian Emigrants) in Paris, 1938-1940 The Association was founded in Paris, France, in May 1938, with the goal of uniting the Austrian emigrant organizations under one roof. The documentation contains correspondence and organization fliers, reports regarding activities of Austrian emigrant organizations in various places, as well as diaries and memoirs of the emigrants and lists of Austrian citizens in camps.

  17. O.88 - Documentation regarding commemoration of the Holocaust

    O.88 - Documentation regarding commemoration of the Holocaust The Collection includes documentation from the period after the war pertaining to commemoration and memorialization of the Holocaust. The material in the Collection is varied and multi-lingual; it could be official documentation regarding the establishment of monuments and memorial sites in places where there were mass murders, correspondence of private people with the authorities or correspondence with various bodies regarding the struggle to memorialize those who perished during the Holocaust, memorialization articles and speec...

  18. Documentation of the regional and municipal auxiliary committee to the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding Nazi war crimes in the Kiev region, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the regional and municipal auxiliary committee to the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding Nazi war crimes in the Kiev region, 1944-1945 Included in the collection: - List of the committee's documentation regarding the murder of Jews and non-Jews in Kiev, in Syrets camp and in the Zhaskov district; - Confirmations regarding the number of residents in neighborhoods in the city of Kiev in December 1943; - Lists of residents from Kiev who were deported to Germany and arrested by the Gestapo; - List of POWs who perished in a POW camp in Darnitsa, 1941-1943.

  19. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Brest region, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Brest region, 1944-1945 Included in the collection: - List of residents of Brest, collected during 1941-1944; - Reports, certificates and protocols from investigations of witnesses, regarding the murder of Jews in districts of the Brest region.

  20. Documentation of the Landratsamt Ansbach (District authority of Ansbach) in Bavaria

    Documentation of the Landratsamt Ansbach (District authority of Ansbach) in Bavaria