Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,961 to 1,980 of 55,889
  1. P.6 - Archive of Dr. Wilhelm Filderman, Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, 1924-1947

    P.6 - Archive of Dr. Wilhelm Filderman, Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, 1924-1947 The personal archive of Dr. Wilhelm Filderman, Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, 1924-1941 and 1944-1947, includes 119 bound collections of documents which were submitted to Yad Vashem in 1967. Dr. Wilhelm Filderman was the leader of Romanian Jewry from the early 1920's until 1948. A prominent lawyer, he served as Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania and Chairman of the Union of Romanian Jews. He was Chairman of the Joint Distributi...

  2. O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France

    O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France Documentation regarding Jewish underground heroes who died in France or were deported from France to extermination camps collected by the Association of Jewish Resistance Veterans (ARJF). Copies of the original material have been transferred to the Museum. The original documentation is located in the Yad Vashem Archives; the photographs have been transferred to the Yad vashem Photo Archives. The original numbering of the files has been preserved despite the fact that many files are empty.

  3. P.19 Collection of Carl Lutz, Swiss Diplomat and Righteous Among the Nations, 1935-1970

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019608
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1935-1970
    • Album Letter List of names Newspaper clippings Official documentation Passport Personal documents Photograph Research article Survey report

    P.19 Collection of Carl Lutz, Swiss Diplomat and Righteous Among the Nations, 1935-1970 Carl Lutz (1895-1975) was the Swiss Vice Consul in Jaffa, Eretz Israel, 1935-1941, and in Budapest, Hungary, 1942-1945. Following the German occupation of Hungary, 1944, he was extremely active in rescuing Jews with United States, British, Romanian, El Salvadorian and other citizenships, as well as on behalf of those with certificates to make aliya to Eretz Israel. - The collection was submitted to Yad Vashem in 1981, through the generosity of Agnes Hirschi, Lutz's adopted daughter; - The collection is c...

  4. O.84 - Documentation gathered in preparation of the "Hungarian Communities Registry" published by Yad Vashem

    O.84 - Documentation gathered in preparation of the "Pinkas HaKehillot, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Hungary" published by Yad Vashem The ""Pinkas HaKehillot, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Hungary" Project and a history of the Record Group: "Pinkas HaKehillot, Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Hungary", which was published in 1975 was the third volume in the Yad Vashem "Communities Registry" series. The editorial board members (Theodore Lavi, Nathaniel Katzburg, Shmuel Shichor, Neta Perach and Avraham Shein) wrote in the introduction to the book: "This volume […] went through...

  5. O.62 - Borwicz Collection: Testimonies recorded by the Jewish Historical Commission in Poland

    O.62 - Borwicz Collection: Testimonies recorded by the Jewish Historical Commission in Poland, 1944-1947 Michal Borwicz (Maksymilian Boruchowicz) was born in Krakow in 1911, and died in Paris in 1987. A graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, he was a Jewish Polish author and historian, who studied the history of Polish Jewry during the Holocaust. Borwicz was an inmate in the Janowska camp in Lwow from 1942-1943. He was sentenced to death by hanging, however when the sentence was being carried out, the rope broke. He escaped from the camp and joined the partisans and commanded an...

  6. M.38 - Documentation from the Archive for the Study of Austrian Resistance

    M.38 - Documentation from the Archive for the Study of Austrian Resistance There is much documentation regarding the persecution of opponents of the regime by the Nazi authorities in the Austrian Resistance Movement Archives (Dokumentationsarchiv des Oesterreichischen Widerstands). Within the documentation copied for Yad Vashem, there is material regarding the persecution of the Jews in Austria: orders and official directives, lists of people dismissed from their places of employment due to their Jewishness, reports and surveys regarding specific persecutions written during the period of th...

  7. P.3 -Isaac Weissman Archive: Documentation of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Lisbon

    P.3 -Yitzchak Weisman Archive: Documentation of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Lisbon Isaac Weissman was the WJC representative in Lisbon; he was active in providing assistance to refugees and participating in rescue operations. This Record Group includes Weissman's correspondence from Portugal with the WJC office in New York, diplomatic representatives in Portugal and private individuals and other organizations, 1942-1967.

  8. O.42 - The Brueckheimer Collection regarding the Jewish communities in Bavaria and the Kristallnacht riots throughout Germany

    O.42 - The Brueckheimer Collection regarding the Jewish communities in Bavaria and the Kristallnacht riots throughout Germany The Collection contains information regarding the Jewish communities in Bavaria which were affected by the Kristallnacht riots.

  9. R.2 - National Socialist Party documentation from the Gau Wien (Vienna District), 1938-1945

    R.2 - National Socialist Party documentation from the Gau Wien (Vienna District), 1938-1945 NSDAP Gau Wien was established in 1926. The last Gauleiter (District Director) before the annexation of Austria to Germany was Dr. Leopold Tavs, who was appointed to this position in 1937. On 22 May 1938, after the Anschluss, when all the institutions in Austria, including the Nazi institutions were reorganized, SS-Standartenführer Odilo Globocnik was given that position. He was removed from his job after suspicions of corruption on his part arose, and Josef Bürckel was appointed in his place on 31 J...

  10. P.7- Archive of Marc Jarblum, Zionist Leader and one of the leaders of the Jewish underground in France, 1941-1967

    P.7- Archive of Marc Jarblum, Zionist Leader and one of the leaders of the Jewish underground in France, 1941-1967 Marc Jarblum was one of the leaders of the Poalei Zion movement in Poland, the Federation des Societes Juives de France (FSJF- Federation of Jewish Societies in France) and the Jewish underground in France during World War II. This record group contains a bibliographical sketch, letters written by Jarblum, and information regarding Jewish organizations in France, persecution of the Jews, material about the French underground, information concerning post war events, corresponden...

  11. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period The collection is primarily comprised of original documents: typewritten documents, manuscripts, surveys and duplicated reports entrusted to the Yad Vashem Archives over the years, mostly by private bodies. The internal division of the Record group was changed a few years ago, and the original division has been entered in the "Previous File" field. The diverse material contains official documents, personal documentation, statistical material, reports and surveys, articles and journalistic pieces from Jewi...

  12. M.9 - Simon Wiesenthal Collection, Archive of the Juedische Historische Dokumentation (Center for Jewish Documentation), Linz, 1938-1951

    M.9 - Simon Wiesenthal Collection, Archive of the Juedische Historische Dokumentation (Center for Jewish Documentation), Linz, 1938-1951 The Jewish Historical Documentation Center in Linz was established in 1947 by Simon Wiesenthal, an engineer from Buczacz, Poland. After his liberation from Mauthausen camp in Austria, Wiesenthal worked toward locating and arresting war criminals. He was also the moving force behind the Association of Former Inmates of Concentration Camps in Austria, and among the founders of the International Organization of Former Inmates of Nazi Camps. As the chairman of...

  13. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period The collection includes documentation regarding the German occupation in many areas of the Soviet Union. The collection includes reports prepared by the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) regarding the murder of Jews in the Soviet Union, deportation of Jews to camps, documentation regarding the members of the Jewish underground and Jewish partisans who were active in Belorussia, 1941-1943, personal documentation belonging to Red Army soldiers, par...

  14. P.49- Archive of Leni Yahil, Holocaust Researcher, 1904-2002

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 5263688
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1904-2002
    • Annotations Article(s), list(s), text(s) Bibliography Booklet(s) Brochure Calendar Lectures Lists Manuscript Newspaper clippings Official documentation Personal documents Research article Statistical data Syllabus Thesis/Dissertation

    P.49- Archive of Leni Yahil, Holocaust Researcher, 1904-2002 Prof. Leni Yahil, the historian, donated the collection to Yad Vashem on 30 December 2004; Sarit Shavit, the researcher, submitted additional material (from File 36 on) to Yad Vashem in October 2009. The collection includes documentation, newspaper clippings, lists, articles, booklets, doctoral dissertations, notes, Leni Yahil's correspondence and more. The documentation relates to the following subjects: the Jews of Denmark during the Holocaust; the Jews of Germany from the 1930s until the Holocaust; the Jews of Sweden, Norway an...

  15. TR.6 - Documentation of the People's Court in Bulgaria, 1944-1945

    TR.6 - Documentation of the People's Court in Bulgaria, 1944-1945 The People's Court was active in Bulgaria from 19 December 1944 until April 1945. It was set up as a special court with the purpose of bringing to trial those people accused of collaboration with the authorities between 01 January 1941 and 09 September 1944. While it was in session, the People's Court handed down approximately 9,550 verdicts leading to the execution of 2,680 people, while the rest of the defendants were sentenced to terms in prison. Among those found guilty was Dimitar Peshev, the Deputy Speaker of the Nation...

  16. O.70 - Josef Rosensaft Bergen-Belsen POW Camp Archive

    O.70 - Josef Rosensaft Bergen-Berlsen DP Camp Archives Bergen-Belsen was liberated by the British Army, 15 April 1945. There were approximately 58,000 survivors at the time of the liberation, of whom approximately 28,000 died from disease and starvation during the first weeks after the liberation. A Displaced Persons (DP) camp was established in Bergen-Belsen and the survivors immediately began to organize themselves. They set up the Central Jewish Committee (CJC) for the camp, headed by Josef Rosensaft. The CJC and its various departments took responsibility for the physical and spiritual ...

  17. O.13 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Bulgaria, mainly from the Holocaust period

    O.13 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Bulgaria, mainly from the Holocaust period In the Record Group there is documentation regarding what happened to Bulgarian Jewry during the 20th century, primarily regarding various subjects from the Holocaust period. The documentation was submitted mainly by private individuals, and it includes: - Documentation regarding anti-Jewish legislation in Bulgaria and Commissariat for Jewish Questions (KEV) activities; - Documentation of Jewish Community institutions and various government offices; - Lists of Jews according to their places of residence an...

  18. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis In the Collection there is documentation including testimonies regarding the resistance of the Czechoslovakian Jews against the Germans during World War II. The people interviewed include former soldiers and officers who fought in the Czechoslovakian Army, Jews who fought in the Royal British Air Force, served in partisan battalions in the Soviet Union or participated in the National Slovak Uprising. There are also testimonies regarding the treatment of Jewish s...

  19. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959

    M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959 There are 220 files in the record group, which includes various publications, such as bulletins, reports, letters and surveys, containing information regarding the condition of the Jews in occupied Europe during World War II. The information was gathered, collated and distributed by Jewish organizations in Eretz Israel, Turkey (Istanbul) and Switzerland during the war and the early postwar years. Some of the communications were intended for distribution solely among the members of the or...

  20. O.34 - Zonabend Collection: Documentation From the Lodz Ghetto

    O.34 - Zonabend Collection: Documentation from the Lodz Ghetto The documentation in this Collection survived due to the initiative of Nachman Zonabend who was in a group of Jewish inmates brought to the Lodz Ghetto to clear away the rubble during the war. Zonabend stole into the building where the Ghetto Archive was kept, rescued the documentation at the risk of his life, and hid it until the end of the war. The documentation is invaluable for the history of the Lodz Ghetto. The collection, from 1939-1945, includes Judenrat posters, circulars issued by the Jewish Community offices in the gh...